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Rasa Semantic Schema DBT Package

Rasa Semantic Schema Package transforms the tracker store events into relational schema suitable for reporting via, for example, users, sessions or interactions tables. It runs on top of data sets (so called sources) created by Rasa Ingestion Pipeline. This pipeline continuously loads the tracker store data into two source schemas that represent event stream from RASA SDK tracker store in relational form.

schema description
{schema_prefix}_event Schema with raw tracker events
{schema_prefix}_model Schema with stories, rules and model domains

See here for source schema details

DBT package will create two more semantic schemas by transforming the tracker store events in source schemas into meaningful and stateful entities like users, sessions, interactions and more.

schema description
{schema_prefix}_staging Various intermediate tables that optimize schema building
{schema_prefix}_views Final semantic schema tables used for reporting

See here for semantic schema details

All the schemas that correspond to a single tracker store share a schema prefix that should be supplied both to the pipeline and this package.

How to Use This Package

We recommend that you add this package as a dependence to your own DBT package. We provide a quick start template here if you do not have experience with DBT.

Package customizations

When to Customize the Package

We advice you to customize your package if

  • you send external user ids in the metadata field of the user message
  • you send external session id in the above metadata
  • you want to track handovers and you have a special action(s) or intent(s) in your model that you want to measure in your reports
  • you have any other intent or action that you want to measure ie. if you have intents that indicate that user is frustrated, you can easily configure the package to start measuring them
  • your bot has multiple skills and you need to measure them separately in your reports.

External user and session ids

Package allows to use a field passed in metadata of user or session_start event as an user identifier. The default is to use sender_id as such. The table users is built upon the user_id passed and such user id is present in sessions and interactions table.

In the same way, additional session identifier can be passed. Such session identifier may be for example used to correlate session between web/mobile app and a bot. The default external session id is again sender_id.

The columns names for user and external session ids may be configured in dbt_project or by passing the variables in command line

dbt run --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks, user_id: metadata__user_id, external_session_id: metadata__mitter_id}" --fail-fast

Configuring metrics on actions and intents counts

Package allows to define actions and intents that are counted in interaction and session level and may be used as a metric. Example

  1. intents and actions that indicate low confidence or fallbacks
  2. intents that indicate that user is frustrated or angry ( and can measure frustration rate )
  3. actions that indicate handoff to agent (and can be used to measure containment/handover rate)
  4. intents that indicate that user disputes the actions of the bot
  5. intents that indicate that user satisfaction with the service

All of those can be set up via seeds or dbt_project variables.

First story intents

Package facilitates surfacing intents that open particular scenario, story or a skill. The list of such intents is configured in seeds and available in interaction and session level as first_intent field.

Running DBT Package Manually

Like any other package, this one can be also run from the command line. This is the preferred method when you need to customize it deeper ie. by changing the transformations in sql files.

Pick Up the Warehouse and DBT Profile

We support both Redshift and BigQuery in the same package. In order to use any of them, you need to provide access credentials to the profile that you choose. Each profile requires set of environment variables to be present and have corresponding .example.env file that you can use to define env variables.

  1. rasa_semantic_schema_redshift and .redshift.example.env profile to connect to Redshift
  2. rasa_semantic_schema_bigquery and .bigquery.example.env profile to connect to BigQuery with a set of environment variables
  3. rasa_semantic_schema_bigquery_service_file and .bigquery_file.example.env profile to connect to BigQuery with a service account credentials file

To use any of the profiles

  1. Enable the profile in dbt_project.yml (or pass the profile explicitly to the dbt command)
  2. Copy the relevant .example.env into .env and fill the environment variables (copying will prevent you from pushing your credentials to repository)
  3. Export the credentials into shell via set -a && source .env && set +a

The documentation is provided here.

Specify the Schema Prefix

The prefix to the schema is passed in source_schema_prefix variable to each dbt command.

Run The Package

  1. install dependencies
dbt deps --profiles-dir .
  1. update seeds
dbt seed --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks}"
  1. run the package
dbt run --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks}" --fail-fast

Easy Experimentation with Destination Schema Prefix

By default destination (staging and views) schemas will use the same schema prefix as source schemas (event and model). Alternative destination schema prefix can be specified with dest_schema_prefix variable. This allows to have several semantic schemas created from single source schema for example to test different settings, run automated tests or experiment with model transformations.

Currently only full refresh runs are supported when destination schema prefix is different from source schema prefix.

dbt run --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks, dest_schema_prefix: findemo_eks_experiments}" --fail-fast --full-refresh

Running in Production

  1. install dependencies (package uses dbt-expectations for testing)
dbt deps --profiles-dir .
  1. update seeds
dbt seed --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks}"
  1. test if source schema (event) was created (or have the package fail on non existing tables)
dbt test --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks}" -s tag:prerequisites

will return non 0 exit code if fails

  1. run the package incrementally
  2. optionally run tests

Package Versioning

Versioning of this package follows the semantic versioning with MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION pattern. This is particularly relevant if you use this package as a DBT dependency in other DBT package.

  1. MAJOR and MINOR indicate significant update that should be deployed manually. Running package should be stopped and dependencies updated. A full refresh of the models may be required before scheduled incremental loads are enabled again.
  2. REVISION may be applied by changing the revision/version in DBT packages.yml. Full refresh is not required

Loads lifecycle and _loads table

Package identifies new data by finding all load identifiers in _loads table in event schema that have only one entry with status 0.

On the successful processing new records are inserted with status = 1.

Full Refresh

Full refresh will take all the existing distinct loads from the _loads table. dbt docs

dbt run --full-refresh --profiles-dir . --vars "{source_schema_prefix: findemo_eks}" --fail-fast