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Releases: document10/taiga


21 Aug 17:31
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TAIGA 0.4 is a huge step forward for the project,as the script is rewritten from the ground up to suppot menus.The codebase is also leaner and easier to maintain too.
Screenshots of the new script can be found here:

What about the old script?

The old script will be kept in the repositories for as long as it works,but contributions towards it won't be accepted.
As for configs made with the script,for technical reasons,they won't work with the new script.

Binary branches

The script relies on simple-tem-menu for the menu system,which is an extra dependency required for the script. For this reason there will be new binary branches containing the binaries that can be executed without python on the system.
The bin_linux branch contains the Linux binary, and bin_fbsd will come soon,containing the FreeBSD binary.
There are also scripts for compiling the binary,as well as setting up the base environment.


Work on the wiki will begin,to detail the various aspects of the script.The wiki will primarily target the master branch,but other branches will be included.

Other changes

  • Added standalone WMs to the script (to the extent they were supported on each distro)
  • Better error-checking
  • Fixes for some distros


11 Aug 14:28
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0.3 comes with many improvements to the script as well as support for more distros.But before we talk about those there is important I need to announce.

Script Rewrite

One feature I wanted to add to the script was a menu system,that can be navigated using the keyboard (think ArchInstall).Unfortunately,because of the rushed way I wrote the script, adding this feature becomes really difficult.So in the coming days I'll work to rewrite the script from the ground up in order to support menus.This rewrite may take more than a week,during which pull request related to the main script won't be accepted.You can see the proggress on the dev branch.
Keep in mind that all files related to the distros will remain mostly unchanged,it's only the way they are handled that changes.Contributions there (as well as to documentation) are welcome still.
With that out of the way,let's talk about what's new in TAIGA 0.3:

Load configurations from file

After configuring your install you can choose to save to a config which can be later used to install the system.To load a config use:

./ l [config path]


python l [config path]

This also works with simulation mode so you can use:

./ sl [config path]


./ ls [config path]

to load the config and enable simulation mode,so that no changes will be done to the system.
Keep in mind that current configs may or may not work after the rewrite.

More distros supported

  • Fedora
  • OpenSUSE (only tumbleweed was tested)
  • Void Linux

This covers most major distros (except Gentoo,but that's for another time),but DE support is inconsistent across distros, for various reasons.

Other changes

  • improved error handling
  • removed r and d options
  • extra task to add more themes
  • fixed polkit-gnome missing for some DEs
  • Simulation mode can now be triggered without the s argument,after finishing configuration
  • more documentation


06 Aug 22:18
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Version 0.2 is a massive improvement to the script and the result of more than a week of work.Here are the changes that got added in this release:

Development branch

Going forward,the latest changes to the script will be pushed to the dev branch,which will then be pushed to the master branch once a week or so.This way,you can see the latest changes to the script but you can still use the more stable version for more mission-critical installs.

New ways to install

TAIGA now features two installation types:
1.Express install: Let the installer detect your distro and GPU.When selecting the desktop environment,the script will choose the appropriate display manager for it.
2.Custom install: Pick all options manually.You can also skip some steps as you see fit.
In addition you can also trigger these modes by adding a letter after the script command:

  • s : Simulation mode-no changes will be done to the system
  • d : Debug mode-shows the commands and then runs them
  • r : Runs the script normally,same as with no arguments
  • h : shows this screen and exits

Also the script no longer needs to be run as root,but sudo will still be needed.More info on the readme.

Extra tasks

Whichever installation type you choose,you now have access to extra tasks you can perform for each distro like adding extra sources or installing recommended packages.More tasks will come soon.

More distros

The following distros are now supported on TAIGA:

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • FreeBSD

Keep the following in mind:

  • I mostly added support for distros I am experienced with
  • DE support is inconsistent across distros,due to their repos
  • The Debian and Ubuntu installer are separate,so while the Debian installer will work just fine on Ubuntu,we recommend using the Ubuntu installer on Ubuntu installs as it includes many Ubuntu-specific improvements

Other changes

  • Added Pantheon support (for the distros that can install it)
  • Updated README
  • Fixed incorrect drivers for VMs
  • Fixed some installs failing due to installing too many packages at one time


28 Jul 09:01
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0.1 marks a major milestone for the project,as work has been done to streamline adding more distros in the future.Arch Linux is for now the only supported distro,but more distros will come soon.
We still need to do lots of testing to ensure the script works with all configurations,so help is definitely appreciated.Instructions for how to submit tests will come soon.