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Peter Dziezyk edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 1 revision
<rgb:> Signature (R + ESCAPE)

Full Template

<rgb:RED GREEN BLUE X Y, *, ms, True: False:>

Use <RGB:> (Capitalized) for no 🖱 move

db.txt Example (If false, prints nothing)

<test-><rgb:30 30 30>1

Press RCTRL T E S T to Run


<rgb:R G B, 1, 150>

Same as 
<rgb:30 30 30>

Notice no X Y, * or ms.

Use | for OR-----------------------------------------
<rgb:R G B X Y | R G B X Y, *, ms, True: False:>    |

Use & for AND----------------------------------------
<rgb:R G B X Y & R G B X Y, *, ms, True: False:>    |

Search once @ current 🖱 X Y. 

If true, continue running and print ✔

<test-><rgb:30 30 30>✔


<test-><rgb:30 30 30, 1>✔

GoTo X Y param then search

Search once @ X Y------------
<rgb:30 30 30 1920 1080>    |
<xy: 1920 1080><rgb:30 30 30>

Search twice with default 150ms delay--------
<rgb:30 30 30, 2>                           |

Search twice with 1 second delay

<rgb:30 30 30, 2, 1000>

Search until true. 1 with 1000ms delay

Use - or : for loop------------------
<rgb:30 30 30, 1, 1000, ->          |
or                                  |
<rgb:30 30 30, 1, 1000, :>          |

Or use , for loop -------
<rgb:30 30 30,>         |
Default 150ms delay in between searches.
Press ESCAPE to stop

GoTo False- If fail--------------
<rgb:30 30 30, 1, 1, false->    |
<false->0              ^---------

GoTo Ture- or False- (Use space)---------
<rgb:30 30 30, 1, 1, true- false->      |

Infinite Loop (Escape to stop)
Loop variant ------------------------------------
<test-><rgb:30 30 30, 1, 1000, t- test->        |
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