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File metadata and controls

321 lines (256 loc) · 9.76 KB


Support: IE8+, Webkit, Firefox, Opera.

License: GPL


"I need feedback for mobile devices. Please report any bugs you might find in iOS or Android."

What's Ideal Forms:

Ideal Forms is a small framework to build awesome responsive forms with validation. It's built on top of jQuery and LESS.


  • Fully responsive (aka adaptive, adapts to the container, no css media queries needed)
  • Keyboard support
  • Customizable input types (select, radio, checkbox)
  • "On the spot" validation
  • Support HTML5 placeholder attribute for every browser

Check out the demo!

How to use it:

Load the latest jQuery library, the js/min/jquery.idealforms.min.js plugin and the css/jquery.idealforms.css stylesheet into your project.


For Ideal Forms to work its magic create your markup using the following template as a reference, nothing fancy, just the usual form tags wrapped in a <div>. Drop the form into a container of any size and Ideal Forms will do the rest.

<form id="my-form">

    <!-- Text -->
    <div><label>Username:</label><input name="username" type="text" /></div>
    <div><label>Date:</label><input name="date" type="text" placeholder="mm/dd/yy"/></div>
    <div><label>Comments:</label><textarea name="comments"></textarea></div>

    <!-- Select -->
        <select name="colors">
            <option value="Choose a color">Choose a color</option>
            <option value="Red">Red</option>
            <option value="Blue">Blue</option>
            <option value="Green">Green</option>

    <!-- Checkbox -->
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="langs[]" value="English"/>English</label>
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="langs[]" value="Chinese"/>Chinese</label>
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="langs[]" value="Spanish"/>Spanish</label>

    <!-- Radio -->
        <label><input type="radio" name="options" value="One"/>One</label>
        <label><input type="radio" name="options" value="Two"/>Two</label>
        <label><input type="radio" name="options" value="Three"/>Three</label>

    <!-- Buttons -->
    <!-- Empty label to align with all the other inputs -->
    <div><label>&nbsp;</label><input type="button" value="Button"/></div>


Invoke the plugin

Call Ideal Forms on each form separately.

$('#my-form').idealforms({ options });


####inputs Add all the inputs you want to validate here. Use the name attribute of the input as key. To be consistent always put the key in quotes. Array group names can be used too, ie. name[].

inputs: {
    // The name attribute of the input in quotes
    'name': {
        filters: 'filterName filterName filterName', // {string} Space separated list
        // Some filters take a `data` attribute
        // such as `exclude`, `min` and `max`
        data: {
            filterName: data // {number, array, string}
        // Custom errors
        errors: {
            filterName: error // {string} Can contain inline HTML tags

####filters Adding custom filters is very easy and straightforward.

filters: {
    custom: {
        regex: /regularexpression/,
        error: 'My custom error'
    another: {
         * @param {object} input Contains two objects,
         * the user options of the input as [input.userOptions]
         * and the jQuery element as [input.input]
         * @param {string} value The value of the input
        regex: function(input, value) {
            // Declare error within `regex`
            // to have access to `value` and `input`
            this.error = 'My custom ' + value;


onSuccess: function(e){
    // Form validates


onFail: function(){
    // Form does NOT validate

####responsiveAt By default, Ideal Forms will make the form "adaptive". It will adapt to the container allowing it to work with any responsive grid system. You can change this behavior by assigning a number value to the responsiveAt option.

// Make responsive only at a certain window size.
// Default is `"auto"` to adapt to the container
// Set to `false` to disable responsiveness
// To always show the responsive layout use a large number ie `3000`
responsiveAt: 480

####customInputs Disables custom inputs and uses system default. (select, radio, checkbox, button)

customInputs: false

Built-in filters

You may use any of these filters in any order.

####required The field is required. This filter ONLY works with text inputs (text, password, textarea). For select use exclude to exclude the default option. For radio and checkbox use min: 1 which will require at least one option to be checked.

####number Must be a number.

####digits Only digits.

####name Must be at least 3 characters long, and must only contain letters.

####username Must be at between 4 and 32 characters long and start with a letter. You may use letters, numbers, underscores, and one dot (.)

####pass Must be at least 6 characters long, and contain at least one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter.

####strongpass Must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and one number or special character.

####email Must be a valid e-mail address.

####phone Must be a valid US phone number.

####zip Must be a valid US zip code.

####url Must be a valid URL.


  • Must be at least x characters minimum.
  • Must have at least x checkboxes checked.


  • x characters maximum.
  • No more than x checkboxes checked.

####date Must be a valid date in this format mm/dd/yy

####exclude Prevent validation if the value matches any value in the given array.


With the markup provided above you'd call the plugin like this:


    // For consistency all keys
    // must be in quotes
    inputs: {
        'username': {
            filters: 'required username exclude',
            data: {
                exclude: ['user', 'username', 'admin'] // Case sensitive
        'date': {
            filters: 'date'
        'comments': {
            filters: 'min max',
            data: {
                min: 50
                max: 200
        'colors': {
            filters: 'exclude',
            data: {
                exclude: ['Choose a color']
            errors: {
                exclude: 'Choose a color from the list.' // Custom error
        'langs[]': {
            filters: 'min',
            data: {
                min: 2
            errors: {
                min: 'Check at least <strong>2</strong> languages.'
        'options': {
            filters: 'min'
            data: {
                min: 1
            errors: {
                min: 'Check only <strong>1</strong> option.'


Ideal Forms relays on a carefully crafted LESS stylesheet. Everything is customizable, from the simplest text input, to the select menus, radios, and checkboxes.

User config:

All user options are located in less/user.config.less. You can safely edit all values from the "user config". The "extra" options must be edited wisely since most of the variables here are relative to other variables defined elsewhere.

The names of the user config variables are pretty self-explanatory. If you screw up you can always go back.

When you finish editing the user config don't forget to compile less/jquery.idealforms.less into css.

####@font-size The overall font size. Usually adjusting this option should be enough in most cases. Keep in mind that the bigger the font, the bigger the icons need to be. Ideal Forms will try to align everything as close as possible, but it's recommended that the icons are aprox. the same size as the font-size.

####@small-font-size Ideal Forms uses a smaller font-size for button, select, radio and checkbox. Change to 100% to use the default font-size.

####@input-width Adjust this option if the form doesn't quite fit your container. It's recommended to use this format @font-size * number. All inputs will have the width set here but you can change the width of any particular input by targeting its id. This won't affect the responsive layout.

#comments { width: 200px; }

####@label-align Align labels to either left or right.

####@label-width Most of the time auto will work just fine but if you have really long label names then it's a good idea to tweak this value.

####@border-width Width of every border property. Usually there's no need to change the default value of 1px unless you want a "thick" border look, suitable for some occasions. box-shadow properties depend on this option.

####@border-radius Radius for round corners.

####@css3-anim true or false to enable or disable css3 animations (transitions).

####@css3-effects true or false to enable or disable css3 box-shadow and gradients.

Enjoy :)