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curb_detection: An algorithm for road side detection based on relative gradient value filtering


  • ROS (tested with Melodic)
  • PCL


Use the following commands to download and compile the package.

cd ~/[your_ws]/src
git clone
catkin build curb_detection

Getting started

In a new terminal start roscore with the following command:


In the Launch file, change the following params according to your sensor settings:

<param name="input_topic" type="string" value="/os_cloud_node/points" />
<param name="point_number" type="int" value="2048" />
<param name="channel_number" type="int" value="128" />
<param name="frame_id" type="string" value="/base_link" />

Then start the program in a separate terminal:
roslaunch curb_detection curb_detection.launch

A tab will pop up after that,that contains all the parameters with their default values, which looks like this:

Params Description
useBoxFilter Should a box-filter be used
max_x Maximal X value
min_x Minimal X value
max_y Maximal Y value
min_y Minimal Y value
max_z Maximal Z value
min_z Minimal Z value
min_rad Minimal distance from the vehicle
filter_a Should filtering based on ambient gradient values be used
mult_a Ambient gradient value multiplier
max_a Maximum ambient threshold
min_a Minimum ambient threshold
filter_i Should filtering based on intensity gradient values be used
mult_i Intensity gradient value multiplier
max_i Maximum intensity threshold
min_i Minimum intensity threshold
filter_ra Should filtering based on range gradient values be used
mult_ra Range gradient value multiplier
max_ra Maximum range threshold
min_ra Minimum range threshold
filter_re Should filtering based on reflectivity gradient values be used
mult_re Reflectivity gradient value multiplier
max_re Maximum reflectivity threshold
min_re Minimum reflectivity threshold
filter_z Should filtering based on Z gradient values be used
mult_z Z gradient value multiplier
max_zd Maximum Z threshold
min_zd Minimum Z threshold
filter_angle Should filtering based on angle gradient values be used
mult_angle Angle gradient value multiplier
angle_wd_size Sliding window size
max_angle Maximum angle threshold
min_angle Minimum angle threshold
filter_dist Should filtering based on distance gradient values be used
mult_dist Distance gradient value multiplier
dist_wd_size Sliding window size
max_dist Maximum distance threshold
min_dist Minimum distance threshold
filter_ransac Should RANSAC be used
ransac_dist RANSAC distance threshold
rradius_min RANSAC minimum radius threshold
rradius_max RANSAC maximum radius threshold


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