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ONNX2Casadi conversion tool: First draft
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4flixt committed Oct 10, 2022
2 parents 71bb7dd + 461e4c4 commit 41a2d2b
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337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions do_mpc/tools/onnx/
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@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
import casadi
import onnx
import tf2onnx
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

class ONNX2Casadi:
""" Transform ONNX model into casadi mathematical symbolic expressions.
The ONNX2Casadi class is only then operative, if the model to be transformed
does not include numerical arrays of a 3rd or higher order: Inputs and all
computation results are either scalars or at most vectors and no matrices
(convolutional networks can not be converted).
The __init__ method defines and initializes the object properties, which are
relevant for the following CasADi-conversion steps. For better understanding
of the open-source software tool CasADi please visit
The model is only converted by applying the method "convert".
To better understand how this tool works, see
1) If you are getting the following error while running the script or
installing the corresponding python package:
- Powershell error concerning version conflict of the FlatBuffers
try to upgrade your tensorflow package using the following poweshell command:
pip install tensorflow --upgrade
2) While passing a keras model to the class ONNX2Casadi a very long comment
will be generated and printed in the python console. This is due to the function
tf2onnx.convert.from_keras() and is fully normal and expected.

def __init__(self, model, model_name=-1):
""" Initializes the converted model.
Pass either a keras or ONNX model.

# In case of a keras model as input, convert it to an ONNX model
if isinstance(model,(tf.keras.Model)):
model_input_signature = [tf.TensorSpec(np.array(self.determine_shape(inp_spec.shape)), for inp_spec in model.input_spec]
self.onnx_model, _ = tf2onnx.convert.from_keras(model,output_path=None,
input_signature=model_input_signature) = "casadi_model" if not isinstance(model_name, (str)) else

elif isinstance(model,(onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto)):
self.onnx_model = model = "casadi_model" if not isinstance(model_name, (str)) else model_name

raise Exception("Please pass a keras or onnx model as input")

# From the ONNX model the graph and the nodes and the initializers are directly inherited
self.graph = self.onnx_model.graph
self.nodes = list(self.graph.node)
onnx_initializers = list(self.graph.initializer)

# The initialized tensors are converted into the numpy readable format before assignment
self.initialized_tensors = {}
for initializer in onnx_initializers:
self.initialized_tensors[] = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(initializer)

# Determining the input shape
inputshape = {}
for inpn in self.graph.input:
if not in self.initialized_tensors.keys():
inputshape[] = tuple([shape_dim.dim_value for shape_dim in inpn.type.tensor_type.shape.dim])

self._inputshape = inputshape

# Determining output layer names

self.output_layers = [ for out in self.graph.output]
all_layers = [ for n in list(self.graph.input)] + [n.output[0] for n in self.nodes]
self.layers = all_layers

# Initializing relevant layers
self.relevant_layers = []
self.relevant_values = {}

def inputshape(self):
return self._inputshape

def inputshape(self,inpshape):
raise Exception("The inputshape property can not be changed. It will be automatically generated while passing an input model")

def determine_shape(self,raw_shape):
""" This method helps to determine the relevant array shape from a given
ambiguous shape representation.
(None,1) and (1, None) as input return (1,)
(n,m) shapes with n and m not "None" values stays the same
[n,m] returns (n,m) in a tuple representation
shape = []
for dimension in raw_shape:
if dimension != None:
return tuple(shape)

def convert(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
""" This method generates the actual casadi conversion.
verbose: if True (default value), a message will be printed after
each successful conversion of a ONNX graph operation.
symvar_type: Chose between the casadi-specific "SX" or "MX" symbolic
kwargs: Input values as CasADi variables with specified input
variable name
casadi_model: A CasADi symbolic function which is mathematically
equivalent to the model operation.
output_values: The symbolic expression of the model output with respect
to the symbolic input variables x, y and z.
self.values: A dictionary with the names of all included ONNX-specific
computation operations as keys and their CasADi symbolic expressions
with respect to the symbolic input variables x,y and z.

# For the sake of better code readability, the variables are first renamed
graph = self.graph
nodes = self.nodes
init_tensors = self.initialized_tensors
inputshape = self._inputshape
# all_input_layers = self.all_input_layers
output_layers = self.output_layers
all_layers = self.layers

# Sanity check: Are the dimensions of kwargs correct. Do we have the right names and number of inputs?

self.input = {}
if len(kwargs) == len(inputshape):
if not all( layer_name in list(kwargs.keys()) for layer_name in list(inputshape.keys()) ):
raise Exception("False input layer names.\nThe input layers are {}".format(list(inputshape.keys())))

for input_name, shape in inputshape.items():
if isinstance(kwargs[input_name],(np.ndarray)):
if kwargs[input_name].shape != inputshape[input_name]:
raise Exception("The shape of the input '{}' should be {}".foramt(input_element,inputshape[input_name]))

elif isinstance(kwargs[input_name],(casadi.SX,casadi.MX)):
if ( (len(inputshape[input_name]) == 1) and (
inputshape[input_name][0] != kwargs[input_name].shape[0])) and (
inputshape[input_name] != kwargs[input_name].shape):
raise Exception("The shape of the input '{}' should be {}".foramt(input_element,inputshape[input_name]))

raise Exception("Input should be of the datatype numpy.ndarray, casadi.casadi.MX or casadi.casadi.SX")

self.input[input_name] = kwargs[input_name]

raise Exception("The model takes {} inputs for the layers {}".format(len(inputshape.keys()),list(inputshape.keys())))

# Sanity check: Are all the input variables of the same CasADi symbolic
# type: SX or MX:
global input_types
input_types = [type(inp) for inp in self.input.values()]

if (casadi.casadi.SX in input_types) and (casadi.casadi.MX in input_types):
raise Exception("Please use only one casadi symbolic type: SX or MX for all inputs")
elif casadi.casadi.SX in input_types:
symvar_type = casadi.SX
self.symvar_type = casadi.casadi.SX
elif casadi.casadi.MX in input_types:
symvar_type = casadi.MX
self.symvar_type = casadi.casadi.MX

# Defining activation functions (should be extended, if a required
# activation function is not available here !)
var = self.symvar_type.sym("var",1)
act_func_dict = {"Tanh":np.tanh,"Sigmoid":casadi.Function("Sigmoid",[var],[1/(1+np.exp(-var))]),

# Computation of all node values
node_values = self.input.copy() # "node_values" contains only input node values as initial values
all_values = self.input.copy()
all_values.update(init_tensors) # "all_values" contains initializer and input node values as initial values
for n in nodes[0:]:
if verbose:
print("\nProcessing of {}".format(

ins = [] # "ins" collects all the input variables for the corresponding
# node in CasADi-form with corrected shape (in case input shape is (1,))
# These inputs could either be the input values from the last layer
# or the bias and weight values, which are saved in "init_tensors"
# "and all_values"
# Computation follows the node order given by the ONNX graph.
# Computed values from the previous node are initialized in "node_values"
# These are as well saved in "all_values" in addition to bias and weight values
# A computational node is different from a neural layer:
# ONNX graph reserves for each mathematical operation a separate
# node (bias addition and weight multiplication are 2 nodes)

for input_layer_name in n.input:

# Conversion into CasADi and shape correction in case of (1,) as input shape
if isinstance(all_values[input_layer_name],(np.ndarray)):
if len(all_values[input_layer_name].shape) == 1:
all_values[input_layer_name] = np.array([all_values[input_layer_name]])
all_values[input_layer_name] = symvar_type(all_values[input_layer_name])
ins.append(all_values[input_layer_name]) # critical ! input_layer_name should be already contained in all_values => Assumption: ONNX graph representation is correctly arranged

## Determination of the operation type and subsequent computation

# input-weight-multiplication
if n.op_type == "MatMul":
out = ins[0]@ins[1]
# out = ins[1]@ins[0]

# Addition of bias to weight multiplication results from previous node
elif n.op_type in ["Add","Sum"]:
out = sum(ins)

# Application of activation function
elif n.op_type in list(act_func_dict.keys()):
out = act_func_dict[n.op_type](ins[0])

elif n.op_type == "Unsqueeze":
out = ins[0]

# Node result concatenation (equivalent to layer concatenation)
elif n.op_type == "Concat":
if n.attribute[0].i == 0:
concat_f = casadi.vertcat
concat_f = casadi.horzcat
out = concat_f(ins[0],ins[1])

# The model in its actual state is capable of the conversion of other
# ONNX node types and operations. This design should be sufficient
# for the deep learning regression applications with at maximum
# 2-dimensional arrays as input (no convolutional neural networks or
# models with 3D and higher input arrays !)
raise Exception("The layer type: {} is not yet included in the conversion tool".format(n.op_type))
if isinstance(out,(np.ndarray)):
out = symvar_type(out)

# Assignment of the computation result to the variables "all_values"
# and "node_values" as initialization for the next node operation
all_values[n.output[0]] = out
node_values[n.output[0]] = out

# Assignment of all node output values to the class object
self.values = node_values

# computation values of relevant nodes only
# Relevant nodes are nodes, whose output results correspond to the
# layer output results: node names of bias addition and weight
# multiplication operations are eliminated. Hence, as layer results are
# only results from concatenation nodes or activation function nodes considered
self.relevant_layers = []
self.relevant_values = {}
for layer, value in node_values.items():
operation_type = layer[layer.rfind("/")+1:].lower() # Example: "MatMul:0" from the full node
# name "model_1/1st_output/MatMul:0"
if not any(irrelevant in operation_type for irrelevant in ["matmul","biasadd","expanddims"]):
relevant_layer_name = layer
if layer.count("/")>1:
# Example: "model_1" from the full layer name "model_1/xy/Tanh:0"
relevant_layer_name = layer[layer.find("/")+1:layer.rfind("/")]

# Assignment of the list of the relevant layer names and of their
# respective values to the ONNX2CasADi object
self.relevant_values[relevant_layer_name] = self.values[layer]

# Generation of the equivalent CasADi model (of the Outputs)
self.output_values = {}
for l in output_layers:
self.output_values[l] = all_values[l]

self.casadi_function = casadi.Function(,list(self.input.values()),

def __getitem__(self, key):
""" Enables the output of the CasADi expression of a specific layer or
graph operation node.
values = self.values
out = None
for layer_name in values:
if key == layer_name:
out = values[layer_name]

if out == None:
raise Exception("The layer '{}' is unknown.\nIt should be either a name of onnx computational node (see the property: self.layers) or possibly a name of one of the original Keras model layers (see the property: self.relevant_layers)".format(key))
return out

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