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Hi there,

Thank you for your interest in my GitHub repository

This is my first personal website version 1.0 built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.


  • It is a multi-page site for each project details page and blog page.
  • It is responsive and mobile-friendly and works without lagging.
  • Fast Loading.
  • Used SEO.
  • Available on Google an Bing Search Engine.
  • 96% Performance, 96% Accessibility, 92% Best Practices, 90% SEO for the Desktop, and 66% Performance, 98% Accessibility, 92% Best Practices, 92% SEO on Mobile. This report asses using "PageSpeed Insight" tools provided by Google.

How to Install

Installation Process

You can download this template from the above on this Repo page. You can see the green code button after clicking you can see the first tab button that is "Local" at the bottom click on "Download ZIP". After download completion, extract the folder first and load it in your preferred IDE or I recomended in VS Code and makes necessary changes at your convenience.

Note: I am happy to freely share my code with the community, the beginner-level developer, and hope it will be helpful for your project, But before using or distributing my code remove the Contents, Images, Links, and Other Assets that will not be helpful in your project.

If you decide to use my code, I kindly request that you provide appropriate attribution in your project to give credit to my work.


Visit Portfolio Website




Feedback is Welcome. You can directly email me at or visit the contact page link or fill out the form If you need any help feel free to contact me.


The last Update was on 2/06/2023 by Dnyanesh Kolhe