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Two point perspective grid on canvas.

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npm install perspective-grid


import { PerspectiveGrid, Point } from "perspective-grid";
import canvasContext from "canvas-context";

const { context, canvas } = canvasContext("2d", {
  width: window.innerWidth,
  height: window.innerHeight,

// Alternatively pass [rows, columns] for a grid with different rows and column units
const grid = new PerspectiveGrid(10);

  new Point(300, 380),
  new Point(canvas.width - 300, 300),
  new Point(canvas.width, canvas.height),
  new Point(0, canvas.height)

// Operations on lines...;

// ...or simply draw;





LineEquation ⏏

LineEquation defines a line equation or vertical

Kind: Exported class

new LineEquation(lineParams, x)

Param Type Description
lineParams LineParams Line parameters
x number X position

lineEquation.intersect(equation) ⇒ Point

Get intersection of two line equation

Kind: instance method of LineEquation

Param Type
equation LineEquation


LineType ⏏

A faked ENUM for referencing line types.

Kind: Exported constant

Param Type


MathHelper.EPSILON : number

Kind: static constant of MathHelper

MathHelper.PI : number

Kind: static constant of MathHelper

MathHelper.TWO_PI : number

Kind: static constant of MathHelper

MathHelper.getDistance(point1, point2) ⇒ number

Get the distance between two points

Kind: static method of MathHelper Returns: number - Distance between point1 and point2

Param Type Description
point1 Object First point
point2 Object Second point

MathHelper.getConvergencePoint(m1, c1, m2, c2) ⇒ Point

Get the convergence point of two line equation

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
m1 number
c1 number
m2 number
c2 number

MathHelper.getVerticalConvergence(x, m, c) ⇒ number

Get the vertical convergence point from a X position

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
x number
m number
c number

MathHelper.getLineParams(x1, y1, x2, y2) ⇒ Object

Return line parameters

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
x1 number
y1 number
x2 number
y2 number

MathHelper.getParallelLine(line, point) ⇒ Object

Get parallel line parameters

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
line number
point Point

MathHelper.getDistanceToLine(line, point) ⇒ number

Get the distance to a line parameters

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
line Object
point Point

MathHelper.getProjectedPoint(line, point) ⇒ Point

Get a projected point

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
line Object
point Point

MathHelper.getMassCenter(p1, p2, p3, p4) ⇒ Point

Get the center of four points

Kind: static method of MathHelper

Param Type
p1 Point
p2 Point
p3 Point
p4 Point


PerspectiveGrid ⏏

Two point perspective grid on canvas.

Note: Does not work correctly when there is only one vanishing point.

Kind: Exported class

new PerspectiveGrid(units, [squares])

Creates an instance of PerspectiveGrid.

Param Type Description
units number | Array.<number> Number of rows and columns (unit or [rows, columns]).
[squares] Array.<Point> Highlighted squares in the grid

perspectiveGrid.init(tl, tr, br, bl)

Reset the corners (clockwise starting from top left)

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type Description
tl Point Top left corner
tr Point Top right corner
br Point Bottom right corner
bl Point Bottom left corner


Draw the grid in the instance context

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D The context to draw the grid in


Update grid segments

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

perspectiveGrid.getQuadAt(column, row) ⇒ Array.<Point>

Get the four vertices of a point in grid

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type
column number
row number

perspectiveGrid.getCenterAt(column, row) ⇒ Point

Get the center point from grid unit to pixel eg. (1, 1) is the first top left point

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type
column number
row number


Actually draw the lines (vertical and horizontal) in the context

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D The context to draw the grid in


Draw highlighted squares in the grid

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D The context to draw the grid in

perspectiveGrid.drawPoint(context, point, radius, color)

Draw a single point in the grid useful for debug purpose

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D The context to draw the grid in
point Point
radius number
color string

perspectiveGrid._getHorizon(vVanishing, hVanishing) ⇒ Object

Get a line parallel to the horizon

Kind: instance method of PerspectiveGrid

Param Type
vVanishing Point
hVanishing Point


Point ⏏

An object that defines a Point

Kind: Exported class

new Point(x, y)

Param Type Description
x number x coordinate
y number y coordinate

point.isInList(list) ⇒ boolean

Check if a point is in a list of points

Kind: instance method of Point

Param Type Description
list Array.<Point> Array of Points


Segment ⏏

An object with two points that defines a segment

Kind: Exported class

new Segment(p1, p1)

Param Type Description
p1 Point First point
p1 Point Second point

segment.intersect(segment) ⇒ Point

Get intersection of two segments

Kind: instance method of Segment

Param Type
segment Segment


MIT. See license file.