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How to connect to remote PC

Ondřej Michal edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 8 revisions

Much of our development involved testing on localhost i.e. RFEM and the Client are located side-by-side on one computer. Althought this is valid scenario, we aim to enable Client to communicate with RFEM on remote PC. Now, it is possible.

To make it easy here are some usefull tips:

  • Check if ports on the server side (with RFEM) are not blocked for example by antivirus. Default port numbers are 8081-8090.
  • Check if you are using correct IP adress.
  • Check if there are no opened windows if using standard RFEM6 application.

How to find the correct IP adress

When connecting to remote PC, IP address of that PC is needed. You can retrieve it simply by running ipconfig -all in cmd on tagret machine. There, under 'IPv4 Address' is your address. Format is 4 two-digit numbers divided by dot (XX.XX.YY.YY).

How to find the port range

You can find this in RFEM under Options - WebService (click at the option itself at the bottom of Options tab). image

How do I know if the connection works

This is usually best to discuss with IT department, which will probably have to change settings of the antivirus on the target machine. The easiest way to determine wheather the machine is reachable from your PC is to run following script:

import socket

    with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
        s.connect(("", 8081)) # here put the correct IP and port 
    print("Port is reachable")
except OSError as e:
    print("%s" % e)