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Federated Wiki Farm

Start Playing Federated Wiki:

Run a local wiki farm

docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm \

Visit http://localhost:3000 and http://anything.localhost:3000

Run a local wiki that will survive a reboot

docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm \
  -v ~/.wiki:/home/node/.wiki \

Your wiki pages and configuration will be saved in the ~/.wiki folder.


This image's tag does not match the version of the included wiki software. Our version indicates the scale of changes in this tiny devops pipeline.

Testing new images locally:

docker build --tag $IMAGE .

You might also want to remember the most recent tag:

git tag --list | tail -1


docker run --rm $IMAGE wiki --version > WIKI_VERSIONS.txt

Publish container images


git tag -am "" "$TAG"
git push --atomic origin main "$TAG"

Docker Hub

docker build --tag $IMAGE .  # if you haven't already
docker build --tag dobbs/farm:latest .  # if you haven't already
docker push $IMAGE
docker push dobbs/farm:latest

Sometimes we publish a docker image with no changes to the wiki source code. This allows us to pick up non-breaking changes to some of the plugins. Using --no-cache ensures docker re-runs this line from the Dockerfile in particular: npm install -g --prefix . $WIKI_PACKAGE.

docker build --no-cache --tag $IMAGE .  # if you haven't already
docker build --tag dobbs/farm:latest .  # if you haven't already
docker push $IMAGE
docker push dobbs/farm:latest

Publish with updated wiki dependencies

We published 1.0.16 on May 2. The friends security plugin was updated to 0.2.5 on May 17. See fedwiki/wiki-security-friends

We built a new image with no changes to our Dockerfile and published it as version 1.0.17. The only change for 1.0.17 is this updated so we can remember how to do this again in the future.

We chose our tag and followed exactly the same steps above to publish container images.

Experiment with K8S

With the local kubernetes example (see examples/k8s/

k3d image import $IMAGE --cluster wiki
kubectl patch deployment.apps/wiki-deployment \
  --type='json' \
  -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value":"'$IMAGE'"}]'