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	Is that lint?

	DEFINITION-SOURCE now has both FORM-PATH (a la CMUCL source
	path, renamed because "source-path" is just too similar to
	"source-pathname") and CHARACTER-OFFSET accessors.

	DEFINITION-SOURCE now works to some extent on struct accessors
	and predicates.  (It gets the pathname right, but I can't find
	anywhere to get a within-file offset)

	Commentary and stuff.
  • Loading branch information
telent committed Oct 11, 2003
1 parent f7cadee commit 30e1436
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 29 deletions.
148 changes: 119 additions & 29 deletions contrib/sb-introspect/sb-introspect.lisp
@@ -1,17 +1,39 @@
;;; This is here as a discussion point, not yet a supported interface. If
;;; you would like to use the functions here, or you would like other
;;; functions to be here, join the debate on sbcl-devel
;;; functions to be here, join the debate on
;;; List info at

;;; For the avoidance of doubt, the exported interface is the
;;; proposed supported interface.
;;; For the avoidance of doubt, the exported interface is the proposed
;;; supported interface. Anything else is internal, though you're
;;; welcome to argue a case for exporting it.

;;; If you steal the code from this file to cut and paste into your
;;; own project, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
;;; Your teeth. If need be, we'll kick them for you. This is a
;;; contrib, we're allowed to look in internals. You're an
;;; application programmer, and are not.

;;; TODO
;;; 1) structs don't have within-file location info. problem for the
;;; structure itself, accessors and the predicate
;;; 2) what should find-definition-source on a symbol return? there may be
;;; several definitions (class, function, etc)
;;; 3) error handling. Signal random errors, or handle and resignal 'our'
;;; error, or return NIL?
;;; 4) FIXMEs
;;; 5) would be nice to have some interface to the compiler that lets us
;;; fake the filename and position, for use with C-M-x

(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))

(defpackage :sb-introspect
(:use "CL")
"DEFINITION-SOURCE-FORM-NUMBER" ; unsure. character offset instead?
(in-package :sb-introspect)

Expand All @@ -22,49 +44,75 @@

(defun function-arglist (function)
"Describe the lambda list for the function designator FUNCTION.
Works for macros, simple functions and generic functions"
Works for macros, simple functions and generic functions. Signals error
if not found"
(cond ((valid-function-name-p function)
(or (macro-function function) (fdefinition function))))
((typep function 'generic-function)
(sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist function))
(sb-impl::%simple-fun-arglist function))))
(t (sb-impl::%simple-fun-arglist
(sb-impl::%closure-fun function)))))

;;; Considering whether to throw this or something like it when a definition
;;; is unforthcoming. Presently we do something undefined (NIL or random
;;; error)
(define-condition definition-not-found (error)
((name :initarg :name :reader definition-name))
(:report (lambda (c s)
(format s "No definition for ~S known" (definition-name c)))))
(defgeneric find-definition-source (thing)
(:documentation "Find the source location that defines THING.
Returns a DEFINITION-SOURCE object"))

;;; find-definition-source returns a definition-source object, with accessors
;;; as per export list. Might not be a struct.
(defstruct definition-source pathname form-number)
;;; This is an opaque object with accessors as per export list.
;;; Might not be a struct.

(defstruct definition-source
pathname ; source file, not fasl

;;; the intention is that everything we're able to query the source
;;; location for, we should be able to do it through this gf
(defgeneric find-definition-source (thing))
;;; This is kludgey. We expect these functions (the underlying functions,
;;; not the closures) to be in static space and so not move ever.
;;; FIXME It's also possibly wrong: not all structures use these vanilla
;;; accessors, e.g. when the :type option is used
(defvar *struct-slotplace-reader*
(sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'definition-source-pathname))
(defvar *struct-slotplace-writer*
(sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'(setf definition-source-pathname)))
(defvar *struct-predicate*
(sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'definition-source-p))

;;; breaks on structure accessors, probably other closures as well
(defmethod find-definition-source ((o function))
;; Internal-only, don't call this directly
(defun find-function-definition-source (o)
(let* ((name (sb-vm::%simple-fun-name o))
(sb-kernel:%code-debug-info (sb-kernel:fun-code-header o)))
(debug-source (car (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-source debug-info))))
(sb-kernel:fun-code-header(sb-kernel::%closure-fun o))))
(car (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-source debug-info)))
(loop for debug-fun
across (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map debug-info)
when (and (sb-c::debug-fun-p debug-fun)
(eql (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-name debug-fun) name))
return debug-fun))
(tlf (and debug-fun (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number debug-fun))))
;; FIXME why only the first debug-source? can there be >1?
(sb-int:aver (not (cdr (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-source debug-info))))
(and (eql (sb-c::debug-source-from debug-source) :file)
(parse-namestring (sb-c::debug-source-name debug-source)))
(loop for debug-fun across (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map debug-info)
when (and (sb-c::debug-fun-p debug-fun)
(eql (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-name debug-fun) name))
return (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number debug-fun)))))
;; we don't have a real sexp path, annoyingly. Fake one from the
;; top-level form number
(and tlf
(elt (sb-c::debug-source-start-positions debug-source) tlf))
:form-path (and tlf (list tlf)))))

(defmethod find-definition-source ((o function))
((struct-accessor-p o)
(find-definition-source (struct-accessor-structure-class o)))
((struct-predicate-p o)
(find-definition-source (struct-predicate-structure-class o)))
(t (find-function-definition-source o))))

(defmethod find-definition-source ((o method))
(find-definition-source (or (sb-pcl::method-fast-function o)
Expand All @@ -74,3 +122,45 @@ Works for macros, simple functions and generic functions"
(and (valid-function-name-p name)
(find-definition-source (or (macro-function name) (fdefinition name)))))

;; these are internal functions, and probably incomplete
(defun struct-accessor-p (function)
(let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
;; FIXME there are other kinds of struct accessor. Fill out this list
(member self (list *struct-slotplace-reader*

(defun struct-predicate-p (function)
(let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
;; FIXME there may be other structure predicate functions
(member self (list *struct-predicate*))))

;; FIXME need one for constructor too, perhaps

(defun struct-accessor-structure-class (function)
(let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
((member self (list *struct-slotplace-reader* *struct-slotplace-writer*))
(sb-kernel:%closure-index-ref function 1)))))

(defun struct-predicate-structure-class (function)
(let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
((member self (list *struct-predicate*))
(sb-kernel:%closure-index-ref function 0)))))

(defmethod find-definition-source ((o structure-class))
;; FIXME we don't get form-number from this, which is a shame
(let ((constructor
(sb-int:info :type :classoid (class-name o))))))
(find-definition-source constructor)))

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