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GitHub Issue Filter Saver


The new GitHub issues is awesome, but unfortunately issue filters are no longer preserved when clicking on the "issues" icon on the right navigation. This extension saves the last filter you used and loads that instead of a blank slate every time you access the main issues page.

This extension is open source. If you encounter any bugs, don't hesitate to make a pull request or file an issue.

If you're looking for the Chrome version of this extension, head over here.


Just download and install the "GitHub Issues Filter Saver.safariextz" file in the repo. Direct link.

How it works

GitHub issues relies pretty heavily on Javascript & PJAX, and Safari's extension capabilities are a bit restricted as compared to Chrome's (needless to say, the Chrome extension is much simpler). So, here's how it does what it does.

  1. After page load, it goes through every link on the page and converts the targets to absolute URLs and overrides click handlers to call a special function (replaceLinks).
  2. When a link it clicked, the URL is matched to one of two regular expressions; one that indicates it's a filter that should be saved, and one that indicates it's a link that should load the filter (i.e., If it's neither, the link is loaded normally.
  3. If it's a URL that should be saved, save it to the extension's Local Storage to a key created by combining the organization / username and repo name.
  4. If it's a URL that should load the filter, it calls preventDefault on the original click event, pulls out the saved URL from Local Strorage, and then tells Safari to load that URL.
  5. Last but not least, it uses MutationObserver to watch the page for DOM changes. When it's initiated, all new links on the page are replaced and overriden with the custom function. This happens when clicking on the "Labels" or "Assignee" dropdowns, since the HTML within those is populated dynamically through AJAX requests.


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