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XMLReader is

  • an object mode Transform stream
  • consuming XMLLexer's output (distinct XML tags and text fragments),
  • transforming incoming strings into XMLNode objects,
  • adjusting data (see Data transformation below)
  • optionally transforming it in place with the provided map function,
  • and, finally:
    • either pushing results to the Readable's output,
    • or emitting them as SAX events (if there is at least one subscriber).


const {XMLReader} = require ('xml-toolkit')

const reader = new XMLReader ({...options}).process (readableStreamOrStringOrBuffer)

// scanning through the content:
for await (const e of reader) console.log (e)

// getting just one node:
const theNode = await reader.findFirst () // `null` unless found


Name Default Description
useEntities true If true, the EntityResolver is in use, otherwise &...; may occur in output
useNamespaces true If true, all element attributes are scanned for xmlns... prefixes
filter (xmlNode) => true If set, this function is called for each XMLNode before pushing it out. Unless if returns a true value, the push is skipped. Think Array.filter
filterElements Same as filter, but adds the condition type='EndElement', so filtering only element nodes with children already parsed. Can be set as a string instead of function: in that case, acts like a filter on localname
stripSpace true if filterElements is set, otherwise false If true, text fragments are trimmed
collect (xmlNode) => false If set, this function is called on each StartDocument except for self enclosed tags. If it returns true, the children array will be created for this node and all its subtree. When filterElements is set, omitted collect is assumed have the same value.
map (xmlNode) => any If set, this function is called for each XMLNode transforming it in place before pushing it out. Think

Computed properties

Name Type Description
isSAX Boolean true iif there is at least one subscriber for some SAXEvent type. In that case, SAX events are emitted instead of Readable's data events.


process (src [, lexerOptions])

Create an XMLLexer with lexerOptions, pipe it to this XMLReader and parse the provided src.

Name, Params Type Description
src Buffer, String or Readable XML to parse
lexerOptions Object See XMLLexer#options

Return value: the XMLReader object (for chaining).

async findFirst ()

On the first XMLNode occured, returns it, destroying the stream.

Using this method makes sense mostly with filterElements or filter options set. Without that, will return StartElement for the document root, with attributes, but without any children.

Returns null if end of XML (EndDocument event) reached without any node found.

Throws an error if some SAX event type listener was set prior to calling findFirst.

Data transformation

Event substitution

  • on stream end, the 'EndDocument' event with empty line as src and xml is published;
  • for EndElement tags, a copy of StartElement XMLNode, with same attributes, but altered type field;
    • for self enclosed elements, too, XMLNodes are published twice: as StartElement and as EndElement.

Text aggregation

Sequences of text/CDATA fragments are reported as atomic Characters events.

If useEntities option is set on (by default), Characters fragments are transformed by EntityResolver (CDATA never are).

To drop insignificant whitespace, use the stripSpace option. When it's set to true, every aggregated text fragment is trimmed down, emptied lines are ignored completely. So, for example, <foo/>\n\n<bar/> yields no Characters at all, but for a <![CDATA[cdata]]> section spaces are left in place.

Nodes subtree collection

By default, XMLReader works in a manner similar to SAX parsers, emitting atomic objects one by one. They are XMLNodes, not just SAXEvents, but, once again, by default each XMLNode is only aware of its parent, not children (the children member is null, not an empty array).

To start collecting children, the application developer can explicitly mark the necessary set of nodes with the function passed as collect option. For example, for the complete DOM tree one can use

collect: e => true,

for root element direct children (that may have sense with huge linear XML):

collect: e => e.level === 1,

and so on.

Each XMLNode conforming to the collect criterion will have the default children = [], and each XMLNode having it as parent:

  • will be added to that list;
  • if it's an element, it will collect its own children.

Complete children content is available at EndElemnt event.

Comparison to XMLParser

XMLParser and XMLReader and are both high level XML parsers producing XMLNodes. But:

Name Proto XML Source Pro Contra
XMLReader Transform Readable allows to scan huge XML with limited memory footprint asynchronous by nature
XMLParser none String can be used in synchronous contexts, e. g. in object constructors limited size XML only

So, XMLReader vs. XMLParser is basically like fs.createReadStream vs. fs.readFileSync.