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Tania - A simple and clean theme for Hugo.


  • Fast: All the CSS used, once compressed, doesn't reach the 4kb.
  • Simple: Say what you want without unnecessary decorations.
  • Responsive: Looks good on all screen sizes.


You can install Tania running the following commands inside your Hugo project:

mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone tania


mkdir themes
cd themes
git submudole add tania

If you are planning to use Netlify is recommended to install the theme as a git submodule. If you want to learn more about hosting your Hugo project on Netlify check this page.

Then, on your config.toml file change the following line:

theme = "tania"


You can use the config.toml file of the example site as a guide.

Base params

baseURL = "/"
title = "Your Project Name"
author = "Author"
description = "Descrption of your project."
enableRobotsTXT = true
language = "en-US"
copyright = "© 2020 Daniel (Danielkvist)."


To set the number of items per page:

paginate = 7


To use the CSS styles defined to code blocks you will need to add the following line to your config.toml file:


Other important params

  author = "Your name"
  description = "Tania is a simple and clean theme for Hugo".
  dateFormat = "Monday, Jan 2, 2006"

The parameters above are important and you should ensure that they are defined in your config.toml for the correct functioning of Tania.


To add your contact email to the footer you'll need to add to your config.toml the following lines:

  email = ""


To add a message before your social links:

  text = "Find more about me here:"

To add your social links to the footer you'll need to add:

  codepen = ""
  github = ""
  linkedin = ""
  twitter = ""

You can add any link you want and it will be rendered as follows:

<!-- Using GitHub as an example -->

Custom CSS

You can easily add your own CSS styles. To do this you just have to create in the root of your project the a folder called assets. Then, inside assets, create another folder called css. And finally you can create a file called style.css with your CSS styles.

Front Matter

Single pages without tags

title: "About"
description: "What is Tania and why you should care about it"
menu: main
weight: 1

Singles pages with tags

title: "Golang"
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel nisi massa."
date: 2020-02-17T22:20:00+01:00
publishDate: 2020-02-19T22:20:00+01:00
tags: ["golang", "programming"]

List pages

title: "Blog"
description: "I'm writing about stuff. Really interesting stuff"
menu: main
weight: 2

Things I'm working on

  • Better customization to change easily things like the color scheme.
  • Dark mode.
  • Caching with Service Workers.