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What is this?

Sal (salt) is something you add to almost every meal. I add sal to my Rails projects.

I found I always add a particular set of helpers, initializers and generators. Better if they're distributed as a Rails engine.


Add to your Rails app Gemfile:

gem 'sal-engine'

And run bundle

How does it taste?

messages_bar helper

Will render:

<div class="alert alert-success">anything</div>

…if flash[:notice] contains anything.

Will render:

 <div class="alert alert-warning">anything</div>

…if flash[:alert] contains anything.

When providing both, notice will prevail.

menu_item helper

Very handy for navigation menus:

<%= menu_item 'first' do %>First option<% end %>
<%= menu_item 'second', tag: :div do %><%= link_to root_path, 'Second option' %><% end %>
<%= menu_item 'third', class: 'nav-link' do %>Third option<% end %>


<li class="active">First option<li>
<div><a href="/">Second option</a><div>
<li class="nav-link">Third option</li>

Parameters: menu_item(item, options)

  • item: item name
  • options: a has of options such as :class, etc… An additional option :tag is provided in case you don't want to use LI as default

errors_bar helper

Will indicate if any model in your form has an error. It supports multiple models in case you're combining two entities in the same form (i.e. using fields_for):

<%= errors_item @user %>


 <div class="alert alert-danger">Please correct the highlighted fields.</div>

Parameters: errors_item(model[, model2…])

  • model: an active record model, or tableless
  • model2: you can provide more than one

The string Please correct the highlighted fields. is localized as errors_bar_message into English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. You can override this in your app if you need to, editing your locale yml files.

Error messages

I like to put the error messages right after the field in the form. sal provides an initializer that will patch ActionView::Base to wrap the field with the extra markup and the error message.

Given a model with a field:

<%= text_field_tag :title %>

that renders this simple view:

<input type="text" name="title">

Then it will add this extra HTML on an error:

<div class="has-error">
  <input type="text" name="title">
  <span class="help-block">✖ can't be blank</span>

It plays nice with Bootstrap forms. You won't have to touch any CSS.

  • Plain text fields:
  <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.label :password, 'Password' %>
    <%= f.password_field :password, :class => 'form-control' %>
  • Checkboxes. Use this code for proper margin and alignment:
  <div class="form-group checkbox">
    <%= f.label :conditions, "#{f.check_box(:conditions)}I accept the terms and conditions".html_safe, :class => 'checkbox' %>


Rails generators are very useful in the initial stages of development to create your admin interfaces. In particular:

  • I use bootstrap classes for layout
  • I don't use the show action/view
  • I don't want to autogenerate helper files for every model

To launch this generator:

bundle exec rails generate scaffold MyModel name:string -p --skip-test-framework

Interesting, but…

It fits my purposes, which may be different from yours. You might like the idea though: then fork it and call it peppermint, curry or whatever you prefer!


Sal (salt) is what you add to every meal. I add sal to my Rails projects







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