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Daniel McCoy Stephenson edited this page Mar 4, 2023 · 16 revisions

What are faction flags?

Faction flags are per-faction configuration options. They allow faction owners to customize the functionality of their factions.

Where are faction flags found?

Faction flags can be viewed by typing /mf flags show in game.

How do I set a faction flag?

You can set a faction flag by typing /mf flags set (flag) (value).

What colors are accepted as values?

  • BLACK("#000000"), // Black
  • DARK_BLUE("#151B8D"), // Denim Dark Blue
  • DARK_GREEN("#254117"), // Dark Forest Green
  • DARK_AQUA("#348781"), // Medium Aquamarine
  • DARK_RED("#990012"), // Red Wine
  • DARK_PURPLE("#461B7E"), // Purple Monster
  • DARK_GRAY("#736F6E"), // Gray
  • GOLD("#FDD017"), // Bright Gold
  • GRAY("#B6B6B4"), // Gray Cloud
  • BLUE("#1569C7"), // Blue Eyes
  • GREEN("#41A317"), // Lime Green
  • AQUA("#00FFFF"), // Cyan or Aqua
  • RED("#FF0000"), // Red
  • LIGHT_PURPLE("#FF00FF"), // Magenta
  • YELLOW("#FFFF00"), // Yellow
  • WHITE("#FFFFFF"), // White

Faction Flag Descriptions

Name Description Notes
mustBeOfficerToManageLand When enabled, a player must be an officer to claim and unclaim land.
mustBeOfficerToInviteOthers When enabled, a player must be an officer to invite other players to the faction.
alliesCanInteractWithLand When enabled, players in allied factions can interact with land claimed by the faction. The default value of this faction flag is dependent on an associated config option.
vassalageTreeCanInteractWithLand When enabled, players in factions in the faction's vassalage tree can interact with land claimed by the faction. The default value of this faction flag is dependent on an associated config option.
neutral When enabled, the faction is prevented from declaring war and protected from being declared war on. This faction flag is only available if an associated config option is enabled.
dynmapTerritoryColor Color of claimed land on the Dynmap.
territoryAlertColor Color of territory alert.
prefixColor Color of faction chat prefix. This faction flag is only available if the "playersChatWithPrefixes" config option is set to true.
allowFriendlyFire When enabled, friendly fire is allowed