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Doğan Çelik edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 8 revisions

Example #1

Downloads PuTTY portable to the current directory.'')
  .then (container) -> filenameMode: { predefined: 'putty_portable.exe' })

If you do page() after find or findXpath, it will create a new Extractor instance with href attribute of the first element from the first page as the first argument. (If you want to select another element, use index())

If you do download() after find or findXpath, it will automatically download href attribute of the first element.

Example #2

Downloads Lame for Windows and installs it silently.'')
  .then (container) ->
      pageUrlAsReferrer: true
      directory: './downloads'
      filenameMode: { urlBasename: true }
    .execute(['/VERYSILENT', '/NORESTART', '/LOG'])

Thanks to this blog for providing the arguments for silent install.

Example #3

Downloads Request (NodeJS module) and change directory of ZIP to request-master, extract all JS files to ./unzip.

  .download(pageUrlAsReferrer: true, filenameMode: { contentDisposition: true })
  .extract(to: './unzip', cd: 'request-master', fileGlob: '*.js', maintainEntryPath: false)

Example #4 (JSON)

This is just an example, you can use YAML too.

Create a file named test.json

  "url": "",
  "find": " a",
  "filenameMode": ["urlBasename", "contentType"]

Require endl and parse it with endl.load()

endl.load 'test.json'

Or just pass the JavaScript object:

endl.load JSON.parse fs.readFileSync 'test.json'
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