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This is a singer tap for the Strava API built using Meltano's singer SDK.

Unit Tests Integration tests


Install the repo from source:

pip install git+

To run the tap:

tap-strava --config <path-to-your-config.json> --test

This should validate the tap by trying to sync a single record from the available streams

For developers

If you're using this tap with vscode you can use a devcontainer to get up and running quickly. If you aren't then follow the additional steps below.

poetry install
poetry run pytest

We use mypy for static type checking and black for formatting in CI. To run these locally:

poetry run mypy -p tap_strava
poetry run black tap_strava

It's recommended you set these up as pre-commit hooks to make contributing easier


The tap requires a refresh token, client id, and client secret to be configured. You can get these by following the steps below.

The tap requires a config.json file which contains each of your three credentials. Right now the tap only supports a single stream from the /athlete/activities endpoint but more will be added in the future.

Accepted Config Options

A full list of supported settings and capabilities for this tap is available by running:

tap-strava --about

You'll need to supply three config parameters

Parameter Description Type Env Variable Alias
client_id Unique client identifier for your strava application string (required) TAP_STRAVA_CLIENT_ID
client_secret Unique secret key for your strava application string (required) TAP_STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET
refresh_token Scoped refresh token obtained from the Strava Oauth flow string (required) TAP_STRAVA_REFRESH_TOKEN
start_date Date from which to start syncing data in YYYY-MM-DD format Date (optional) TAP_STRAVA_START_DATE
end_date Date at which to stop syncing data in YYYY-MM-DD format Date (optional) TAP_STRAVA_END_DATE

Note that the usage of start and end date parameters will override the default behaviour of syncing based on incremental state

You can set these parameters as environment variables or by specifying a json configuration file with the following info

    "client_id": "<YOUR CLIENT ID>",
    "client_secret": "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>",
    "refresh_token": "<YOUR REFRESH TOKEN>",
    "start_date": "2021-01-01",
    "end_date": "2021-01-31"

Getting a properly scoped refresh token

The Strava API implements Oauth2 which they've documented in detail here. For the purposes of getting your own data out there is a one time set up process required in order to obtain a properly scoped refresh token so the tap can continue to function. If the tap stops working or you find that the scopes you've requested aren't sufficent to access data you'll have to go through this flow again with the correct scopes.

To make this smoother we'd have to spin up a web server to handle redirect requests and that's not really in scope for this project! If anyone wants to make that happen and pay for the hosting I'd be more than happy to accept a PR. However, I think for the purposes of a data exporting application it's relatively safe to assume that scopes shouldn't change frequently once set.

Before you do any of this I'm assuming you've already created an app on Strava and have a client id and a client secret available. I'm also assuming you have curl installed on the command line.


Open your browser and enter the following URL<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost&approval_prompt=force&scope=<YOUR_SCOPES>

You should be redirected to a Strava authentication modal that looks like:

Strava Auth Modal

After you click authorize you should be redirected to an empty page with a URL that looks like:


Copy the access code and then use it to generate your refresh token:

curl -X POST \
  -d client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> \
  -d client_secret=<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET> \
  -d code=<YOUR_ACCESS_CODE> \
  -d grant_type=authorization_code

You'll get a response like

    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_at": 1672268955,
    "expires_in": 21600,
    "refresh_token": "definitely-a-real-refresh-token",
    "access_token": "definitely-a-real-access-token",

Copy the refresh token and use it to configure the tap along with your client id and client secret.


Singer tap for the Strava API built using the singer SDK







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