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Compiler from C-like programming language to LLVM

Language description

PL has static typing with simple datatypes and functions.

Entry point is main function with type int:

int main(){
  return 0;

Full grammar for PL is available here


  • int - standard 32-bit integer number
  • bool - boolean with two possible values: true and false
  • string - string value with access to characters by index
  • void - type for function, which returns no value


There is only a brief overview. Please, see examples for more.

  • while - standard while cycle, which keeps running until condition is true. Supports break and continue operators
  • if/then/else - conditional operator with optional else clause
  • switch - conditional operator for choice based on value equality
  • union - operator for uniting bits for different variables

Built-in functions

Again only a brief everview. Please, see examples for more.

  • read - read values from standard input
  • write - write value to standard output (please, use \0A for new lines)
  • length - returns length of a string
  • ==, !=, &&, || - logic operators
  • +, -, *, /, % - arithmetic operators

Compiler optimizations

Same thing with examples =)

  • forward propagation - invokate function before declaration
  • constant folding - fold simple arithmetic expressions to constant value


All code examples listed in example_*.txt files for ability to compile and run them.

Compiler usage examples:

java -jar compiler.jar input.txt output.txt

compiler.jar - jar file, which could be built with Maven

input.txt - input code

output.txt - produced LLVM code

Also you can run compiler directly from Java

Please, use lli for running LLVM code.


Compiler from C-like language to LLVM






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