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Public post relay for the Diaspora federated social network protocol

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Application to act as a relay for public posts using the Diaspora protocol. Keeps track of nodes and their subscription preferences, receives payloads and forwards the payloads to subscribers. The aim is to pass public posts around in an efficient way so any new node in the network can quickly subscribe to lots of public activity, without having to wait a long time to create social relationships.

How does one integrate to the relay system? How do I write my own relay?

See relay design concept.

Original idea for the relay system can be found in the diaspora* project wiki.


  • Python 3.x (tested on 3.4/3.5)
  • Redis
  • SQLite3
  • Packages for building LXML (required by Social-Federation library):
    • libxml2-dev
    • libxslt-dev
    • lib32z1-dev
    • python3-dev
      • Alternatively, install python-lxml package, for example, if you don't want to install everything in a virtual env.
  • Pip 6.1 or later
  • pip-tools

Python libraries

Pip-tools is a nifty package to pin requirements. You can do pip install -r requirements/base.txt to install the Python requirements as in any regular project, but pip-tools will also ensure removal of unnecessary packages.

First, make sure pip is up-to-date and install pip-tools:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pip-tools

Then install the requirements:

pip-sync requirements/requirements.txt

Run the pip-sync command after every refresh of the relay code to install/remove packages.


Create local config:

cp social_relay/ social_relay/

Edit the file as instructed in the file.


The SQLite database needs an initial schema creation. Do this with:

arnold up 0

The same command should always be run when fetching new relay code. It will migrate any new schema changes.

RQ Dashboard

An RQ dashboard can be found at /rq. Enable it in social_relay/ by setting RQ_DASHBOARD = True. You must also set a username and password in the same file.

Static files

Bower is used to pull in some JavaScript libs. Install it first if needed. Then run bower install.

Statics are server under the /static path which should be server by the web server.

Running tasks

For normal operation, scheduled jobs should always be running. They take care of refreshing the pod list and polling pods for their subscription preferences. Without these scheduled jobs, the relay will not be able to function.

Keep this running:

python -m tasks.schedule_jobs

Processing receive queue

Incoming posts are stored in Redis and processed using RQ workers. Keep one or more worker running always.

To make use of the app configuration for Redis in social_relay/, use the provided wrapper, as follows:

python receive

If you do run a worker via rqworker command directly, make sure to use the same Redis database as set in app configuration.


Pretty much normal Python + WSGI setup, just install the requirements and serve app using WSGI and statics via the web server. See the following sections for platform specific helpers.

An Apache2 site example can be found here. The same folder also has examples for upstart init jobs.

Ansible (Ubuntu)

An Ansible role written for Ubuntu is provided in ansible directory. The role uses uWSGI and Apache to serve the app. It will run also the scheduled jobs and a worker. Everything is handled by upstart.

Tested with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

SystemD service files

There are example systemd service files in the 'extra' directory. The examples use a specific user and utilize gunicorn. They have been tested on CentOS 7.

To use, modify as needed (user, group, and path), copy to /etc/systemd/service and start/enable as such:

systemctl start social-relay_server.service
systemctl start social-relay_tasks.service
systemctl start social-relay_rqworker@receive.service
systemctl start

systemctl enable social-relay_server.service
systemctl enable social-relay_tasks.service
systemctl enable social-relay_rqworker@receive.service
systemctl enable

The rqworker service file can also be used to start the optional failed queue as well.

systemctl start social-relay_rqworker@failed.service


Running a development server

This is not the recommended way for a production server. For testing and development, run the server:


Running tests

Make sure you have installed requirements using the command:

pip-sync requirements/development.txt

Execute py.test to run the tests.

Updating requirements files

When changing dependencies, make sure to update the requirements files:

pip-compile --output-file requirements/requirements.txt requirements/
pip-compile --output-file requirements/development.txt requirements/ requirements/


Jason Robinson / @jaywink / /




Public post relay for the Diaspora federated social network protocol






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  • Python 78.2%
  • HTML 17.6%
  • CSS 4.0%
  • Shell 0.2%