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Tomas Stenlund edited this page Jun 25, 2017 · 8 revisions

Consent Handling

This wiki page describes a consent handling prototype based on a consortium blockchain. For the current prototype setup there is only one authority and partner in the consortium.

Disclaimer! This is work in progress and do not by any means make any claims of being bug free, exhaustive or being a provider of a blockchain for this purpose. It contains a sample IT-service provided by a company, a set of public web applications for consent handling and registration, a PoA blockchain, source code and wiki describing the system analysis, information model, solution overview and contract model.

What is a consent?

When one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another.

This is a common use case when a company wants to perform processing of information collected from a person for a specific purpose. For example: If a company collects data on a persons usage of a product with the intention of using that data to perform product improvements based on that data, the company needs to have a consent.


  1. System Analysis
  2. System Overview
  3. Contract Overview
  4. Current limitations
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