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Multilingual features for Laravel 4, based on Polyglot

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  • Locale and language autodetection (based on URI segment or User Agent)
  • Optional language model, migration and seeder
  • Multilingual and non-multilingual route support at the same time
  • Lang, Route and URL facades are extended with useful multilingual methods like: Lang::code(), Route::langGroup(), URL::langTo(), ...
  • Translations would fallback to the language code by default. E.g. 'en_US' would fallback to 'en'.
  • Lang files publishing support through lang:publish vendor/package [namespace] command
  • Manage your app translation files through a web interface (feature in progress)


In the require key of composer.json file of your project add the following

"thor/language": "dev-master"

Run the Composer update comand

composer update

In your config/app.php add 'Thor\Language\LanguageServiceProvider' to the end of the $providers array. This will let your application to autodetect the language.

'providers' => array(



Publish config to your laravel app : php artisan config:publish thor/language

Database migration (optional)

In order to use the languages stored in a database, you must run the package migrations first. Seeding is also optional.

php artisan migrate --package="thor/language"
php artisan db:seed --class="Thor\Language\LanguagesTableSeeder"

Then change use_database to true in the config file.

Enabling multilingual routes

In your routes.php, put your multilingual routes inside a Route group with the same prefix as the current language code. This is accomplished with the a new function called langGroup:

Route::langGroup(function() {
    // Multilingual routes here

How it works

  • This package swaps the singleton instances of Lang, Route and URL facades for extending them with multilingual features.
  • When the package is booted, and language::autoresolve is true (enabled by default), it looks for a matching language against the route segment specified in language::segment_index or the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header as a fallback (if language::use_header is true, disabled by default).
  • If no language matches the route segment or the header, or they are empty, the app config fallback_locale variable is used.
  • If an invalid language is passed in the route, the language::invalid_language event is fired with two parameters: the invalid language segment and the fallback locale.
  • If you specified in the config that you want to use a database in language::use_database, the values of language::available_languages and fallback_locale will be retrieved from the languages table and then overriden inside these variables. Disabled by default.


### Routes

// When users hit a route without a language,
// redirect them to the default one using a 302 redirect
Route::get('/', function() {
    return Redirect::to(Lang::code(), 302);

// non-multilingual route
Route::any('/hey/', function(){
    return 'Hey, I\'m not a multilingual route!';

// specific route in spanish
Route::any('/es/hola/', function(){
    return 'Hola mundo!';

// specific route in english
Route::any('/en/hello/', function(){
    return 'Hello world!';

// all other routes that share the same path, common in all languages
Route::langGroup(function() {
    Route::get('/', function(){
        return 'Homepage in '.Lang::code();
    Route::get('/foo/', function(){
        return 'Foo page in '.Lang::code();
    // current Language model instance
    Route::get('/info/', function(){
        return Lang::language();

// example of how to use multilingual prefixed routes
// this will generate routes like: en/account/ , en/account/login
Route::langGroup(array('prefix'=>'account'), function() {
    Route::get('/', function(){
        return 'Account home';
    Route::get('/login/', function(){
        return 'Login page';

Try to navigate to these paths:

/             (should redirect to the default language)
/es/hello/    (this should throw a NotFoundHttpException)
/foo/         (NotFoundHttpException)


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