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Can't create a container since the provided tag name is different from the one I provided #660

cgr71ii opened this issue Aug 2, 2022 · 6 comments


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cgr71ii commented Aug 2, 2022


Steps to reproduce this issue

  1. Create/build an image because we want to test if the changes pass (following
-  uses: actions/checkout@v3.0.2
   if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
      submodules: 'recursive'
      ref: ${{ env.BUILD_REF }}
-  name: Set up Docker Buildx
   if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
   uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
-  name: Test docker
   if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
   run: |
      docker pull hello-world > /dev/null
      docker run --rm hello-world > /dev/null
-  name: Build and export to Docker
   if: ${{ env.CREATE_BUILD == 'true' && (env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id) }}
   uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
      context: .
      load: true # If true, once the image has been pulled or built, it will be available from docker
      push: false
      tags: ${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG }}
  1. Create a container using docker run:
-  name: Run
   if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
   run: |
      mkdir "${WORK}/docker-volume"

      # Run tests with docker
      docker run \
         -e CI="$CI" \
         -v "${WORK}/docker-volume:${WORK_DOCKER}/volume" \
         --name bitextor \
         --entrypoint /bin/bash --rm \
         "${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" \
         -c 'bitextor/tests/ -t ${{ matrix.test_id }}; \
             cp -f '"${WORK_DOCKER}/data/fails.log"' '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume"' && \
             rm -rf '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume/reports"' && \
             cp -r '"${WORK_DOCKER}/reports"' '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume"' && \
             cp -r '"${WORK_DOCKER}/permanent"' '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume"''

Expected behaviour

It should create the container and run the tests.

Actual behaviour

But, when docker run is invoked, it says it doesn't find the image:

Unable to find image 'bitextor/bitextor:testtag' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for bitextor/bitextor:testtag not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.
See 'docker run --help'.

The value of ${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG }} is "bitextor/bitextor:testtag", but looking in the logs, I've found out in the metadata that the image name is "" (is this "" prefix expected? At least, in the documentation about testing, they use the same envvar for creating the build and test, and I haven't seen anything about this prefix in the documentation):

    "containerimage.buildinfo": {
      "frontend": "dockerfile.v0",
      "attrs": {
        "filename": "Dockerfile"
      "sources": [
          "type": "docker-image",
          "ref": "",
          "pin": "sha256:fd92c36d3cb9b1d027c4d2a72c6bf0125da82425fc2ca37c414d4f010180dc19"
    "containerimage.config.digest": "sha256:3c0a872aabbd7a90939f2bd9d1bd3cf15a00dcdb0d229ce793655f2459415978",
    "containerimage.descriptor": {
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
      "digest": "sha256:7dbf8133fdd907d63ddff7393d2d74a7271fae46741a8082aa2bc5621b00d075",
      "size": 13286,
      "annotations": {
        "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2022-08-01T13:22:32Z"
    "containerimage.digest": "sha256:7dbf8133fdd907d63ddff7393d2d74a7271fae46741a8082aa2bc5621b00d075",
    "": ""


name: Intensive tests with docker

      - cron: '0 3 * * 0'
            description: 'Tag which will be looked for'
            required: false
            default: 'edge'
            type: boolean
            description: 'Create build instead of downloading an image'
            default: true
            description: 'Ref to use when local build is created (i.e. branch, tag or commit)'
            default: 'master'
            description: 'Run specific test ID'
            required: false
            default: 'all'
            type: choice
               - 'all'
               - '0x01'
               - '0x02'
               - '0x04'
               - '0x08'
               - '0x10'
               - '0x20'
               - '0x40'
               - '0x80'

   WORK: ${{ github.workspace }}
   WORK_DOCKER: '/home/docker'
   TEST_ID: ${{ github.event.inputs.test_id || 'all' }}
   DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG: ${{ format('bitextor/bitextor:{0}', github.event.inputs.docker_tag || 'edge') }}
   CREATE_BUILD: ${{ github.event.inputs.create_build || 'true' }}

      name: ${{ }}
      runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      timeout-minutes: 1440
         fail-fast: false # Continue even when a matrix job fails in order to detect as many errors as possible
               - name: Tests MT
                 test_id: "0x01"
               - name: Tests dictionary based
                 test_id: "0x02"
               - name: Tests generate dictionary
                 test_id: "0x04"
               - name: Tests generate bicleaner model
                 test_id: "0x08"
               - name: Tests generate dictionary and bicleaner model
                 test_id: "0x10"
               - name: Tests combining dictionaries and MT
                 test_id: "0x20"
               - name: Tests neural
                 test_id: "0x40"
               - name: Other tests
                 test_id: "0x80"
      -  uses: actions/checkout@v3.0.2
         if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
            submodules: 'recursive'
            ref: ${{ env.BUILD_REF }}
      -  name: Set up Docker Buildx
         if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
         uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
      -  name: Test docker
         if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
         run: |
            docker pull hello-world > /dev/null
            docker run --rm hello-world > /dev/null
      -  name: Build and export to Docker
         if: ${{ env.CREATE_BUILD == 'true' && (env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id) }}
         uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
            context: .
            load: true # If true, once the image has been pulled or built, it will be available from docker
            push: false
            tags: ${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG }}
      -  name: Pull image
         if: ${{ env.CREATE_BUILD == 'false' && (env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id) }}
         run: |
            docker pull "$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG"
      -  name: Run
         if: ${{ env.TEST_ID == 'all' || env.TEST_ID == matrix.test_id }}
         run: |
            mkdir "${WORK}/docker-volume"

            # Run tests with docker
            docker run \
               -e CI="$CI" \
               -v "${WORK}/docker-volume:${WORK_DOCKER}/volume" \
               --name bitextor \
               --entrypoint /bin/bash --rm \
               "${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" \
               -c 'bitextor/tests/ -t ${{ matrix.test_id }}; \
                   cp -f '"${WORK_DOCKER}/data/fails.log"' '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume"' && \
                   rm -rf '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume/reports"' && \
                   cp -r '"${WORK_DOCKER}/reports"' '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume"' && \
                   cp -r '"${WORK_DOCKER}/permanent"' '"${WORK_DOCKER}/volume"'' \
               &> ./tests_output \
               && echo $? || echo $?)

            if [[ "$docker_exit_code" != "0" ]]; then
               >&2 echo "WARNING: something went wrong while tests were running"

            cat ./tests_output

            # Has the execution failed?
            nolines=$(cat ${WORK}/docker-volume/fails.log | wc -l)

            [[ "$nolines" != "0" ]] && exit "$nolines" || true
      -  name: Print log of tests which failed
         #if: ${{ steps.tests.conclusion != 'success' }} # Will this work with matrix as expected (i.e. affect just the specific job and not the rest)?
         if: ${{ always() }}
         run: |
            if [[ -f "${WORK}/docker-volume/fails.log" ]]; then
               while read line; do
                  IFS=$'\t' read -r -a array <<< "$line"

                  str="# Test $notest (exit code / desc.: $exit_code) #"
                  eval $(echo printf '"#%0.s"' {1..${#str}}) && printf "\n"
                  echo "$str"
                  eval $(echo printf '"#%0.s"' {1..${#str}}) && printf "\n"


                  if [[ -f "$report_file" ]]; then
                     awk -v prefix="(log test $notest)" '{print prefix" "$0}' "$report_file"
                     echo "(warning) No report file found for test $notest (this might be normal depending on the test; check the description)"

                  echo ""
               done < "${WORK}/docker-volume/fails.log"
               >&2 echo "ERROR: could not find the file which contain the fails, and should exist"
      -  name: Upload sent.gz files (artifacts)
         if: ${{ always() }}
         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
            name: all-sent.gz
            path: ${{ env.WORK }}/docker-volume/permanent/**/*.sent.gz
      -  name: Upload report files (artifacts)
         if: ${{ always() }}
         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
            name: reports
            path: ${{ env.WORK }}/docker-volume/reports/*.report


Copy link

cgr71ii commented Aug 3, 2022

I've made other tests:

docker image ls -a --digests:
 REPOSITORY       TAG               DIGEST                                                                    IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
alpine           3.13              sha256:7769c38ce671534a0ddbf98633f17edbbd4a4e99cbc77ef42f9f7b78b6a1c6c2   38cacb9bafd2   2 weeks ago     5.61MB
alpine           3.14              sha256:43eb8f0d8215d8661f745f3d88563c026614d843b668b233bbe1666b6d026f61   5977be310a9d   2 weeks ago     5.59MB
node             14-alpine         sha256:06bc5a651beb7db09a66ceb99a1d19275810d5c9dca8fb9e1ad6d69355a2f42e   937e8a02e5c7   2 weeks ago     119MB
node             16-alpine         sha256:da32af0cf608622b1550678b2552b7d997def7d0ada00e0eca0166ed2ea42186   b0cbdedc1b9d   2 weeks ago     112MB
node             14                sha256:a086a11f7780399837ea0465ac8a8e8f14f2b66fe5a110fe0c24644d53a103c5   326f034bd14b   3 weeks ago     914MB
node             16                sha256:2e1b4542d4a06e0e0442dc38af1f4828760aecc9db2b95e7df87f573640d98cd   c6b745e900c7   3 weeks ago     907MB
buildpack-deps   buster            sha256:3ab2863d37b2d037440b4a153a8fb3c79e935030fd47cef21b698688ce72f66e   61e83b993b64   3 weeks ago     804MB
buildpack-deps   bullseye          sha256:4cbb6d56f192ea1868bdbc441269d0343c90b201c973931aaa6722300118d463   73b7450f22be   3 weeks ago     834MB
debian           10                sha256:0685c900f6e691bdda6980c0ed0779d20183bc58770059b64adb56cb8a3129f0   61cd0373ceab   3 weeks ago     114MB
debian           11                sha256:2ce44bbc00a79113c296d9d25524e15d423b23303fdbbe20190d2f96e0aeb251   123c2f3835fd   3 weeks ago     124MB
buildpack-deps   stretch           sha256:78e995165a5788c2f55aed6e548d8f6c1534830d4310c870408fccb2da8c5b2e   9d4f40bcbdd3   5 weeks ago     835MB
debian           9                 sha256:c5c5200ff1e9c73ffbf188b4a67eb1c91531b644856b4aefe86a58d2f0cb05be   662c05203bab   5 weeks ago     101MB
ubuntu           20.04             sha256:fd92c36d3cb9b1d027c4d2a72c6bf0125da82425fc2ca37c414d4f010180dc19   20fffa419e3a   8 weeks ago     72.8MB
ubuntu           18.04             sha256:478caf1bec1afd54a58435ec681c8755883b7eb843a8630091890130b15a79af   ad080923604a   8 weeks ago     63.1MB
moby/buildkit    buildx-stable-1   sha256:0dc312b04eac1b44cd2cad566deb1e886c753109208affbbec8384f381ff7f38   a2c9241854f2   2 months ago    142MB
moby/buildkit    latest            sha256:0dc312b04eac1b44cd2cad566deb1e886c753109208affbbec8384f381ff7f38   a2c9241854f2   2 months ago    142MB
node             12                sha256:01627afeb110b3054ba4a1405541ca095c8bfca1cb6f2be9479c767a2711879e   6c8de432fc7f   3 months ago    918MB
node             12-alpine         sha256:d4b15b3d48f42059a15bd659be60afe21762aae9d6cbea6f124440895c27db68   bb6d28039b8c   3 months ago    91MB
alpine           3.12              sha256:c75ac27b49326926b803b9ed43bf088bc220d22556de1bc5f72d742c91398f69   24c8ece58a1a   4 months ago    5.58MB
hello-world      latest            sha256:53f1bbee2f52c39e41682ee1d388285290c5c8a76cc92b42687eecf38e0af3f0   feb5d9fea6a5   10 months ago   13.3kB
ubuntu           16.04             sha256:20858ebbc96215d6c3c574f781133ebffdc7c18d98af4f294cc4c04871a6fe61   b6f507652425   11 months ago   135MB
docker buildx du --verbose:
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Mutable:	false
Reclaimable:	true
Shared:		false
Size:		1.024GB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c pip3 install .[all]
Usage count:	1
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Type:		regular

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Type:		regular

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Size:		269.2MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c wget -O go.tgz
Usage count:	1
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Type:		regular

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Mutable:	false
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Size:		125.6MB
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Size:		104.4MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c unzip && rm
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Type:		regular

ID:		d898iusx4i0cnxfu6paxr1932
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Size:		98.65MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c wget
Usage count:	1
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Type:		regular

ID:		vz62ch3v7otmrqytlki0om8eb
Parent:		soxtn3dboop7s56i0976kufvr
Created at:	2022-08-03 08:11:49.327860391 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
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Size:		84.64MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c pip3 install pycld3
Usage count:	1
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Type:		regular

ID:		tpu4irx68bhqqdswntiobparq
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Mutable:	false
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Size:		71.19MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c go install
Usage count:	1
Last used:	1 second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		iy0px7cg9eyw51eh0zgqitd3f
Parent:		ovy5zspshhvm9vtj1swtoy51x
Created at:	2022-08-03 07:48:24.368571679 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
Reclaimable:	true
Shared:		false
Size:		63.68MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove -y
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		t7v5tctti5998rmh3hkjnoqzi
Parent:		ejnmsugbqn83rvr1eeezmfwo4
Created at:	2022-08-03 07:50:11.857894124 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
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Shared:		false
Size:		62.3MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c tar -zxvf protobuf-all-3.19.1.tar.gz
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		51paca6sz1bmhdq8gm6tt4ouo
Parent:		jarztkn2b4ip5zk3j7d0eicbm
Created at:	2022-08-03 08:10:00.270313102 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
Reclaimable:	true
Shared:		false
Size:		59.94MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c pip3 install ./third_party/kenlm --install-option="--max_order=7"
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		q4jep13070xutxpqpk44assso
Parent:		ae02aujqpne8xyrxiezh8fg2k
Created at:	2022-08-03 07:50:08.283820678 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
Reclaimable:	true
Shared:		false
Size:		55.67MB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c apt-get -y install htop vim
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		nsisly60zymkarz6n05eklxvk
Parent:		51paca6sz1bmhdq8gm6tt4ouo
Created at:	2022-08-03 08:10:04.029030418 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
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Size:		23.52MB
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ID:		6slcgyvrkxwluy8ngn42hmawy
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Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c apt-get -y install libgoogle-perftools-dev libsparsehash-dev
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Size:		112.1kB
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Size:		28.84kB
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Type:		regular

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Size:		8.224kB
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Size:		4.128kB
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Size:		4.128kB
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Size:		4.128kB
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Created at:	2022-08-03 08:06:17.047323213 +0000 UTC
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Shared:		false
Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Installing golang${NC}"
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Last used:	1 second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		rw4npq94wbgtko57woz3jfei7
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Created at:	2022-08-03 07:50:01.293657604 +0000 UTC
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Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Installing biroamer apt dependencies${NC}"
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Mutable:	false
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Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Installing pdf-extract apt dependencies${NC}"
Usage count:	1
Last used:	1 second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		qd5v0x629abuaryfonsud4zci
Parent:		tpu4irx68bhqqdswntiobparq
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Mutable:	false
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Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Downloading heritrix${NC}"
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ID:		pc792xjprlzomdpob0ldd876u
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Size:		4.128kB
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Type:		regular

ID:		ovy5zspshhvm9vtj1swtoy51x
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Created at:	2022-08-03 07:48:12.194732071 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
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Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Updating Software repository${NC}"
Usage count:	1
Last used:	1 second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		nscml0sbv2ramt3art0y1t4v0
Parent:		uadfkmt9tqlqgm4ap71azzuls
Created at:	2022-08-03 07:50:08.524302697 +0000 UTC
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Size:		4.128kB
Description:	fileop target
Usage count:	1
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Type:		regular

ID:		mqfov9o6pmvbrjqyki56yyjhc
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Size:		4.128kB
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Type:		regular

ID:		m1ye1kxw833eqkm3m5dwk85hi
Parent:		fv2ewh9iqhg1xzhch4cyd37qu
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Size:		4.128kB
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Type:		regular

ID:		ii2fjdgirgvhu01uv2you01ff
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Mutable:	false
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Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Installing core apt dependencies${NC}"
Usage count:	1
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Type:		regular

ID:		fv2ewh9iqhg1xzhch4cyd37qu
Parent:		a6pz9sqagd5rsd7ytt01uxzcv
Created at:	2022-08-03 08:11:49.555419153 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
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Shared:		false
Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c mkdir -p build
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Type:		regular

ID:		a6pz9sqagd5rsd7ytt01uxzcv
Parent:		97idnkkon1v55wnngh4jcl6h8
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Size:		4.128kB
Description:	fileop target
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Type:		regular

ID:		97idnkkon1v55wnngh4jcl6h8
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Created at:	2022-08-03 08:11:49.426184865 +0000 UTC
Mutable:	false
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Shared:		false
Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Compiling bitextor${NC}"
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		97ewubdvgwikiyy5p3tp5l7et
Parent:		ts7ahhoktgwy1p5hdpanrc408
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Mutable:	false
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Shared:		false
Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Installing pip dependencies${NC}"
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		7021y5s9ba8fj9hp13vxdm6rs
Parent:		6itqxlqb55ctoi3xvluwx242d
Created at:	2022-08-03 08:06:31.431682443 +0000 UTC
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Size:		4.128kB
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ID:		6itqxlqb55ctoi3xvluwx242d
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Mutable:	false
Reclaimable:	true
Shared:		false
Size:		4.128kB
Description:	mount / from exec /bin/sh -c /bin/echo -e "${RED}Cloning bitextor${NC}"
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		regular

ID:		0lhk35iqtbacfp9t3rjyeba45
Parent:		63wp6j2slzaul19wv92tf0o7a
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Description:	fileop target
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Mutable:	true
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Shared:		false
Size:		4.096kB
Description:	local source for context
Usage count:	1
Last used:	Less than a second ago
Type:		source.local

Reclaimable:	18.39GB
Total:		18.39GB
df -h (I wanted to check out if I was running in the same problem that #321):
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        84G   71G   13G  86% /
devtmpfs        3.4G     0  3.4G   0% /dev
tmpfs           3.4G  4.0K  3.4G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           695M  1.2M  694M   1% /run
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           3.4G     0  3.4G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0       62M   62M     0 100% /snap/core20/1518
/dev/loop2       47M   47M     0 100% /snap/snapd/16292
/dev/loop1       68M   68M     0 100% /snap/lxd/22753
/dev/sdb15      105M  5.2M  100M   5% /boot/efi
/dev/sda1        14G  4.1G  9.0G  31% /mnt
tmpfs           695M     0  695M   0% /run/user/1001

Some metadata from the image built:

    "containerimage.buildinfo": {
      "frontend": "dockerfile.v0",
      "attrs": {
        "filename": "Dockerfile"
      "sources": [
          "type": "docker-image",
          "ref": "",
          "pin": "sha256:af5efa9c28de78b754777af9b4d850112cad01899a5d37d2617bb94dc63a49aa"
    "containerimage.config.digest": "sha256:106b9569abf93c5327b081911e591a6075b2e91abe98e6d46e699d988608d3c4",
    "containerimage.descriptor": {
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
      "digest": "sha256:ad54c506c25078e3ce24580ef7e052400c48a86877373a454ef6017a4f6b582d",
      "size": 13286,
      "annotations": {
        "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2022-08-03T08:23:23Z"
    "containerimage.digest": "sha256:ad54c506c25078e3ce24580ef7e052400c48a86877373a454ef6017a4f6b582d",
    "": ""


  • It seems that there is enough free space in /dev/root (13G)
  • The image doesn't appear in docker image ls -a --digests, not the image name nor diggest (is --load working? Is this issue related to load sometimes doesn't load #321?)

Copy link

crazy-max commented Aug 3, 2022

@cgr71ii I'm not sure, can you give me the link to a pipeline run that fails in with:

Unable to find image 'bitextor/bitextor:testtag' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for bitextor/bitextor:testtag not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.
See 'docker run --help'.

Copy link

cgr71ii commented Aug 3, 2022

Hi! Yes, sure:

I didn't provide it because, if I'm not wrong, it's not public. If that's the case, you have attached the logs in the issue.

Thank you!

Copy link

crazy-max commented Aug 3, 2022

Hi! Yes, sure:

See nothing that fails with build-push-action or using the resulted image. Wrong link?


Copy link

cgr71ii commented Aug 3, 2022

No, it's the right link. I forgot to mention that you should check out the step "Run". It hasn't failed because, if you check the script, it is not expected to fail when docker run is invoked (it is expected to run correctly, and fail for the tests of the project). And about the other jobs that are "cancelled" is because of actions/checkout#794 (comment), which I suspect is an issue related to this action as well since it only happens to me with this workflow, which is the only one that uses this action. I'm looking into it, and perhaps I'll open another issue about that.

cgr71ii added a commit to bitextor/bitextor that referenced this issue Aug 3, 2022
Docker image is being built manually because the action makes some
jobs to fail intermittently:
Copy link

crazy-max commented Sep 2, 2022

Hum ok looking at the image being built I think it's the same issue as #321 where load silently fails because of insufficient disk space. You can remove some components pre-installed on the runner in your workflow like dotnet (~23GB):

  - name: Remove dotnet
    run: sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet

Closing this issue since that should answer your question and seems a duplicated of #321, but feel free to re-open if it doesn't. Thanks.

cgr71ii added a commit to bitextor/bitextor that referenced this issue Sep 7, 2022
* Fix docker CI script

* Fix docker CI script

* Fix docker CI script

* Fix docker CI script

* Fix docker and conda CI scripts

* Fix docker and conda CI scripts

* Fix docker and conda CI scripts

* Fix docker CI script

* Update actions/checkout in CI scripts

* Update docker CI script

docker/build-push-action action

* Docker CI script workaround

* Add verbose info to docker CI script

* Try another version of the docker action

* Minor fix

* Try actions/checkout@v2

Actions are failing for some reason...

* Change conda build boost dependency

* Update CI scripts

* Minor fix GHA scripts

* Update submodules

* Update GHA scripts

Docker image is being built manually because the action makes some
jobs to fail intermittently:

* Update GHA scripts

* Minor fix conda GHA scripts

* Update GHA scripts and new docker GHA script

* Fix docker GHA script

* Fix conda build

* Refactor

* Fix conda build

* Minor fix

* Fix tests

* Minor fix intensive tests

* Fix typo

* Update documentation

* Refactor bicleaner train rule

Create separate rules for bicleaner model generation based on the

* Fix bicleaner AI tests

Adding metadata.yaml is not longer necessary

* Fix bicleaner rule

* Minor fix

* Fix dryrun from intensive tests

* Fix conda installation in GHA

* Fix conda installation in GHA scripts

* Fix bicleaner model generation

Dictionary train prefix was not being correctly handled

Co-authored-by: Leopoldo Pla <>
Co-authored-by: Leopoldo Pla <>
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2 participants