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Graph Neural Network (GNN) emulation of the left-ventricle (LV) in diastole


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Emulation of Cardiac Mechanics using Graph Neural Networks

This repository contains Python scripts to perform the Graph Neural Network (GNN) emulation experiments as described in the paper Emulation of Cardiac Mechanics using Graph Neural Networks. Please cite the paper if you use this code.

Environment Setup

Experiments were performed with Python version 3.9.7, JAX version 0.3.16 and Flax version 0.3.6. The module pytest is required to run the test file, while tensorboard is also required to monitor training. To set up a virtual environment using conda, run the following commands in sequence once the repo has been cloned:

conda create --name gnnEmulEnv python=3.9.7
conda activate gnnEmulEnv
pip install "jax[cuda]==0.3.16" -f
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Import Error

Note if this error message appears when running experiments "ImportError: cannot import name 'isin' from 'jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy'", it can be resolved by changing the import on line 31 of ~/anaconda3/envs/gnnEmulEnv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/flax/linen/ to

from jax.numpy import isin

The error occurs because isin is no longer part of the private jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy submodule.

Running Experiments

Beam Data

The beam data is included in the repository, inside data/beamData. A GNN emulator with K=2 message passing steps for the beam data can be trained for 300 epochs as follows:

python -m main --mode="train" --n_epochs=300 --K=2 --data_path="beamData" --n_shape_coeff=2

The trained emulator can then be used to predict using the same command as above with "train" replaced with "evaluate".

Left Ventricle Data (varying LV geometries)

The varying-geometry LV emulation data set is too large to be included in the repository - an external download link is available here. Assuming the data has been downloaded to data/lvData, training can be performed as:

python -m main --mode="train" --n_epochs=3000 --K=5 --data_path="lvData" --n_shape_coeff=32

Again, the trained emulator can then be used to predict using the same command as above with "train" replaced with "evaluate".

Left Ventricle Data (fixed LV geometry)

The emulation dataset for the fixed LV geometry is included in the repository, inside data/lvDataFixedGeom. Training can be performed as follows:

python -m main --mode="train" --n_epochs=1000 --K=5 --lr=1e-5 --data_path="lvDataFixedGeom" --fixed_geom=True --n_shape_coeff=32 --trained_params_dir="emulationResults/trainedParameters/lvData/"

Note how we initialise training based on the pre-trained parameters from the varying LV geometry data (/lvData). Once training is complete, the emulator can be used to predict on the test data as follows:

python -m main --mode="evaluate" --n_epochs=600 --K=5 --lr=1e-5 --data_path="lvDataFixedGeom" --fixed_geom=True --n_shape_coeff=32

Replicating Paper Results

Trained GNN parameters for each of the three datasets are stored in emulationResults/trainedParameters. Detailed instructions on how to to use these parameters to replicate paper results in given in

Monitoring Training

Tensorboard can be used to monitor training, for example for the beam data by running:

tensorboard --logdir=emulationResults/beamData

and then following the instructions printed to the console.

Running Tests

Tests for the GNN implementation in can be run as follows:

pytest -v

Additional Comments

  1. Optimisation: is performed using flax.optim, which is now deprecated in favour of Optax
  2. Batching: a batch size of one is used in all examples - the code can easily extended to larger batches by "stacking" the graphs of multiple data points into one large graph (and shifting the sender/receiver indices accordingly), on which the existing emulators defined in can then be applied
  3. Applying to other datasets: the emulation framework can be applied to other datasets beyond those provided in this repository. See the file inside the subdirectory /data for details of the required data format

Directory Layout


Main script for training and evaluating emulators

Implements DeepGraphEmulator GNN emulation architecture

Contains a data loader utility class

Contains utility functions for emulator training and evaluation

Contains the packages in addition to JAX that are required for experiments to be run

Details how the results from the paper can be reproduced


Stores simulation data for training and testing of the GNN emulator. Also contains scripts to process raw simulation data into the augmented graph format described in the manuscript: see the file inside /data for more details.

Stores the trained emulator parameters and predictions.


Graph Neural Network (GNN) emulation of the left-ventricle (LV) in diastole




MIT, MIT licenses found

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