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Merge pull request #5043 from byebye/issue_16323
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Fix issue #16323 - implement utf.encodeBack function
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DmitryOlshansky committed Jan 20, 2017
2 parents 35ade48 + 4598404 commit ffba5a2
Showing 1 changed file with 260 additions and 23 deletions.
283 changes: 260 additions & 23 deletions std/utf.d
Expand Up @@ -1132,6 +1132,128 @@ dchar decodeFront(UseReplacementDchar useReplacementDchar = No.useReplacementDch
return decodeFront!useReplacementDchar(str, numCodeUnits);

$(D decodeBack) is a variant of $(LREF decode) which specifically decodes
the last code point. Unlike $(LREF decode), $(D decodeBack) accepts any
bidirectional range of code units (rather than just a string or random access
range). It also takes the range by $(D ref) and pops off the elements as it
decodes them. If $(D numCodeUnits) is passed in, it gets set to the number
of code units which were in the code point which was decoded.
useReplacementDchar = if invalid UTF, return `replacementDchar` rather than throwing
str = input string or bidirectional Range
numCodeUnits = gives the number of code units processed
A decoded UTF character.
$(LREF UTFException) if $(D str.back) is not the end of a valid UTF
sequence. If an exception is thrown, the $(D str) itself remains unchanged,
but there is no guarantee as to the value of $(D numCodeUnits) (when passed).
dchar decodeBack(UseReplacementDchar useReplacementDchar = No.useReplacementDchar, S)(
ref S str, out size_t numCodeUnits)
if (isSomeString!S)
out (result)
if (str[$ - 1] < codeUnitLimit!S)
numCodeUnits = 1;
immutable retval = str[$ - 1];
str = str[0 .. $ - 1];
return retval;
numCodeUnits = strideBack(str);
immutable newLength = str.length - numCodeUnits;
size_t index = newLength;
immutable retval = decodeImpl!(true, useReplacementDchar)(str, index);
str = str[0 .. newLength];
return retval;

/++ Ditto +/
dchar decodeBack(UseReplacementDchar useReplacementDchar = No.useReplacementDchar, S)(
ref S str, out size_t numCodeUnits)
if (!isSomeString!S && isSomeChar!(ElementType!S) && isBidirectionalRange!S
&& ((isRandomAccessRange!S && hasLength!S) || !isRandomAccessRange!S))
out (result)
if (str.back < codeUnitLimit!S)
numCodeUnits = 1;
immutable retval = str.back;
return retval;
numCodeUnits = strideBack(str);
static if (isRandomAccessRange!S)
size_t index = str.length - numCodeUnits;
immutable retval = decodeImpl!(true, useReplacementDchar)(str, index);
return retval;
alias Char = Unqual!(ElementType!S);
Char[4] codeUnits;
S tmp =;
for (size_t i = numCodeUnits; i > 0; )
codeUnits[--i] = tmp.back;
const Char[] codePoint = codeUnits[0 .. numCodeUnits];
size_t index = 0;
immutable retval = decodeImpl!(true, useReplacementDchar)(codePoint, index);
str = tmp;
return retval;

/++ Ditto +/
dchar decodeBack(UseReplacementDchar useReplacementDchar = No.useReplacementDchar, S)(ref S str)
if (isSomeString!S
|| (isRandomAccessRange!S && hasLength!S && isSomeChar!(ElementType!S))
|| (!isRandomAccessRange!S && isBidirectionalRange!S && isSomeChar!(ElementType!S)))
out (result)
size_t numCodeUnits;
return decodeBack!useReplacementDchar(str, numCodeUnits);

// Gives the maximum value that a code unit for the given range type can hold.
package template codeUnitLimit(S)
if (isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!S))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1627,12 +1749,48 @@ version(unittest) private void testDecodeFront(R)(ref R range,

version(unittest) private void testBothDecode(R)(R range,
version(unittest) private void testDecodeBack(R)(ref R range,
dchar expectedChar,
size_t expectedIndex,
size_t expectedNumCodeUnits,
size_t line = __LINE__)
// This condition is to allow unit testing all `decode` functions together
static if (!isBidirectionalRange!R)
import std.string : format;
import core.exception : AssertError;

static if (hasLength!R)
immutable lenBefore = range.length;

size_t numCodeUnits;
immutable result = decodeBack(range, numCodeUnits);
enforce(result == expectedChar,
new AssertError(format("decodeBack: Wrong character: %s", result), __FILE__, line));
enforce(numCodeUnits == expectedNumCodeUnits,
new AssertError(format("decodeBack: Wrong numCodeUnits: %s", numCodeUnits), __FILE__, line));

static if (hasLength!R)
enforce(range.length == lenBefore - numCodeUnits,
new AssertError(format("decodeBack: wrong length: %s", range.length), __FILE__, line));

version(unittest) private void testAllDecode(R)(R range,
dchar expectedChar,
size_t expectedIndex,
size_t line = __LINE__)
testDecode(range, 0, expectedChar, expectedIndex, line);
static if (isBidirectionalRange!R)
auto rangeCopy =;
testDecodeBack(rangeCopy, expectedChar, expectedIndex, line);
testDecodeFront(range, expectedChar, expectedIndex, line);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1662,6 +1820,31 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
assertThrown!UTFException(decodeFront(range, index), null, __FILE__, line);

version(unittest) private void testBadDecodeBack(R)(R range, size_t line = __LINE__)
// This condition is to allow unit testing all `decode` functions together
static if (!isBidirectionalRange!R)
import std.string : format;
import core.exception : AssertError;

static if (hasLength!R)
immutable lenBefore = range.length;

static if (isRandomAccessRange!R)
assertThrown!UTFException(decodeBack(range), null, __FILE__, line);
static if (hasLength!R)
enforce(range.length == lenBefore,
new AssertError(format("decodeBack: length changed:", range.length), __FILE__, line));

@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1696,8 +1879,24 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
assert(decodeFront(range) == '');

testBothDecode(S("\xC2\xA9"), '\u00A9', 2);
testBothDecode(S("\xE2\x89\xA0"), '\u2260', 3);
auto range = S("abcd");
testDecodeBack(range, 'd', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, 'c', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, 'b', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, 'a', 1);

auto range = S("ウェブサイト");
testDecodeBack(range, '', 3);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 3);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 3);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 3);

testAllDecode(S("\xC2\xA9"), '\u00A9', 2);
testAllDecode(S("\xE2\x89\xA0"), '\u2260', 3);

foreach (str; ["\xE2\x89", // too short
Expand All @@ -1708,20 +1907,25 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
testBadDecode(S(str), 0);
testBadDecode(S(str), 1);

//Invalid UTF-8 sequence where the first code unit is valid.
testBothDecode(S("\xEF\xBF\xBE"), cast(dchar)0xFFFE, 3);
testBothDecode(S("\xEF\xBF\xBF"), cast(dchar)0xFFFF, 3);
testAllDecode(S("\xEF\xBF\xBE"), cast(dchar)0xFFFE, 3);
testAllDecode(S("\xEF\xBF\xBF"), cast(dchar)0xFFFF, 3);

//Invalid UTF-8 sequence where the first code unit isn't valid.
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xA0\x80"), 0);
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xAD\xBF"), 0);
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xAE\x80"), 0);
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xAF\xBF"), 0);
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xB0\x80"), 0);
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xBE\x80"), 0);
testBadDecode(S("\xED\xBF\xBF"), 0);
foreach (str; ["\xED\xA0\x80",
testBadDecode(S(str), 0);
Expand All @@ -1736,15 +1940,18 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
(wstring s) => new RefBidirCU!wchar(s),
(wstring s) => new RefRandomCU!wchar(s)))
testBothDecode(S([cast(wchar)0x1111]), cast(dchar)0x1111, 1);
testBothDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xD800, cast(wchar)0xDC00]), cast(dchar)0x10000, 2);
testBothDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xDBFF, cast(wchar)0xDFFF]), cast(dchar)0x10FFFF, 2);
testBothDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xFFFE]), cast(dchar)0xFFFE, 1);
testBothDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xFFFF]), cast(dchar)0xFFFF, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(wchar)0x1111]), cast(dchar)0x1111, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xD800, cast(wchar)0xDC00]), cast(dchar)0x10000, 2);
testAllDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xDBFF, cast(wchar)0xDFFF]), cast(dchar)0x10FFFF, 2);
testAllDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xFFFE]), cast(dchar)0xFFFE, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(wchar)0xFFFF]), cast(dchar)0xFFFF, 1);

testBadDecode(S([ cast(wchar)0xD801 ]), 0);
testBadDecode(S([ cast(wchar)0xD800, cast(wchar)0x1200 ]), 0);

testBadDecodeBack(S([ cast(wchar)0xD801 ]));
testBadDecodeBack(S([ cast(wchar)0x0010, cast(wchar)0xD800 ]));

auto range = S("ウェブサイト");
testDecode(range, 0, '', 1);
Expand All @@ -1754,6 +1961,14 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
assert(decodeFront(range) == '');
assert(decodeFront(range) == '');

auto range = S("ウェブサイト");
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);

foreach (S; AliasSeq!(to!wstring, RandomCU!wchar, (wstring s) => new RefRandomCU!wchar(s)))
Expand All @@ -1764,6 +1979,9 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
testDecode(str, 0, cast(dchar)0x10000, 2);
testDecode(str, 2, cast(dchar)0x1400, 3);
testDecode(str, 3, cast(dchar)0xB9DDE, 5);
testDecodeBack(str, cast(dchar)0xB9DDE, 2);
testDecodeBack(str, cast(dchar)0x1400, 1);
testDecodeBack(str, cast(dchar)0x10000, 2);
Expand All @@ -1778,16 +1996,20 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
(dstring s) => new RefBidirCU!dchar(s),
(dstring s) => new RefRandomCU!dchar(s)))
testBothDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x1111]), cast(dchar)0x1111, 1);
testBothDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x10000]), cast(dchar)0x10000, 1);
testBothDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x10FFFF]), cast(dchar)0x10FFFF, 1);
testBothDecode(S([cast(dchar)0xFFFE]), cast(dchar)0xFFFE, 1);
testBothDecode(S([cast(dchar)0xFFFF]), cast(dchar)0xFFFF, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x1111]), cast(dchar)0x1111, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x10000]), cast(dchar)0x10000, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x10FFFF]), cast(dchar)0x10FFFF, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(dchar)0xFFFE]), cast(dchar)0xFFFE, 1);
testAllDecode(S([cast(dchar)0xFFFF]), cast(dchar)0xFFFF, 1);

testBadDecode(S([cast(dchar)0xD800]), 0);
testBadDecode(S([cast(dchar)0xDFFE]), 0);
testBadDecode(S([cast(dchar)0x110000]), 0);


auto range = S("ウェブサイト");
testDecode(range, 0, '', 1);
Expand All @@ -1797,6 +2019,14 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
assert(decodeFront(range) == '');
assert(decodeFront(range) == '');

auto range = S("ウェブサイト");
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);
testDecodeBack(range, '', 1);

foreach (S; AliasSeq!(to!dstring, RandomCU!dchar, (dstring s) => new RefRandomCU!dchar(s)))
Expand All @@ -1805,6 +2035,9 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
testDecode(str, 0, 0x10000, 1);
testDecode(str, 1, 0x1400, 2);
testDecode(str, 2, 0xB9DDE, 3);
testDecodeBack(str, cast(dchar)0xB9DDE, 1);
testDecodeBack(str, cast(dchar)0x1400, 1);
testDecodeBack(str, cast(dchar)0x10000, 1);
Expand All @@ -1826,6 +2059,10 @@ version(unittest) private void testBadDecode(R)(R range, size_t index, size_t li
S str; size_t i = 0; decodeFront(str, i);
}) & FunctionAttribute.pure_) != 0);
static assert((functionAttributes!({ S str; decodeFront(str); }) & FunctionAttribute.pure_) != 0);
static assert((functionAttributes!({
S str; size_t i = 0; decodeBack(str, i);
}) & FunctionAttribute.pure_) != 0);
static assert((functionAttributes!({ S str; decodeBack(str); }) & FunctionAttribute.pure_) != 0);
Expand Down

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