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dlwh committed Apr 16, 2013
0 parents commit 0de1dbc
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,549 additions and 0 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

# sbt specific

# Scala-IDE specific

# IntelliJ specific

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions build.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
organization := "org.scalanlp"

name := "puck"

version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

resolvers += ScalaToolsSnapshots

scalaOrganization := "org.scala-lang.virtualized"

scalaVersion := "2.10.1"

scalacOptions += "-Yvirtualize"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"junit" % "junit" % "4.5" % "test",
"org.scalanlp" %% "breeze-core" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT",
"org.scalanlp" %% "breeze-math" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT",
"org.scalanlp" %% "trochee" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"org.scalanlp" %% "epic" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.0.M5b" % "test"
717 changes: 717 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/puck/parser/GPUParser.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/puck/parser/GrammarPartitioner.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
package puck.parser

import collection.mutable
import collection.immutable.BitSet

object GrammarPartitioner {
sealed trait TargetLabel {
def clusterPieces(r: BinaryRule[Int]) = this match {
case Parent => BitSet(r.leftChild) -> BitSet(r.rightChild)
case LeftChild => BitSet(r.parent) -> BitSet(r.rightChild)
case RightChild => BitSet(r.parent) -> BitSet(r.leftChild)

def target(r: BinaryRule[Int]) = this match {
case Parent => r.parent
case LeftChild => r.leftChild
case RightChild => r.parent
case object Parent extends TargetLabel
case object LeftChild extends TargetLabel
case object RightChild extends TargetLabel

case class Partition(targets: BitSet, group1: BitSet, group2: BitSet, isPure: Boolean = true) {
def merge(p: Partition) = Partition(targets | p.targets, group1 | p.group1, group2 | p.group2, false)

def tSize = targets.size

def badness = group1.size + group2.size

def isTooBig(maxSize: Int) = !isPure && (group1.size + group2.size + targets.size) >maxSize

private def restart(initialClusters: Map[Int, Partition], maxPartitionLabelSize: Int, random: =>Double) = {

var clusters = { case (k,v) => BitSet(k) -> v}

def remove(p: Partition, t: Int) = {
(for(t2 <- p.targets if t != t2) yield initialClusters(t2)).reduceLeft(_ merge _)

sealed trait Action { def priority: Double}
case class Merge(p1: Partition, p2: Partition, merged: Partition) extends Action {
val priority = (p1.badness + p2.badness - merged.badness)*random
case class SplitMerge(p1: Partition, p2: Partition, t: Int) extends Action {
val newP1 = remove(p1, t)
val newP2 = p2 merge initialClusters(t)
val priority = (p1.badness + p2.badness - newP1.badness - newP2.badness)*random

implicit val order = Ordering[Double].on[Action](_.priority)

val queue = new mutable.PriorityQueue[Action]
queue ++= {for(p1 <- clusters.values.iterator; p2 <- clusters.values.iterator if p1 != p2) yield Merge(p1, p2, p1 merge p2)}

while(queue.nonEmpty) {
queue.dequeue() match {
case sm@Merge(l, r, merger) =>
if(clusters.contains(l.targets) && clusters.contains(r.targets)) {
if(!merger.isTooBig(maxPartitionLabelSize)) {
clusters -= l.targets
clusters -= r.targets
queue ++= {for(p2 <- clusters.values.iterator) yield Merge(merger, p2, merger merge p2)}
// queue ++= {for(p2 <- clusters.values.iterator; rm <- merger.targets) yield SplitMerge(merger, p2, rm)}
clusters += (merger.targets -> merger)

case sm@SplitMerge(l, r, _) =>
if(clusters.contains(l.targets) && clusters.contains(r.targets)) {
import sm._
if(!newP2.isTooBig(maxPartitionLabelSize)) {
clusters -= l.targets
clusters -= r.targets
queue ++= {for(p2 <- clusters.values.iterator) yield Merge(newP1, p2, newP1 merge p2)}
queue ++= {for(p2 <- clusters.values.iterator) yield Merge(newP2, p2, newP2 merge p2)}
// queue ++= {for(p2 <- clusters.values.iterator; rm <- newP1.targets if newP1.targets.size > 1) yield SplitMerge(newP1, p2, rm)}
// queue ++= {for(p2 <- clusters.values.iterator; rm <- newP2.targets if newP2.targets.size > 1) yield SplitMerge(newP2, p2, rm)}
clusters += (newP1.targets -> newP1)
clusters += (newP2.targets -> newP2)



def partition(rules: IndexedSeq[(BinaryRule[Int], Int)],
maxPartitionLabelSize: Int = 55,
numRestarts: Int = 100,
targetLabel: TargetLabel = Parent) = {

var clusters_x = rules.groupBy(r =>

val initialClusters = { case (p:Int, r: IndexedSeq[(BinaryRule[Int], Int)]) =>
val (g1, g2) = => targetLabel.clusterPieces(rr._1)).unzip
p -> Partition(BitSet(p), g1.reduce( _ ++ _), g2.reduce(_ ++ _))

val clusters = ((0 until numRestarts).par.aggregate(restart(initialClusters, maxPartitionLabelSize, 1.0))({ (c1, seed) =>
val r = new java.util.Random(seed)
val c2 = restart(initialClusters, maxPartitionLabelSize, .3 + .7 * r.nextDouble)
if( < c1 else c2
}, {(c1, c2) => if( < c1 else c2}))

println("Best badness: " + targetLabel + " " +

var p = 0
for( Partition(targets, g1, g2, _) <- clusters.values.iterator) {
println("Partition " + p)
println("G1: " + g1.size + " " + g1)
println("G2: " + g2.size + " " + g2)
println("targets: " + targets)
p += 1

assert(clusters.values.iterator.flatMap(_.targets).toSet.size == clusters_x.keySet.size) => p.targets.flatMap(clusters_x).toIndexedSeq)
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/puck/parser/InliningInsideKernels.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package puck.parser

import virtualization.lms.common.{RangeOps, Base}
import trochee.kernels.KernelOps
import spire.implicits._
import spire.syntax._
import spire.math._
import trochee.basic.SpireOps

* @author dlwh
trait InliningInsideKernels extends UniformLoopInsideKernels { self: Base with KernelOps with RangeOps with SpireOps =>

protected def doInsideUnaryUpdates(top: Accumulator, bot: ParseCell, rulePartition: IndexedSeq[(UnaryRule[Int], Int)], rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
for( (parent, rr) <- rulePartition.groupBy(_._1.parent)) {
for((r,id) <- rr) {
val botScore = bot(r.child)
top.mad(parent, botScore, rules.rules(id, gram))


protected def doInsideBinaryUpdates(out: Accumulator, left: ParseCell, right: ParseCell, rulePartition: IndexedSeq[(BinaryRule[Int], Int)], rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
for( (leftChild, rr) <- rulePartition.groupBy(_._1.leftChild)) {
val leftScore = left(leftChild)
for((rightChild,rrr) <- rr.groupBy(_._1.rightChild)) {
val rightScore = right(rightChild)
val joint = leftScore * rightScore
for((r,id) <- rrr) {
out.mad(r.parent, joint, rules.rules(id, gram))


trait UniformLoopInsideKernels extends InsideKernels { self: Base with KernelOps with RangeOps with SpireOps =>
protected def doLeftInsideTermUpdates(out: Accumulator, leftTerm: ParseCell, right: ParseCell, rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
doInsideBinaryUpdates(out, leftTerm, right, grammar.leftTermRules, rules, gram)

protected def doBothInsideTermUpdates(out: Accumulator, leftTerm: ParseCell, rightTerm: ParseCell, rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
doInsideBinaryUpdates(out, leftTerm, rightTerm, grammar.bothTermRules, rules, gram)

protected def doRightInsideTermUpdates(out: Accumulator, left: ParseCell, rightTerm: ParseCell, rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
doInsideBinaryUpdates(out, left, rightTerm, grammar.rightTermRules, rules, gram)

protected def doNTInsideRuleUpdates(out: Accumulator, left: ParseCell, right: ParseCell, rulePartition: IndexedSeq[(BinaryRule[Int], Int)], rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
doInsideBinaryUpdates(out, left, right, rulePartition, rules, gram)

protected def doInsideUnaries(top: Accumulator, bot: ParseCell, rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
doInsideUnaryUpdates(top, bot, grammar.unaryRules, rules, gram)

protected def doInsideTermUnaries(top: Accumulator, bot: ParseCell, rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit] = {
doInsideUnaryUpdates(top, bot, grammar.unaryTermRules, rules, gram)

protected def doInsideBinaryUpdates(out: Accumulator, left: ParseCell, right: ParseCell, rulePartition: IndexedSeq[(BinaryRule[Int], Int)], rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit]
protected def doInsideUnaryUpdates(top: Accumulator, bot: ParseCell, rulePartition: IndexedSeq[(UnaryRule[Int], Int)], rules: Rep[RuleCell], gram: Rep[Int]): Rep[Unit]

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