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Building with bricks

Blocks is a framework that is supposed to make it easier to build complicated neural network models on top of Theano. In order to do so, we introduce the concept of "bricks", which you might have already come across in :ref:`the introduction tutorial <model_building>`.

Bricks life-cycle

Blocks uses "bricks" to build models. Bricks are parametrized Theano operations. A brick is usually defined by a set of attributes and a set of parameters, the former specifying the attributes that define the Block (e.g., the number of input and output units), the latter representing the parameters of the brick object that will vary during learning (e.g., the weights and the biases).

The life-cycle of a brick is as follows:

  1. Configuration: set (part of) the attributes of the brick. Can take place when the brick object is created, by setting the arguments of the constructor, or later, by setting the attributes of the brick object. No Theano variable is created in this phase.
  2. Allocation: (optional) allocate the Theano shared variables for the parameters of the Brick. When :meth:`.Brick.allocate` is called, the required Theano variables are allocated and initialized by default to NaN.
  3. Application: instantiate a part of the Theano computational graph, linking the inputs and the outputs of the brick through its parameters and according to the attributes. Cannot be performed (i.e., results in an error) if the Brick object is not fully configured.
  4. Initialization: set the numerical values of the Theano variables that store the parameters of the Brick. The user-provided value will replace the default initialization value.


If the Theano variables of the brick object have not been allocated when :meth:`~.Application.apply` is called, Blocks will quietly call :meth:`.Brick.allocate`.


Bricks take Theano variables as inputs, and provide Theano variables as outputs.

>>> import theano
>>> from theano import tensor
>>> from blocks.bricks import Tanh
>>> x = tensor.vector('x')
>>> y = Tanh().apply(x)
>>> print(y)
>>> isinstance(y, theano.Variable)

This is clearly an artificial example, as this seems like a complicated way of writing y = tensor.tanh(x). To see why Blocks is useful, consider a very common task when building neural networks: Applying a linear transformation (with optional bias) to a vector, and then initializing the weight matrix and bias vector with values drawn from a particular distribution.

>>> from blocks.bricks import Linear
>>> from blocks.initialization import IsotropicGaussian, Constant
>>> linear = Linear(input_dim=10, output_dim=5,
...                 weights_init=IsotropicGaussian(),
...                 biases_init=Constant(0.01))
>>> y = linear.apply(x)

So what happened here? We constructed a brick called :class:`.Linear` with a particular configuration: the input dimension (10) and output dimension (5). When we called :attr:`.Linear.apply`, the brick automatically constructed the shared Theano variables needed to store its parameters. In the lifecycle of a brick we refer to this as allocation.

>>> linear.parameters
[W, b]
>>> linear.parameters[1].get_value() # doctest: +SKIP
array([ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan])

By default, all our parameters are set to NaN. To initialize them, simply call the :meth:`.Brick.initialize` method. This is the last step in the brick lifecycle: initialization.

>>> linear.initialize()
>>> linear.parameters[1].get_value() # doctest: +SKIP
array([ 0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01])

Keep in mind that at the end of the day, bricks just help you construct a Theano computational graph, so it is possible to mix in regular Theano statements when building models. (However, you might miss out on some of the niftier features of Blocks, such as variable annotation.)

>>> z = tensor.max(y + 4)

Lazy initialization

In the example above we configured the :class:`.Linear` brick during initialization. We specified input and output dimensions, and specified the way in which weight matrices should be initialized. But consider the following case, which is quite common: We want to take the output of one model, and feed it as an input to another model, but the output and input dimensions don't match, so we will need to add a linear transformation in the middle.

To support this use case, bricks allow for lazy initialization, which is turned on by default. This means that you can create a brick without configuring it fully (or at all):

>>> linear2 = Linear(output_dim=10)
>>> print(linear2.input_dim)

Of course, as long as the brick is not configured, we cannot actually apply it!

>>> linear2.apply(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: allocation config not set: input_dim

We can now easily configure our brick based on other bricks.

>>> linear2.input_dim = linear.output_dim
>>> linear2.apply(x)

In the examples so far, the allocation of the parameters has always happened implicitly when calling the apply methods, but it can also be called explicitly. Consider the following example:

>>> linear3 = Linear(input_dim=10, output_dim=5)
>>> linear3.parameters
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Linear' object has no attribute 'parameters'
>>> linear3.allocate()
>>> linear3.parameters
[W, b]

Nested bricks

Many neural network models, especially more complex ones, can be considered hierarchical structures. Even a simple multi-layer perceptron consists of layers, which in turn consist of a linear transformation followed by a non-linear transformation.

As such, bricks can have children. Parent bricks are able to configure their children, to e.g. make sure their configurations are compatible, or have sensible defaults for a particular use case.

>>> from blocks.bricks import MLP, Logistic
>>> mlp = MLP(activations=[Logistic(name='sigmoid_0'),
...           Logistic(name='sigmoid_1')], dims=[16, 8, 4],
...           weights_init=IsotropicGaussian(), biases_init=Constant(0.01))
>>> [ for child in mlp.children]
['linear_0', 'sigmoid_0', 'linear_1', 'sigmoid_1']
>>> y = mlp.apply(x)
>>> mlp.children[0].input_dim

We can see that the :class:`.MLP` brick automatically constructed two child bricks to perform the linear transformations. When we applied the MLP to x, it automatically configured the input and output dimensions of its children. Likewise, when we call :meth:`.Brick.initialize`, it automatically pushed the weight matrix and biases initialization configuration to its children.

>>> mlp.initialize()
>>> mlp.children[1].parameters[0].get_value() # doctest: +SKIP
array([[-0.38312393, -1.7718271 ,  0.78074479, -0.74750996],
       [ 1.32390416, -0.56375355, -0.24268186, -2.06008577]])

There are cases where we want to override the way the parent brick configured its children. For example in the case where we want to initialize the weights of the first layer in an MLP slightly differently from the others. In order to do so, we need to have a closer look at the life cycle of a brick. In the first two sections we already talked talked about the three stages in the life cycle of a brick:

  1. Construction of the brick
  2. Allocation of its parameters
  3. Initialization of its parameters

When dealing with children, the life cycle actually becomes a bit more complicated. (The full life cycle is documented as part of the :class:`.Brick` class.) Before allocating or initializing parameters, the parent brick calls its :meth:`.Brick.push_allocation_config` and :meth:`.Brick.push_initialization_config` methods, which configure the children. If you want to override the child configuration, you will need to call these methods manually, after which you can override the child bricks' configuration.

>>> mlp = MLP(activations=[Logistic(name='sigmoid_0'),
...           Logistic(name='sigmoid_1')], dims=[16, 8, 4],
...           weights_init=IsotropicGaussian(), biases_init=Constant(0.01))
>>> y = mlp.apply(x)
>>> mlp.push_initialization_config()
>>> mlp.children[0].weights_init = Constant(0.01)
>>> mlp.initialize()
>>> mlp.children[0].parameters[0].get_value() # doctest: +SKIP
array([[ 0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01],
       [ 0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01]])