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Manifest updated and chuck personas
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dmzoneill committed May 13, 2024
1 parent 9f8631d commit 00b3e72
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Showing 11 changed files with 3,359 additions and 1,095 deletions.
316 changes: 26 additions & 290 deletions MessageStrategy.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const CronJob = require('cron').CronJob
const fs = require('fs')
const globby = require('globby')
let globby = undefined
const levenshtein = require('js-levenshtein')
const request = require('sync-request')
const crypto = require('crypto')
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const { translate } = require('bing-translate-api')
const ud = require('@dmzoneill/urban-dictionary')
const weather = require('weather-js')
const wiki = require('wikipedia')
const yt = require('youtube-search-without-api-key')
let yt = undefined
const NodeWebcam = require('node-webcam')
const exec = require('child_process')
const jsdom = require('jsdom')
Expand All @@ -29,6 +29,18 @@ const IG = require('instagram-web-api')
const usetube = require('usetube')
const talib = require('talib');
const { createCanvas } = require('canvas');
const worldFlags = require('./lib/flags.js');
const browserConfig = require('./lib/browserconfig.js')

// Import modules asynchronously
import('globby').then(module => globby = module.default),
import('youtube-search-without-api-key').then(module => yt = module.default)
]).then(() => {
// ,
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Failed to import modules:', error);

// const imageboard = require('imageboard')
// const TradingView = require('tradingview')
Expand All @@ -50,291 +62,8 @@ class MessageStrategy {
static self = null
static contact_update_counter = 10
static http_cache_folder = 'strategies/http_cache_folder'

static browser_config = {
headers: {
Accept: '*/*',
'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
'Access-Control-Request-Headers': 'content-type',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Origin': '',
'Pragma': 'no-cache',
'Referer': '',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'

static flags = {
World: '🌎',
'Ascension Island': '🇦🇨',
Andorra: '🇦🇩',
'United Arab Emirates': '🇦🇪',
Afghanistan: '🇦🇫',
'Antigua & Barbuda': '🇦🇬',
Anguilla: '🇦🇮',
Albania: '🇦🇱',
Armenia: '🇦🇲',
Angola: '🇦🇴',
Antarctica: '🇦🇶',
Argentina: '🇦🇷',
'American Samoa': '🇦🇸',
Austria: '🇦🇹',
Australia: '🇦🇺',
Aruba: '🇦🇼',
'Åland Islands': '🇦🇽',
Azerbaijan: '🇦🇿',
'Bosnia & Herzegovina': '🇧🇦',
Barbados: '🇧🇧',
Bangladesh: '🇧🇩',
Belgium: '🇧🇪',
BurkinaFaso: '🇧🇫',
Bulgaria: '🇧🇬',
Bahrain: '🇧🇭',
Burundi: '🇧🇮',
Benin: '🇧🇯',
'St.Barthélemy': '🇧🇱',
Bermuda: '🇧🇲',
Brunei: '🇧🇳',
Bolivia: '🇧🇴',
'Caribbean Netherlands': '🇧🇶',
Brazil: '🇧🇷',
Bahamas: '🇧🇸',
Bhutan: '🇧🇹',
'Bouvet Island': '🇧🇻',
Botswana: '🇧🇼',
Belarus: '🇧🇾',
Belize: '🇧🇿',
Canada: '🇨🇦',
'Cocos(Keeling)Islands': '🇨🇨',
'Congo-Kinshasa': '🇨🇩',
'Central African Republic': '🇨🇫',
'Congo-Brazzaville': '🇨🇬',
Switzerland: '🇨🇭',
'Côted’Ivoire': '🇨🇮',
'Cook Islands': '🇨🇰',
Chile: '🇨🇱',
Cameroon: '🇨🇲',
China: '🇨🇳',
Colombia: '🇨🇴',
'Clipperton Island': '🇨🇵',
'Costa Rica': '🇨🇷',
Cuba: '🇨🇺',
CapeVerde: '🇨🇻',
Curaçao: '🇨🇼',
'Christmas Island': '🇨🇽',
Cyprus: '🇨🇾',
Czechia: '🇨🇿',
Germany: '🇩🇪',
DiegoGarcia: '🇩🇬',
Djibouti: '🇩🇯',
Denmark: '🇩🇰',
Dominica: '🇩🇲',
'Dominican Republic': '🇩🇴',
Algeria: '🇩🇿',
'Ceuta&Melilla': '🇪🇦',
Ecuador: '🇪🇨',
Estonia: '🇪🇪',
Egypt: '🇪🇬',
'Western Sahara': '🇪🇭',
Eritrea: '🇪🇷',
Spain: '🇪🇸',
Ethiopia: '🇪🇹',
'European Union': '🇪🇺',
Finland: '🇫🇮',
Fiji: '🇫🇯',
'Falkland Islands': '🇫🇰',
Micronesia: '🇫🇲',
'Faroe Islands': '🇫🇴',
France: '🇫🇷',
Gabon: '🇬🇦',
'United Kingdom': '🇬🇧',
Grenada: '🇬🇩',
Georgia: '🇬🇪',
'French Guiana': '🇬🇫',
Guernsey: '🇬🇬',
Ghana: '🇬🇭',
Gibraltar: '🇬🇮',
Greenland: '🇬🇱',
Gambia: '🇬🇲',
Guinea: '🇬🇳',
Guadeloupe: '🇬🇵',
'Equatorial Guinea': '🇬🇶',
Greece: '🇬🇷',
'South Georgia&': '🇬🇸',
Guatemala: '🇬🇹',
Guam: '🇬🇺',
'Guinea-Bissau': '🇬🇼',
Guyana: '🇬🇾',
'Hong Kong SAR': '🇭🇰',
'Heard&McDonald': '🇭🇲',
Honduras: '🇭🇳',
Croatia: '🇭🇷',
Haiti: '🇭🇹',
Hungary: '🇭🇺',
'Canary Islands': '🇮🇨',
Indonesia: '🇮🇩',
Ireland: '🇮🇪',
Israel: '🇮🇱',
'Isle of Man': '🇮🇲',
India: '🇮🇳',
'British Indian Ocean': '🇮🇴',
Iraq: '🇮🇶',
Iran: '🇮🇷',
Iceland: '🇮🇸',
Italy: '🇮🇹',
Jersey: '🇯🇪',
Jamaica: '🇯🇲',
Jordan: '🇯🇴',
Japan: '🇯🇵',
Kenya: '🇰🇪',
Kyrgyzstan: '🇰🇬',
Cambodia: '🇰🇭',
Kiribati: '🇰🇮',
Comoros: '🇰🇲',
'St.Kitts&': '🇰🇳',
'North Korea': '🇰🇵',
'Korea Republic': '🇰🇷',
'South Korea': '🇰🇷',
Kuwait: '🇰🇼',
'Cayman Islands': '🇰🇾',
Kazakhstan: '🇰🇿',
Laos: '🇱🇦',
Lebanon: '🇱🇧',
'St.Lucia': '🇱🇨',
Liechtenstein: '🇱🇮',
SriLanka: '🇱🇰',
Liberia: '🇱🇷',
Lesotho: '🇱🇸',
Lithuania: '🇱🇹',
Luxembourg: '🇱🇺',
Latvia: '🇱🇻',
Libya: '🇱🇾',
Morocco: '🇲🇦',
Monaco: '🇲🇨',
Moldova: '🇲🇩',
Montenegro: '🇲🇪',
'St.Martin': '🇲🇫',
Madagascar: '🇲🇬',
'Marshall Islands': '🇲🇭',
'North Macedonia': '🇲🇰',
Mali: '🇲🇱',
'Myanmar(Burma)': '🇲🇲',
Mongolia: '🇲🇳',
'MacaoSar China': '🇲🇴',
'Northern Mariana Islands': '🇲🇵',
Martinique: '🇲🇶',
Mauritania: '🇲🇷',
Montserrat: '🇲🇸',
Malta: '🇲🇹',
Mauritius: '🇲🇺',
Maldives: '🇲🇻',
Malawi: '🇲🇼',
Mexico: '🇲🇽',
Malaysia: '🇲🇾',
Mozambique: '🇲🇿',
Namibia: '🇳🇦',
NewCaledonia: '🇳🇨',
Niger: '🇳🇪',
'Norfolk Island': '🇳🇫',
Nigeria: '🇳🇬',
Nicaragua: '🇳🇮',
Netherlands: '🇳🇱',
Nederlands: '🇳🇱',
Norway: '🇳🇴',
Nepal: '🇳🇵',
Nauru: '🇳🇷',
Niue: '🇳🇺',
'New Zealand': '🇳🇿',
Oman: '🇴🇲',
Panama: '🇵🇦',
Peru: '🇵🇪',
'French Polynesia': '🇵🇫',
'Papua New Guinea': '🇵🇬',
Philippines: '🇵🇭',
Pakistan: '🇵🇰',
Poland: '🇵🇱',
'St.Pierre&': '🇵🇲',
PitcairnIslands: '🇵🇳',
'Puerto Rico': '🇵🇷',
'Palestinian Territories': '🇵🇸',
Portugal: '🇵🇹',
Palau: '🇵🇼',
Paraguay: '🇵🇾',
Qatar: '🇶🇦',
Réunion: '🇷🇪',
Romania: '🇷🇴',
Serbia: '🇷🇸',
Russia: '🇷🇺',
Rwanda: '🇷🇼',
'Saudi Arabia': '🇸🇦',
'Solomon Islands': '🇸🇧',
Seychelles: '🇸🇨',
Sudan: '🇸🇩',
Sweden: '🇸🇪',
Singapore: '🇸🇬',
'St.Helena': '🇸🇭',
Slovenia: '🇸🇮',
'Svalbard&Jan': '🇸🇯',
Slovakia: '🇸🇰',
'Sierra Leone': '🇸🇱',
'San Marino': '🇸🇲',
Senegal: '🇸🇳',
Somalia: '🇸🇴',
Suriname: '🇸🇷',
'South Sudan': '🇸🇸',
'SãoTomé&': '🇸🇹',
ElSalvador: '🇸🇻',
SintMaarten: '🇸🇽',
Syria: '🇸🇾',
Eswatini: '🇸🇿',
TristanDaCunha: '🇹🇦',
'Turks & Caicos': '🇹🇨',
Chad: '🇹🇩',
'French Southern Territories': '🇹🇫',
Togo: '🇹🇬',
Thailand: '🇹🇭',
Tajikistan: '🇹🇯',
Tokelau: '🇹🇰',
'Timor-Leste': '🇹🇱',
Turkmenistan: '🇹🇲',
Tunisia: '🇹🇳',
Tonga: '🇹🇴',
Turkey: '🇹🇷',
'Trinidad & Tobago': '🇹🇹',
Tuvalu: '🇹🇻',
Taiwan: '🇹🇼',
Tanzania: '🇹🇿',
Ukraine: '🇺🇦',
Uganda: '🇺🇬',
'U.S.OutlyingIslands': '🇺🇲',
'United Nations': '🇺🇳',
'United States': '🇺🇸',
Uruguay: '🇺🇾',
Uzbekistan: '🇺🇿',
'Vatican City': '🇻🇦',
'St.Vincent&': '🇻🇨',
Venezuela: '🇻🇪',
'British Virgin Islands': '🇻🇬',
'U.S.VirginIslands': '🇻🇮',
Vietnam: '🇻🇳',
Vanuatu: '🇻🇺',
'Wallis & Futuna': '🇼🇫',
Samoa: '🇼🇸',
Kosovo: '🇽🇰',
Yemen: '🇾🇪',
Mayotte: '🇾🇹',
'South Africa': '🇿🇦',
Zambia: '🇿🇲',
Zimbabwe: '🇿🇼',
England: '🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿',
Scotland: '🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿',
Wales: '🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿',
'forTexas(US-TX)': '🏴󠁵󠁳󠁴󠁸󠁿'
static browser_config = browserConfig;
static flags = worldFlags;

static client = {
client: null,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,10 +472,11 @@ class MessageStrategy {

async get_page(self, fullurl, wait = 500) {
let browser = null
try {

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'], headless: false })
browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'], headless: true })
const page = await browser.newPage()
await page.goto(fullurl)
await page.setViewport({ width: 1366, height: 768 })
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,15 +517,21 @@ class MessageStrategy {
return page
} catch (err) {
if (browser) browser.close();
return null

async get_page_og_data(self, fullurl, wait = 500, data_url = true) {
try {
const page = await self.get_page(self, fullurl, wait)
if (!page) {
console.log("Failed to get page");
return [null, null];

const data = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('*').outerHTML);
// console.log(data)

const description = await page.evaluate(() => {
const desc = document.head.querySelector('meta[property="og:description"]')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,4 +609,4 @@ class MessageStrategy {

module.exports = MessageStrategy
module.exports = MessageStrategy
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion chuckbot.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const wa = require('@open-wa/wa-automate')
const fs = require('fs')

class ChuckBot {
static source_dir = './'
static chuck = null
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +83,6 @@ class ChuckBot {
const message = event_message
message.event_type = 'onAddedToGroup'
message.event = event
console.log('on added')

Expand Down

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