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Group Project for Senior (Capstone) Course @ MSU Denver (CS 4360)

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The PrestoPantry project started as a group project initially contributed to by Adam Wojdyla, Riley Strong, Dakota Miller, and Hector Cruz.
This project was completed for the purpose of CS 4360 (Technical Software Project) as our Senior Experience course at Metropolitan State University of Denver.

Technologies Used

  • Python3/HTML/CSS
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL (prior to AWS RDS deployment)
  • AWS
    • RDS
    • S3
    • EC2
    • IAM (Group and User Management)
    • Cloudwatch
  • Figma
  • Trello
  • Travis CI
  • Spoonacular API
  • Google OAuth Sign In
  • Google Custom Search API
  • GitGuardian
  • Radon
  • Sonar Cloud

Required Modules

To install required modules run these commands INSIDE of the Python virtualenv (assuming Python is installed):

  • python -m ensurepip --upgrade

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Required Environment Variables

In order to use the project as we left it in May 2022, you'll need a few environment variables:

  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.
  • PRESTOPANTRY_DB_NAME: Pending your database solution, the need for these credentials may vary. Tailor your code appropriately. (used in storing user models and ingredients models)
  • PRESTOPANTRY_DB_USER: Reference link from PRESTOPANTRY_DB_NAME above for more details
  • PRESTOPANTRY_DB_PASSWORD: Reference link from PRESTOPANTRY_DB_NAME above for more details
  • PRESTOPANTRY_DB_HOST: Reference link from PRESTOPANTRY_DB_NAME above for more details
  • PRESTOPANTRY_DB_PORT: Reference link from PRESTOPANTRY_DB_NAME above for more details
  • PRESTOPANTRY_GOAUTH_CLIENT_ID: You'll need an account through the Google Developers Platform to be assigned a Client_ID and Client_Secret for using this feature (allowing users to create an account at PrestoPantry & then log in using their Google Account)
  • GITGUARDIAN_API_KEY: This solution was used to ensure as we pushed commits to the remote repository that we were not pushing secrets (such as API Keys)
  • PRESTOPANTRY_GCS_DEVELOPER_KEY: Use of Google Custom Search imported images for recipe ingredients to display while searching for ingredients (can help a user validate they are adding the correct ingredient to their pantry)
  • PRESTOPANTRY_GCS_CX: Reference link from PRESTOPANTRY_GCS_DEVELOPER_KEY above for more details

Supported Modules

Landing Page (Pre-Log In)


  • Sign Up / Log In buttons easily accessible
  • Carousel options to provide alternate user-driven routing
  • (not shown) Link to GitHub Repo at bottom of every page

Sign Up Page


  • Various enforcements in place to drive stable back-end design and secure user experience
  • Supplemental option available for Google OAuth account creation
  • Meaningful error messaging provided to aid users in account creation

Log In Page


  • Various enforcements in place to drive stable back-end design and secure user experience
  • Supplemental option available for Google OAuth Sign In
  • Meaningful error messaging provided to aid users in sign in

Landing Page (Post-Log In)


  • Successful Google OAuth Sign In illustrated
  • Greeting message individualized for each user
  • Carousel option currently showing placeholder for new feature (Community interactions page, TBD delivery date)

My Account Page (Email Log In)


  • Enables users to edit all account details after account creation
  • Meaningful error messaging provided to aid users in sign in

My Account Page (Google Log In)


  • Enables users to edit account details specific to PrestoPantry application after account creation
    • Other details should only be edited directly in users' Google account
  • Meaningful error messaging provided to aid users in sign in

Empty Pantry Page


  • Prior to adding any ingredients or after removing all ingredients, a user will not have any ingredients in their pantry

Ingredient Search Page (Finding Results)


  • Upon searching ingredients, users will be offered various products to add to their personal pantry for use in recipe searches

Pantry Ingredients page


  • Displays current ingredients present in a user's pantry. From here, users can choose to add more ingredients, remove some or all ingredients, or begin searching recipes matching their ingredients

Recipe Results Page


  • Once a user is satisfied with their pantry ingredients they've personalized, they can search recipes detailed with used ingredients, unused ingredients, and missing ingredients

Read Me Page


  • Introduced website vistors to site creators
    • In addition to photos and descriptions, included embedded links to GitHub/LinkedIn specific to each user


Group Project for Senior (Capstone) Course @ MSU Denver (CS 4360)






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
