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Linear mixed model simulations

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This simple package provides functions for creating the data frame and parameters to be used in a simulation of linear mixed-effects models with crossed random effects for Subject and Item, such as occur in experimental psychology and psycholinguistics.

The makedata function creates a data frame with fully crossed subject and item categories plus whatever experimental factors are specified. The response, y, in the data frame is initialized to zeros.

simulate takes an OrderedDict of models, simulates data from one of them then refits all the models to this data and applies an extractor.

The dat DataFrame and the mods OrderedDict are examples of data and models.

The package provides a simulate function that uses a callback function to save model results after every iteration. A callback can look like.

julia> using DataFrames, DataStructures, lmmsim, MixedModels

julia> N = 200;

julia> const objectives = zeros(length(mods), N);

julia> function callback(mods::OrderedDict{Symbol, LinearMixedModel}, j)
           for (i, m) in enumerate(values(mods))
               objectives[i, j] = objective(m)

julia> for m in values(mods)  # cause compilation of the model-fitting functions
           refit!(m, rand(nrow(dat)))

julia> srand(1234321);

julia> @time simulate(N, mods, :rin1, callback, [2000., 20.], 300., [1/3, 1/3])
 22.590920 seconds (98.33 M allocations: 2.105 GB, 1.23% gc time)

julia> objectives
8x200 Array{Float64,2}:
 28639.5  28622.5  28611.5  28645.7  28648.4  28600.0    28619.0  28744.1  28543.4  28671.5  28532.1
 28641.2  28622.5  28613.8  28649.3  28648.7  28600.9     28621.1  28744.5  28545.0  28674.3  28537.1
 28639.9  28624.3  28614.9  28648.6  28653.3  28601.0     28619.1  28747.2  28547.9  28674.1  28533.5
 28641.5  28624.3  28617.4  28652.3  28653.6  28601.9     28621.1  28747.7  28549.8  28677.2  28538.6
 28639.9  28625.8  28614.9  28648.6  28654.1  28601.2     28619.9  28748.1  28548.0  28674.1  28533.6
 28641.8  28625.8  28617.7  28652.4  28654.5  28602.2    28622.8  28748.7  28550.0  28677.2  28539.4
 28639.9  28625.8  28614.9  28649.1  28654.2  28601.2     28619.9  28748.1  28548.0  28674.1  28534.1
 28641.8  28625.8  28617.7  28653.5  28654.6  28602.2     28622.8  28748.7  28550.0  28677.2  28541.1

An alternative is to create a function patterned on simulate that creates the storage and saves the results in line, rather than through a callback.

The general approach is to pass in the model(s) and parameter values from which to simulate the response. The important functions are simulate!, which simulates in place a response vector from a LinearMixedModel using the supplied values for the parameters, β, σ and θ, passed as named arguments, and refit!, which fits the model to a new response.

Within the function the results can be saved to arrays, either by creating an empty array and push!ing results on the end, or by creating an array of the appropriate size and using counters to determine the index position.

Parametric Bootstrap of a single model

Suppose we wished to perform a parametric bootstrap. That is, we simulate N responses from the estimated parameter values, refit the model, and save some characteristics of the model. Because the bootstrap involves many repetitions of simulating, fitting and storing results, it is worthwhile devoting some energy to optimizing these steps. In particular we want to avoid creating vectors that need to subsequently be garbage-collected.

Saving numeric values within a function

Julia has "growable" arrays so one technique is to create an empty array of the desired type and push! values onto the end or append! vectors. If you know the eventual size of the array, use sizehint! when initializing it.

The alternative is to create the entire array and change elements at particular indices.

Example of a parametric bootstrap

function bootstrap{T}(m::LinearMixedModel{T}, N)
    y₀, β, σ, θ = copy(model_response(m)), fixef(m), sdest(m), m[]
    σv = sizehint!(T[], N)   # storage for σ values
    objv = sizehint!(T[], N)
    for _ in 1 : N
        simulate!(m, β = β, σ = σ, θ = θ) # simulate in place
        push!(σv, sdest(refit!(m)))
        push!(objv, objective(m))
    refit!(m, y₀)   # restore to original settings
    σv, objv


Linear mixed model simulations







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