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A Subversive Distributed-Systems Tool

Clusterfuck is a tool for automating the process of SSH-ing into remote machines and kickstarting a large number of jobs. It’s probably best explained by an example, so here’s what I use it for:

As part of my research I need to compute the distance between each pair of objects in a set of about 70,000 items. Computing the distance between each pair takes a few seconds; running the entire job on a single machine generally takes over a day. However, as a member of the University I have a ssh login that works on quite a few machines, so I found myself breaking the job up into smaller, quicker chunks and running each chunk on a different machine. Clusterfuck was born out of my frustration with that method – “surely,” I said to myself, “this can be automated.”

If you have a lot of jobs to run and access to multiple machines on which to run them, Clusterfuck is for you!


To use Clusterfuck you’ll first need to create a configuration file (a “clusterfile”). An example clusterfile might look something like this: do |task|
  task.hosts = %w{clark asimov} = (0..3).map { |x|"host{x}","sleep 0.5 && hostname") }
  task.temp = "fragments"
  task.username = "SSHUSERNAME"
  task.password = "SSHPASSWORD"
  task.debug = true

This creates a new clusterfuck task and distributes the jobs across two hosts, clark and asimov. The jobs to be run in this case are pretty trivial; we basically ssh into each machine, sleep for a little bit, then get the hostname. Whatever each job prints to stdout is saved in task.temp (under the current working directory); running this clusterfile will create 4 files in ./fragments/: host0., host1., host2., and host3. (where [hostname] is the name of the machine on which the job was run). task.username and task.password are the SSH credentials used to log into the maching – currently, Clusterfuck can only use one global set of credentials. There’s no technical reason for this, other than the fact that I don’t really need to use machine-specific logins, so it’ll probably appear in future releases. task.verbose turns on verbose output (messages to stdout each time a job is started, skipped, or canceled).

Once you have a clusterfile you can kick off your jobs by running the command clusterfuck in the same directory.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Add something cool or fix a nefarious bug. Documentation wins extra love.

  • Add tests for it. I’d really like this, but since I haven’t written any tests myself yet I can’t really blame you if you skip it…

  • Commit, but do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version that’s ok – but bump the version in a separate commit that I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request.

Copyright © 2009 Trevor Fountain. See LICENSE for details.


A subversive distributed systems tool







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