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Contents of the package:

             630_pkg - 5620 DMD and 630/730 MTG Package

<> The 630 MTG Toolchest package contains 18 popular application
   programs for AT&T Dot-Mapped Display terminals (630/730 MTG and
   5620 DMD).  The source code for these programs compile for both
   the 630/730 MTG and the 5620 DMD, with the exception of: xdmdps,
   xucache, xzap630 and x630cart which are for the 630/730 MTG only.
   The code will compile on the 3B20, 3B2, 6386WGS, VAX, and AMDAHL.
   Most of the code will also compile on Suns; all except xdmdlock
   and xsysmon.

<> Included in the package are text processing tools, terminal
   emulators, application downloaders and graphical demonstration
   programs.  In addition, the fonts for xcip and xproof are also
   part of the package.

The following list briefly describes each program in the package:

xcip: A graphics drawing program with output in pic format.

32ld: The 5620 DMD application downloader.  This package includes
          32reloc and 32version and the lsys.8;7;3 download binary
          for downloading the 5620 2.0 firmware features into 1.1

xdmddemo: A set of graphical demonstration programs that range from
          simple demonstrations to interactive games.

xdmdld: The 630/730 MTG application downloader.

xhp2621: A terminal emulator which allows the user to run
          programs that normally converse with HP2621 terminals.

xjx: The standard I/O interpreter for the 5620 DMD and the 630/730

xlens: An interactive magnification program for the 5620 DMD and
          the 630/730 MTG that allows the user to magnify any portion of
          the screen.

xproof: A troff output simulator for the 5620 DMD and the 630/730 MTG
          that reads troff output from a file or pipe and displays a
          simulation of the resulting images on the screen.

xsysmon: An application that monitors UNIX system activity of the
          user's host computer.

xtdmd: A graphics filter for the 5620 DMD and the 630/730 MTG that is
          equivalent to members of the set of plot filters described
          in tplot(1).

xtek4014: An emulator of the Tektronix 4014 computer display
          terminal for the 5620 DMD and the 630/730 MTG.

xtwid: A drawing program that allows the user to draw and paint
          pictures with the mouse.

xdmdlock: A terminal security aid.  Xdmdlock locks a 5620 DMD or
          630/730 MTG terminal running layers so that no window can be
          accessed without the chosen passwd.  Because it utilizes
          the UNIX encryption source program, xdmdlock requires a
          UNIX System V source license.

xjf: A font editor for creating or modifying fonts for use with the
          5620 DMD or 630/730 MTG.

The user has the option of compiling the source code for either the
5620 DMD, the 630/730 MTG or both.  In most cases, the 630 MTG Software
Development Package must be installed in order to compile the
source code for the 630/730 MTG, and the 5620 DMD Application Development
Package must be installed in order to compile source code for the
5620 DMD.

The following applications are for the 630 MTG only:

xdmdps: A graphics utility for capturing and producing bitmaps.
          Xdmdps can be used to print bitmaps on the 630 MTG
          auxiliary port.

xucache: The 630 application cache maintenance program.  It allows
          users to list the contents of the cache, or delete
          programs stored there.

xzap630: A program for use with mc68conv for byte-order conversion
          of terminal object modules for non-AT&T computers.

x630cart: A software program for use with the 630, so that
          programmers can create their own custom cartridges for
          the 630 MTG.

Building the Code:

To build the entire 630 MTG Toolchest Source Code, execute the command:

  cd src
  make DMD630=<630 SDP> DMD5620=<5620 ADP>

where <630 SDP> is the full path name to the 630 MTG Software Development
Package and <5620 ADP> is the full path name to the 5620 DMD Application
Development Package.  The 630 MTG Software Development Package must be
installed in order to compile the entire 630 MTG Toolchest for the 630 MTG.

To build only for 630:

  make DMD630=<630 SDP> TCTERM=630

To build only for 5620:

  make DMD5620=<5620 ADP> TCTERM=dmd

Each application can also be built individually.  The source code for 
each application resides under the "src" directory in a directory with 
the same name as the application.  Each of these directories has a README 
file which contains information for compiling the individual application.  
Unless the README file for the specific application states otherwise, the 
630 MTG Software Development Package must be installed to compile the 
source for the 630 MTG.

Installing the Code:

Choose a directory where you want the binaries to go.  Copy everything from
the bin, lib, and man directories under there.

Using the package:

To use the Toolchest package, one must: 

	-set TC630 to equal the path of the installed Toolchest package
	-add $TC630/bin to one's path.

Cleaning up:

When the build is complete, the source directories can be cleaned up
with the command:

	make clobber

This will remove all the files generated by the install action.


This source code is copyrighted by AT&T but is distributable under the
terms of the GNU General Public License.  See the 'COPYING' file for

- Dave Dykstra, 3/25/94