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Knockout - easily use Knockout.js from the Rails app

If you have any questions please contact me @dnagir.

This provides a set of conveniences for you to use more like Backbone or Spine, but still fully leveraging KnockoutJS.


Add it to your Rails application's Gemfile:

gem 'knockout-rails'

Then bundle install.

Reference knockout from your JavaScript as you normally do with Rails 3.1 Assets Pipeline.



After you've referenced the knockout you can create your first persistent Model.

class Page extends ko.Model
  @configure 'page' # This is enough to save the model RESTfully to `/pages/{id}` URL

Too simple. This model conforms to the response of inherited_resources Gem.

Now you can create the model in your HTML. Note that we don't do a roundtrip to fetch the data as we already have it when rendering the view.

= content_for :script do
      // Create the viewModel with prefilled data = new Page(#{@page.to_json});
      ko.applyBindings(; // And bind everything

Of course you can manipulate the object as you wish: 'Updated page' # saves it to the server using PUT: /pages/123 '' # Assign an invalid value that is validated on the server
request = # returns the jQuery Deferred, so you can chain into it when necessary
request.always (xhr, status) ->
  # The response is 422 with JSON: {name: ["invalid name", "should not be blank"]}
  # And now we have the errors set automatically! # "invalid name, should not be blank"
  # even more than that, errors are already bound and shown in the HTML (see the view below)

Now let's see how we can show the validation errors on the page and bind everything together.{:data => {:bind =>'submit: save'}}
        %label.label{:for=>:page_name} Name
        %input#page_name{:type=>:text, :data=>{:bind=>'value: name'}}
        %span.inline-error{:data=>{:bind=>'visible:, text:'}}


This gem also includes useful bindings that you may find useful in your application. For example, you can use autosave binding by requiring knockout/bindings/autosave.

Or if you want to include all of the bindings available, then require knockout/bindings/all.

The list of currently available bindings:

  • autosave - automatically persists the model whenever any of its attributes change. Apply it to a form element. Examples: autosave: page, autosave: {model: page, when: page.isEnabled, unless: viewModel.doNotSave }.
  • inplace - converts the input elements into inplace editing with 'Edit'/'Done' buttons. Apply it on input elements similarly to the value binding.
  • color - converts an element into a color picker. Apply it to a div element: color: page.fontColor. Depends on pakunok gem (specifically - its colorpicker asset).
  • onoff - Converts checkboxes into iOS on/off buttons. Example: onoff: page.isPublic. It depends on ios-chechboxes gem.
  • animate - runs the animation when dependent attributes change. Example: animate: {width: quotaUsed, height: quotaUsed(), duration: 2000}.

Please see the specs for more detailed instruction on how to use the specific binding.



  • Source hosted at GitHub
  • Report issues and feature requests to GitHub Issues
  • Ping me on Twitter @dnagir
  • Look at the file for current TODO list and other details.


Assuming you already cloned the repo in cd-d into it:

bundle install
# Now run the Ruby specs
bundle exec rspec spec/
# Now start JavaScript server for specs:
cd spec/dummy
bundle exec rails s
# go to http://localhost:3000/jasmine to see the results

Now you can go to spec/javascripts and start writing your specs and then modify stuff in lib/assets/javascripts to pass those.

Pull requests are very welcome, but please include the specs! It's extremely easy to write those!


[MIT] (