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This is a ngram model to predict the next word in English text based on some history words. To understand fully how it works, read the report in main.html. To see a working POC web app, go to

All the code comes as separate helper functions, one per file, that are described below.

Building the model

These functions are needed to build the model from data set:

  • createSample() randomly chooses some lines from an input text file to create a smaller size sample for exploratory analysis

  • file2sentences() reads text from file(s) and returns a quanteda::corpus object split into one-sentece documents

  • str2tokens() splits each (one-sentece) text into tokens (words) with the following preprocessing:

      - remove puncuation
      - remove special symbols
      - remove numbers
      - remove URLs
      - remove tokens that contain no letters
      - remove tokens that contain non-English characters
  • nFreq() builds a ngram frequency table for a given quanteda::tokens object (that is, calculates how many times every given ngram is observed)

  • removeOOD() receives a ngram frequency table, replaces out-of-dictionary words with a special "" token and recalculates frequencies by collapsing equivalent ngrams

  • keep3() keeps only top-3 predictions for each possible history and replaces integer ngram frequencies with factor prediction ranks (1, 2, 3)

Using the model

Once you have a prepared model, only two functions are needed to use it:

  • combined_predict() makes predictions based on some history, a ngram model and a dictonary
  • my_cond() is a helper function to create data.table-compatible conditions for fast ngram binary search

Web app

Shiny_app folder contains all the code for a POC Shiny web app that allows you to input any text and get a prediction along with ngrams that contributed to it.

  • server.R and UI.R contain server and UI code respectively
  • model20_with_dict contains the 20,000 word dictionary and 1- to 6-gram model itself
  • other files are just copied from the root folder for deployment to Shiny servers

Legacy files

  • _shrink model.R and collapse_ngrams.R were used to collapse the initial big 50k word dictionary model to the current 20k one


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