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Use Cases

dnstremba edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

Use Cases

UC1: Manage Items (brief format)

UC2: Recall Items

  • Scope: Recall Enhancer Application
  • Level: user goal
  • Primary Actor: Recaller
  • Stakeholders and Interests:
    • Recaller: Wants to be informed about queued items.
  • Preconditions: At least one item must be created.
  • Success Guarantee (or Postconditions): Recall for each item is rescheduled.
  • Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow):
    1. Recaller starts recall session.
    2. System represents the current item to be recalled.
    3. Recaller finishes retaining process and rates the quality of repetition response on a scale.
    4. System recalculates next inter-repetition interval and logs completed recalls.
      System repeats steps 2-4 unless the queue is empty.
  • Extensions (or Alternative Flows):
    a*. At any time, Recaller requests display of status of the item.
  • Special Requirements:
    1. Pluggable spaced-repetitions algorithms at step 4.
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