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libsimdsampling Build Status

libsimdsampling uses vectorized random number generation with reservoir sampling to perform data-parallel weighted point selection.

This can make a significant improvement in speed of applications sampling from streaming weights, such as kmeans++ or D2 sampling.

Compile with make, and link against either -lsimdsampling or -lsimdsampling-st. libsimdsampling parallelizes using OpenMP, and libsimdsampling_st performs serial sampling.


Example usage:

#ifdef _OPENMP
    // If OpenMP is defined, set the number of threads to determine parallelism.
blaze::DynamicVector<double> data(1000000);
// Initialize data with nonnegative weights
uint64_t selected_point = reservoir_simd::sample(, data.size()); // Manual selection of pointer
uint64_t other_point = reservoir_simd::sample(data);                        // Using the container overload to access these functions automatically

// To sample k points randomly without replacement:
const std::vector<uint64_t> selected = reservoir_simd::sample_k(, data.size(), k, /*seed=*/13);

Usage in C

Simply include the same header and link as using C++; however, you will need to call unqualified names;

Fmt determines whether to sample with replacement (not possible for k = 1) and whether to use dense SIMD computation or use exponential skips instead.

size_t n = 10000;
int k = 25;
uint64_t seed = 0;
double *data = malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
float *fdata = malloc(sizeof(float) * n);
enum SampleFmt fmt = 0;
// Initialization here...
uint64_t selected_point = dsimd_sample(data, n, seed, fmt);
uint64_t float_selected_point = fsimd_sample(data, n, seed, fmt);

It's more complicated to sample k points without replacement; one must pre-allocate a buffer of 64-bit integers, and you will be responsible for freeing that memory.

uint64_t *retv = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * k);
dsimd_sample_k(data, n, k, retv, seed);
fsimd_sample_k(fdata, n, k, retv, seed); // Overwrites result from dsimd_sample_k

Sampling k points

One can sample k points at a time via simd_sample_k. The same algorithm is used, except that a heap of the lowest-priority (highest value) elements are kept, rather than the lowest-priority element.


We also provide vectorized (and optionally parallelized) argmin/argmax for floats and doubles. We may in the future add versions for other fundamental types. This is also within the namespace reservoir_simd.

The C api is:

  1. dargsel(double *, size_t, enum ArgReduction), where ArgReduction is either ARGMIN or ARGMAX.
  2. fargsel(float *, size_t, enum ArgReduction), where ArgReduction is either ARGMIN or ARGMAX.
  3. dargmin(double *, size_t)
  4. fargmin(float *, size_t)
  5. dargmax(double *, size_t)
  6. fargmax(float *, size_t)

See argminmax.h for convenience functions in C++.


Requires libsleef, which can be installed easily with homebrew or apt-get on Ubuntu, or can be built from source.

Add INCLUDE_PATHS= or LINK_PATHS= arguments to sleef/build/{include/lib} to ensure the compiler can find the library if necessary.