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dmbdesignpdx edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 13 revisions

Custom Mixins


Transform with Transition and Transform-Origin
@include animate($transform, $transition [, $transform-origin]);
CSS transform value
CSS transition value as a Variable Object
(optional) CSS transform-origin value


Media Query with Min-width and Max-width
@include between($min, $max){ content };
Pixel value
Pixel value


SVG Stroke Shorthand
@include bound($size $color [$type]);
Number value
Color value
(optional) dashed or dotted


Transform with Transform-Origin
@include change($transform, $transform-origin);
CSS transform value
CSS transform-origin value


Create a Circle
@include circle($diameter);
Pixel value


Overflow X and Y Shorthand
@include flowage($x $y);
CSS overflow-x value
CSS overflow-y value


Create a Heart
@include heart($width, $color);
Pixel value
Color value


Media Query with Max-width
@include max($breakpoint) {
   // content
Pixel value


Media Query with Min-width
@include min($breakpoint) {
   // content
Pixel value


Create Classes/IDs with a Common Name and Sequential Numbers
@include numName($type, $name, $end [, $start]) {
   // content
class or id
Text value
Number value. Defines number to stop at.
(optional) Number value. Defines what number to start with. Default is 1.


Opacity with Blend Mode
@include opaque($amount, $type);
Number value (0–1)
Type of blend mode (multiply, screen, etc.)


Create an Oval
@include oval($width $height);
Pixel value
Pixel value


Create a Parallelogram
@include parallelogram($width $height, $skew);
Pixel value
Pixel value
Degree value


Create Classes or IDs of a Common Name with Different Suffixes
@include postName($type, $suffix, $names) {
   // content
class or id
Text value
Text value. Comma seprated list.


Create Classes or IDs of a Common Prefix with Different Names
@include preName($type, $prefix, $names) {
   // content
class or id
Text value
Text value. Comma seprated list.


Have an Element Maintain a Ratio
@include ratio($width [, $length]);
Number value
(optional) Number value. If blank, 1:1 ratio is assumed.


Width and Height Shorthand
@include size($width [$height]);
Pixel/Percentage value
(optional) Pixel/Percentage value. If blank, height is assumed to be the same as width.


Target a browser using a predifined @supports argument
@include target($browser) { 
	// content 
Text value. blink (for Chrome and Opera), safari, firefox, edge


Absolute Positioning Shorthand (Left-Start)
@include there($left [$top] [$right] [$bottom]);
Pixel value or auto to skip. If only left value: top, right, and bottom are assumed to be the same value.
(optional) Pixel value or auto to skip. If only left and top values: bottom is assumed to be the same as top and right the same as left.
(optional) Pixel value auto to skip. If only left, top, and right values: bottom value is assumed to be the same as top.
(optional) Pixel value or auto to skip.


Create a Triangle
@include triangle($width $height, $color [, $rotate]);
Pixel value
Pixel value
Color value
(optional) Degree value


Perspective with Perspective-Origin
@include view($perspective, $perspective-origin);
CSS perspective value
CSS perspective-origin value


Absolute Positioning Shorthand (Top-start)
@include where($top [$right] [$bottom] [$left]);
Pixel value or auto to skip. If only top value: right, bottom, and left are assumed to be the same value.
(optional) Pixel value or auto to skip. If only top and right values: bottom is assumed to be the same as top and left the same as right.
(optional) Pixel value auto to skip. If only top, right, and bottom values: left value is assumed to be the same as right.
(optional) Pixel value or auto to skip.


Position with Left and Top
@include xy($left $top);
Pixel/Percentage value
Pixel/Percentage value