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Vim Configuration File


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vim .vimrc

.vimrc file should be like;

so ~/.vim/vimrc.vim

Open vim and;




key strokes command details
leader rn coc-rename rename the selected
leader gr coc-references go to the reference
leader gf :GoFmt fix the styling of the Go files
leader gd :GoDef go to the def with vim-go
leader gat :GoAddTags add json tags to the struct
leader gl :GoMetaLinter run all of the linters
leader gt :GoAlternate go the the test file
cmd+ctrl+r :GoTestFunc run the test function


key strokes command details
leader gi coc-implementation go to the implementation of function
leader space :nohlsearch highlight removal
leader vdoc open the readme file
ctrl+f :echo expand("%:p") print the full path
cmd+1 :NERDTreeToggle toggle the NERDTree
ctrl+6 go to the latest location
Ag 'search keyword' search a keyword
bufdo bd! close every buffer
ctags -R ctags -R create ctags for the folder
leader gcc comment the selected lines


key strokes command details
leader lm php artisan make
leader lfc open the controller folder
leader lfs open the services folder
leader n :call IPhpInsertUse import classes
leader pf :call PhpCsFixerFixFile() fix the file by psr2

How to?

How to find and replace in all files?

  1. :Gsearch
  2. select all of the lines you want to change
  3. : s/{keyword}/{keyword}
  4. :Greplace
  5. press a to accept all of the replacements
  6. :wa to save all of the changes

How to change surround?

  1. cs ' " -> all of the single quotes on the selected line will be double quotes
  2. ds ' -> delete the surrounding single quotes
  3. Capital S -> surround the selected text with desired text

How to sort with Vim?

Select the text block that you want to sort and type :sort

Brew packages

brew install the_silver_searcher
brew install ctags
brew install php-cs-fixer

COC packages

:CocInstall coc-markdown-preview-enhanced
:CocInstall coc-go
:CocInstall coc-webview



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