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A fully functional NFS (Network File System) Version 3 server running an in-memory file system. Includes auxiliary services like portmap and mount.


Following make targets are available. For some targets, Docker and Docker Compose are necessary.

$ make
integration-logs               show logs from nfs-server [requires Docker Compose]
integration-setup              build docker images for integration tests [requires Docker Compose]
integration-shell              enter shell on tester [requires Docker Compose]
integration-teardown           destroy resources associated to integration tests [requires Docker Compose]
integration                    run all integration tests [requires Docker Compose]
unittests                      run all unit tests

General Tips for Debugging

Retrieve logs from NFS server:

$ make integration-logs

Enter a shell. The NFS server is available as nfs-server:

$ make integration-shell
# showmount -e nfs-server  # inside the shell

Cleanup (removes containers and logs):

$ make integration-teardown

Tips for Debugging Protocol Problems

Enter a shell and use tcpdump to record traffic, which can later be analyzed using Wireshark.

$ make integration-shell
# tpcdump -i eth0 -w /tests/dump.pcap &  # run in background

This will capture the network traffic to the NFS server. The directory /tests/ is mounted to the host system. Now run your commands:

# showmount -e nfs-server

Get tcpdump back in the foreground, and close it with CTRL-C:

# fg

You can now analyze test/dump.pcap with Wireshark.

Relevant RFCs for this project

  • RFC1057 RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2
  • RFC1813 NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification
  • RFC1014 XDR: External Data Representation Standard

Golang concepts and best practices considered