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Laravel 5.4 Scaffold Generator

Hi, this is a scaffold generator for Laravel 5.4. You can Create Basic CRUD application by using this package. (For laravel 5.3, use package version 1.3.1) (For laravel 5.2, use package version 1.2.0)

Basic CRUD application generated by this package has some distinctive features.

(i) Duplicate function.
(ii) Show sorted list with filter by conditions (include word or range value).

How to Install

At first, this package needs [Collective\Html] package. See document and Install [Collective\Html].

Step 1: Install Through Composer

"require": {
    "dog-ears/crud-d-scaffold": "1.*"

and update composer

composer update

Step 2: Add the Service Provider

Open config/app.php and, to your providers array at the bottom, add:

'providers' => [

Step 3: Run Artisan!

You're all set. Run php artisan from the console, and you'll see the new commands below.

- 'make:scaffold' : Create a scaffold with bootstrap 3
- 'delete:scaffold' : Delete a scaffold
- 'make:relation' : Create OntToMany Relationship between model_A and model_B
- 'delete:relation' : Delete OntToMany Relationship between model_A and model_B

Examples 1 - Create Application and make relationship.

(i) publish public resource.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

(ii) Scaffold 2 Model [AppleType] and [Apple]. Apple has apple_type_id column for relationship.

php artisan make:scaffold AppleType --schema="name:string" --seeding
php artisan make:scaffold Apple --schema="name:string,apple_type_id:integer:unsigned" --seeding

(iii) migrate and seeding

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

(iv) Make Relationship [AppleType] has many [Apple]s.

php artisan make:relation AppleType Apple

Check your application.

Examples 2 Delete Application created scaffold command.

(i) Delete relationship.

php artisan delete:relation AppleType Apple

(ii) Delete application.

php artisan delete:scaffold AppleType
php artisan delete:scaffold Apple

Some files remains. It is recommended that you do migrate:reset and delete files manually.


-s, --schema[=SCHEMA] Schema to generate scaffold files.
(Ex: --schema="title:string, body:nullable:, apple_type_id:integer:unsigned")
-S, --seeding Create seeding files.
-d, --softdelete add soft delete function to model

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