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Project Ghost Scripts

Scripts for Project Ghost

  • Image-processing Explore of realtime pre-processing for image detection by neuron cells.

  • Speech-recognition Audio recording and language detecting / speech recognition scripts for "Talking with Neurons" This script detects what an user says and send its information to TouchDesigner using OSC.

  • OSC and UDP Communication Scripts Scripts for sending and receiving OSC messages between TouchDesigner and Python.

  • Voice to Text Scripts Scripts for converting voice to text using Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API. To analyze the data we collected from users during various events.

  • Video processing and analysis scripts Scripts for analyzing video data. To analyze the data we collected during various events.

  • Sound processing and analysis scripts Scripts for analyzing sound data. To analyze the data we collected during various events.


Sctipts are written in python and processing Details of each script are in each folder.

Handy Commands

The bellow coomands and scrips can come handy when preparing data for analysis.


Batch extract audio from video files (the first 8 seconds): for i in *.mov; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -ss 00:00:0.0 -t 8 "${}.mp3"; done

Batch trim video files (last 10 seconds): for i in *.mov; do ffmpeg -sseof -10 -i "$i" -c copy "${}"; done

Batch extract audio from video files: for i in *.mov; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${}.mp3"; done


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