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AWS 전반의 공부를 기록으로 남기고자 만들었습니다.
AWS Certified Solutions Architect 시험을 위해 만들었습니다.

Studied from :

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020

Linux Academy AWS Essentials

Pythoholic AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2021

복습, 암기 CheckList :

배운 내용이 너무 많아 잠시 점검 복습이 필요하다 느꼈습니다.
내용의 추가, 수정이 조금 줄겠지만 복습한 내용조차 기록하도록 하겠습니다. ㅋㅋ
이것은 조금 개인적인 공부니까 가이드에는 부적절해서 나중에 아마 삭제할 것 같아요...

  • 21/5/29
    • 암기가 부족한 내용
      • Archive Retrieval Options
      • Bucket policy, acl, crr, event notification
    • S3 까지
      line 232/2493
  • 21/5/30
    • 암기가 부족한 내용
      • AWS AD, VPC, Customer gateway, VPC gateway, VPC cloudHub, Nacl 숫자가 작은 것이 더 우선순위, Interface endpoints, gateway endpoints, transitive peering, flow logs, KMS symetric, asymetric, access keys, route53 logging,
    • AWS STS 까지
      line 700/2493
  • 21/5/31
    • 암기가 부족한 내용
      • Cognito sync, user pools, identity pools, DNS top/second level domain, SOA, failover routing, multivalue awnser routing, route53 logging, ec2 accelerated optimized, ec2 partition, dedicated instance, systems manager -> patch manager, asg health check ASG Lifecycle hooks, load balancers in general, sticky sessions are from cookies, cross zone load balancing,
    • AWS EC2 까지
      line 1210/2493
  • 21/6/1
    • 암기가 부족한 내용
      • instance store, ebs optimizes, ebs lifecycle, cloudfront seer, cloudfront invalidation, lambda@edge view/origin, WAF in general, rds backups, read replicas can be multi regional, aurora rds distribution, aurora fast ddl, redshift is single az, mpp, leader/compute nodes, redshift enhanced vpc routing, what is the meaning of multi master in dynamoDB?, LSI, GSI, DAX
    • DynamoDB 까지
      line 1761/2493
  • 21/6/6
    • 암기가 부족한 내용
      • cloudformation templates, nestedstacks, cloudwatch api, cloudwatch agent, managed/data events, cloudtrail, lambda async, lambda /tmp, sqs consumer must delete message, sqs standard/fifo,
        api gateway throttling, api gateway resource policy, api gateway access control,
    • Storage gateway 까지
      line 2359/2493

연습문제 :

Udemy SSA-C02 (한국어 /영어)

Whizlabs (영어)

  • S3 (Simple Storage Service)

    • Object based storage service

      • data as objects
      • opposed to other storage architectures such as
        • file systems
        • block storage
    • Serverless storage in cloud

    • Unlimited storage

    • No worries for infrastructure

    • Upload Success returns HTTP 200

    • S3 Object

      • Like files / objects
      • 0 Bytes ~ 5 Terabytes
      • Contains data
        • Owner
        • Last Modified
        • Key : Name of object
        • Value : data sequence of bytes
        • Version ID : Version of the object when enabled
        • Metadata : Additional information
    • S3 Bucket

      • Hold S3 Objects
      • Universal namespace (Names need to be unique)
      • Features
        • Bucket Versioning
        • Encryption
        • Server access logging
        • Cloud Trail data events
        • Transfer acceleration
        • Object Lock
          • Write once, read many
      • Server access logging (requests)
      • Cloud Trail data events (user/role/API)
      • Logging per request can be turned on a bucket
      • Logs are generated and saved in a different bucket
      • Different account logging is possible
    • Storage Class

      • Standard (default)
        • Fast
        • 99.99% Availability
        • 11 9's Durability
        • Replicated at least three Availability Zone (AZ)
      • Intelligent Tiering
        • Uses ML
        • Data is moved to most cost effective tier
        • No performance impact or overhead
      • Standard Infrequently Accessed (IA)
        • Still Fast
        • 50% Cheaper than Standard
        • Reduced Availability
          • Access files once a month
          • Additional retrieval fee if accessed more
      • One Zone IA
        • Still Fast
        • 20% Cheaper than Standard IA
        • Reduced Availability 99.5%
          • Retrieval fee
        • Reduced Durability (Data could get destroyed)
      • Glacier
        • Long term cold storage
        • Very Cheap
        • Minutes to Hours for Retrieval
      • Glacier Deep Archive
        • Lowest Cost
        • 12 Hours for Retrieval
        • Must be restored before changing to another tier
    • S3 Glacier

      • Vault

        • Container for storing archives
        • Contains Metadata
        • Async download
          • Can create SNS when finished
      • Archive

        • Object that you store in a vault
        • Archive ID (Used to retrieve data)
        • Archive Retrieval Options

          • Expedited
            • 1~5 minutes
          • Standard
            • 3~5 hours
          • Bulk
            • 5~12 hours
    • Security

      • All new buckets are PRIVATE by default
      • Access Control
        • Access Control Lists (ACL)
          • Legacy feature (Not Deprecated)
          • Simple
        • Bucket Policies
          • JSON
          • AWS Policy Generator
    • Encryption

      • Transit
        • Local Host <-> S3 achieved via SSL/TLS
          (Secure Socket Layer, Transport Layer Security)
      • Server Side Encryption (SSE) (Encryption At Rest)
        • S3 Managed Keys (Amazon Manages all Keys)
          • SSE-AES (AES-256 algorithm)
          • SSE-KMS (AWS Key Management AWS and YOU manage keys)
          • SSE-C (Customer Provided key, AWS and YOU manage keys)
      • Client Side Encryption (CSE)
        • You Encrypt files before upload
      • Existing files before Encryption on is not Encrypted
      • All GET, PUT, DELETE, LIST operations
        • Strong Read After Write Consistency
        • Able to read immediately after writing
        • 21년도 이후 S3는 strong read and write consistency
    • Cross Region Replication (CRR)

      • Automatic replication to other regions
      • Higher durability
      • Disaster recovery
      • Versioning must be on both source and destination
      • Can CRR to other accounts
    • Versioning

      • Once enabled, cannot be disabled. Can be suspended
      • Full Integration with S3 Lifecycle rules
      • Delete request will put a delete marker on the latest version
        • Remove the delete marker to restore deleted data
      • Previous version becomes latest if latest version is deleted
      • Version ID can be NULL if object created before Versioning on
      • Properties like public is not inherited between versions
    • Lifecycle Management

      • Automate moving storage class(Tier), or delete
      • Can be used with Versioning
      • Can be applied to current or previous versions
      • Can be used to abort multipart uploads
      • Per-request fee
      • Minimum wait duration is 30 days
      • Notification when a specific action happens in bucket
      • Can add prefix, Suffix to specify object
      • Invocation

        • Create
        • Delete
        • Restore
        • Replicate
      • Destination

        • SNS
        • SQS
        • Lambda
    • Transfer Acceleration

      • Uses CloudFront Edge Locations
      • User uploads to distinct URL from edge Location
      • Edge Location data is routed to S3 by AWS backbone network.
    • Presigned URLs

      • Generated URL
      • Temporary access to Object for Upload or Download
      • Access to Private Objects
      • Created by AWS CLI/SDK
      • Expire date
      • Both Download/Upload is possible
    • Retrieve object in parts

      • You can get a range of bytes
      • Specify "range" in HTTP header GET request
    • Upload object in parts

      • Up to 5 GB can be uploaded with PUT
      • Use multipart upload more than 5 GB
    • MFA Delete

      • Must provide MFA token/code to delete
      • Enable Conditions
        • By AWS CLI
        • Versioning on
      • Only Root User can delete
    • AWS CLI

      • ls
        • return all buckets aws s3 ls
        • return bucket objects aws s3 ls s3://bucketName
        • return directory objects aws s3 ls s3://bucketName/folderName
      • cp
        • download object to a.jpg
          aws s3 cp s3://bucketName/folderName/objectName.jpg ~/Desktop/a.jpg
        • upload a.jpg to object
          aws s3 cp ~/Desktop/a.jpg s3://bucketName/folderName/objectName.jpg
      • presign
        • creates a presigned url
          aws s3 presign s3://bucketName/folderName/objectName.jpg --expires-in 300
      • Use queries on S3
      • Cheaper, Faster
      • Does not need to retrieve data before query
  • Snowball

    • Petabyte date transfer service (Use multiple snowballs)

    • AWS data to physical computer

      • Import and export
    • Low cost

      • Costs thousands of dollars to transfer 100 TB in high speed internet
      • Reduce cost by 1/5th
    • Speed

      • Takes 100 days to download 100 TB over high speed internet
      • Reduce time by less than a week
    • Features

      • E-link display (Shipping information)
      • Tamper/Weather proof
      • Data encrypted (256-bit encryption)
      • Trusted Platform Module(TPM)
        • Chip that stores RSA encryption keys for hardware authentication
        • Specific to the host system
      • Data transfers must be completed in 90 days
      • Can import and Export S3
    • Size

      • 50 TB (42 TB usable)
      • 80 TB (72 TB usable)
  • Snowball Edge

    • Similar to snowball

    • More storage

    • Local processing

    • Petabyte data transfer service

    • Features

      • LCD Display (Shipping information / functionality)
      • Local processing
      • Edge-computing workloads
      • Can use in a cluster of 5 ~ 10 devices
    • Optimization Options

      • Storage optimized (24 vCPUs)
      • Compute optimized (54 vCPUs)
      • GPU optimized (54 vCPUs)
    • Size
      • 100 TB (83 of usable)
      • 100 TB Clustered (45 TB per node)
  • Snowmobile

    • 45 foot long shipping container

    • Pulled by semi-trailer truck

    • Exabyte data transfer service

    • 100 PB per Snowmobile

    • AWS personnel will help connect, and when data transfer is complete, they'll drive it back to AWS and import to S3
    • Security

      • GPS tracking
      • Alarm monitoring
      • 24/7 video surveillance
      • Escort security vehicle while transit (Optional)
    • Used for Microsoft Active Directory (AD)

      • Directory service run on Microsoft Windows Server/Windows File Server(FSx)
      • Manage permissions and control access to network resources
      • Manage users/groups/devices/administrators
    • Connect over VPN/Direct Connect

    • Options

      • Directory Service for Micorsoft AD

        • When you need an actual AD in AWS Cloud
      • AD connector

        • When you need on premise AD to authenticate AWS
      • Simple AD

        • Low cost, low scale basic AD
      • Cognito

        • For SaaS
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

    • Key Features

      • Region Specific
      • Do not span regions
      • Every region has default VPC
      • 200 subnets per VPC
      • Uses IPv4 ClDR Block
      • Can add IPv6 ClDR Block
      • Can add additional CIDR Blocks to expand VPC
      • DNS hostnames (VPC option)
        • Domain Name System (DNS)
        • Uniquely names a computer
        • DNS server connects hostnames to IP address
        • Off by default
        • EC2 DNS
    • Default VPC

      • Default VPC in every region
      • Can immediately deploy ec2
      • The first four IP address and the last IP in each subnet CIDR is reserved by AWS
        • Network address
        • Reserved for VPC router
        • Reserved for DNS server
        • Reserved for future use
        • Network broadcast but not supported
      • Features
        • Size /16 IPv4 CIDR (ex:
        • Creates Size /20 default subnet in every AZ
        • Creates Internet Gateway
        • Creates default security group
        • Creates default network access control list (NACL)
        • Associate to default DHCP
        • VPC creation automatically has route table

      • All possible IP addresses
      • Internet Gateway (IGW)
      • Allow All Internet Access
        • Security Groups Inbound Rules
        • NACL Inbound, Outbound Rules
    • Components

      • Internet Gateway (IGW)

        • Allows VPC access to the Internet
        • Provide a target in VPC route tables
        • Performs network address translation (NAT)
          • Only Addresses with public IPv4
        • To connect to the Internet
          • Add route table
          • Route that table to Internet Gateway
          • Set destination to
        • Connects to the Internet via IPv6
        • Prevents the Internet connection to server
        • One way connection
        • Stateful
          • All requests from EC2 will go back to EC2
        • Connects a on premise private IP to connect to AWS VPC
        • Customer Gateway
          • Connects on premise
        • Virtual Private Gateway
          • Connects AWS VPC
        • VPN CloudHub
          • Create virtual private gateway
          • Create multiple customer gateways
            • Each with unique BGP,ASN
            • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
            • Autonomous System Number (ASN)
        • Policy-based VPN
          • If using one or more pairs of security, when new connections with new security associations arrive
            VPN might drop existing connections resulting in packet loss
        • Determines where network traffic is directed
        • Each Subnet must have a route table
        • Any subnets without route table will get associated with Main route table automatically
        • One(Route Table) to Many(Subnet)
        • Can have multiple route tables in a VPC
        • Connect traffic with
          • Internet Gateways
          • Instance
          • Nat Gateway
          • Virtual Private Gateway
          • From Subnet Associations
      • Bastion / Jumpbox

        • EC2 instances for security
        • Help gain access to EC2 in private Subnet
        • Not for a internet proxy
        • Via SSH or RCP
        • NAT Gateways should not be used as Bastions
        • NAT Gateways intentions is for security updates
        • Systems Manager's Session Manager can replace Bastion
      • Security Groups (SG) Stateful

        • Firewall for EC2 instance
        • Associated with EC2 instances
        • Protocol / Port security
        • Allows IP range / Specific IP / Security group
        • Inbound and Outbound rules
          • Statefull (Inbound allowed is also Outbound allowed)
          • Traffic allowed in is also allowed out
          • All inbound traffic blocked by default
          • All outbound traffic allowed by default
        • No Defy rules, only access rules
        • Many(Security Group) to Many(EC2(Multiple Subnets possible))
        • Rules are permissive (Permit overrides deny)
        • Limits
          • Upto 10,000 (default 2,500) SG per Region
          • 60 inbound rules and 60 outbound rules per SG
          • Upto 16 (default 5) SG per Elastic Network Interface (ENI)
      • Public Subnets

      • Private Subnets

        • Fixed MAC address
      • Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway

        • Remapping one IP address to another
        • Help gain outbound internet access for private subnet
        • Remap private IP
        • NAT must to be allocated a Private and a Elastic IP
        • NAT does not support IPv6
        • Solve same IP addresses (Conflicting network address)
        • Redundant inside an AZ (AWS manages it/ no EC2 fails)
        • 1 NAT Gateway per 1 Subnet
        • Starts at 5 Gbps and scales up to 45 Gbps
        • Preferred than NAT Instance
        • Route Tables for the NAT Gateway must be updated
        • Peered VPC cannot share NAT Gateway
        • In order to connect to the internet with NAT while using a private subnet for EC2
          • Put the NAT gateway in a public subnet
          • Place a routing table in the public subnet
          • Route that traffic to internet gateway
          • Put your instances in a private subnet
          • Put a routing table at the private subnet
          • Route traffic to NAT gateway
      • Customer Gateway

        • Private connect VPC to other AWS services
        • No need for Internet Gateway / NAT / VPN / AWS direct connect
        • Instance do not require public IP
        • Traffic does not leave the AWS network
        • Secure communication
        • Fast / No bandwidth constraints
        • Types
          • Interface Endpoints
            • In private subnet
            • Uses Elastic Network Interfaces
            • Private IP address
            • Powered by AWS PrivateLink
            • Supports many AWS services
            • Costs Money
            • Add policies
              • May restrict certain S3
          • Gateway Endpoints
            • Connect From Route table
            • Supports only two services
              • S3
              • Dynamo DB
            • Free
        • Connecting VPC with VPC
        • Direct network route
        • Connection by private IP address
        • Peered VPC behave like they are on the same network
        • Can peer different AWS account VPC
        • Can peer different region VPC
        • No Transitive Peering
          • One(VPC) to One(VPC)
          • Signal Traffic/Peering must be direct
          • Use transit gateway instead
        • Peering uses Star Configuration
          • 1 Central VPC
          • 4 Other VPC
        • No Overlapping CIDR Blocks
        • Peered VPC cannot share NAT gateways
        • To send traffic from instance to instance in peer
          • Add route table associated with peer subnet
      • VPC Flow Logs

        • Log in CloudWatch Logs or S3
        • Capture IP traffic information
        • Within Network Interface in VPC
        • Cannot be tagged like other AWS resources
        • Cannot Change configuration after creation
        • Cannot enable peered VPC flow logs unless in same account
        • Monitor Levels
          • VPC
          • Subnets
          • Network Interface
        • Log
          • version
          • account-id
          • interface-id (ID of network interface)
          • srcaddr (Source IPv4 or IPv6)
          • dstaddr (Destination IPv4 or IPv6)
          • srcport (Source port of traffic)
          • dstport (Destination port of traffic)
        • Not Logged
          • Traffic to AWS DNS Servers
          • Windows license activation traffic for instances
          • Instance metadata address traffic
          • DHCP traffic
          • Any traffic to reserved IP address of default VPC router
        • Establish a dedicated network from Office to AWS
        • Very fast network
        • Private connectivity
        • Lower Bandwidth 50 M ~ 500 M
        • Higher Bandwidth 1 GB ~ 10 GB
        • Help reduce network cost for high traffic
        • More consistent network than internet
        • Connect on-premise VPC with AWS VPC
        • Supports IPSEC
          • Encrypt data between internet transportation
        • Firewall subnet traffic
        • First Layer of security
        • VPC is automatically given default NACL
          • Default NACL will accept all traffic from VPC
          • Custom created NACL will deny all traffic
        • Subnets must have a NACL
        • One(NACL) to Many(Subnets)
        • Allow or defy traffic (Security groups only allow)
        • Inbound or outbound rules (Like security groups)
          • All inbound rules are not allowed to outbound by default
            unlike Security groups (Stateless)
        • NACL needs to make Ephemeral ports open
          • Ports for AWS resources
        • Can block a single IP (Security groups can't)
        • Order of evaluation Rule number #
          • Lower is higher priority
          • 10 to 100 increments recommended
          • The * Rule is the highest rule
        • Example
          • Malicious hacker IP block
          • SSH block
  • AWS Systems Manager

    • Sessions manager

      • Access EC2 without bastion or SSL
      • Store parameters and access by code
      • Use KMS with Parameter Store
      • Can organize and bulk with paths
  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

    • Key Types

      • Symmetric key

        • Uses same key for encrypt/decrypt
      • Asymmetric key

        • Uses different key for encrypt/decrypt
      • AWS Managed Keys

      • Customer Managed Keys

    • KMS is region specific

    • All data is encrypted at rest

    • Define IAM Users/Roles that manage/use keys

    • Can disable and re-enable keys

    • Rotate keys

      • AWS automatically encrypt/decrypt using the rotated key
    • Logs uses CloudTrail

    • Need to wait time periods to remove

  • Identity Access Management (IAM)

    • Manage access of AWS users and resources

    • Universal system (All AZ)

    • Free service

    • IAM Identities

      • IAM Users

        • End users using aws sdk or cli
      • IAM Groups

        • Group IAM Users
        • Shared permissions
        • Example : Administrators/Developers/Auditors
      • IAM Roles

        • Associate permissions to a Role
        • Give Roles to Users or Groups
        • Roles can also be attached to AWS Resources
    • IAM Policies

      • JSON

        • Version (ex: 2012-10-17)
        • Statement (Container for multiple policy elements)
        • Sid (Optional, ways to name statements)
        • Effect (Allow/Deny)
        • Principal (Account/user/role/fedrated user)
        • Action (List of actions policy allows or denies)
        • Resource (Resource where action applies)
        • Conditional (Optional,circumstances when policy applies)
      • Grants permission to Identities
      • Policies are attached to User/Group/Roles
      • Types
        • Managed Policies

          • Policy managed by AWS
          • Cannot be edited
          • Labeled with orange box
        • Customer Managed Policies

          • A policy created by a customer
          • Can be edited
          • No symbol
        • Inline Policies

          • Directly attached to user / resource
          • Rotate passwords to update after X days
          • Set minimum requirements
    • Access keys

      • Allow users use CLI/SDK
      • Cannot access console
      • Two Access keys per user
      • Can make active/inactive
      • Only shown once, if lost delete, recreate
    • Multi Factor authentication (MFA)

      • Can be turned on per user
      • User can turn on themselves
      • Admin can not enforce MFA
      • Admin can create policy requiring MFA for resources
      • Should set MFA for Root
      • Type
        • Virtual MFA device

        • U2F security key

        • Other hardware MFA device

  • AWS Security Token Service (STS)

    • Use SDK/CLI to get

      • AWS access key
      • Secret access key
      • Security token
    • Use SDK/CLI to let

      • Users to assume role
      • Generate Federated credentials for IAM Users
      • Request temporary access
      • Not for Roles, but for Users
    • Temporary access

      • Short term use
      • Active for few minutes to hours
    • When to use?

      • Temporary worker
      • Roles for Cross Account Access
      • Roles for EC2
        • Access resource without embedding credentials
    • Logging

      • CloudTrail not CloudWatch!

      • Send api to
      • AssumeRole

        • Returns temporary credentials
      • AssumeRoleWithSAML

        • Returns temporary credentials
        • Authenticated by SAML
      • AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity

        • Returns temporary credentials
        • Authenticated by web identity provider
      • DecodeAuthorizationMessage

        • Decode additional information about authorization status
      • GetAccessKeyInfo

        • Get AWS account ID number from Access key
      • GetCallerIdentity

        • Returns Account,Arn,UserId of the caller
      • GetFederationToken

        • Return set of credentials
        • Authenticated by federated user
        • Access key, secret access key, security token
      • GetSessionToken

        • Return set of credentials
        • From AWS account or IAM User
        • Access key, secret access key, security token
  • Amazon Cognito

    • Web Identity Federation

      • To exchange identity and security information between IdP and application
    • Identity Provider (IdP)

      • Trusted provider for authentication (Facebook, Google ...)
    • IdP methods

      • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) (Single Sign On SSO)
      • OpenID Connect (OIDC) (OAuth)
    • Types

      • Cognito User Pools

        • User directory with authentication to IdP to grant app access
        • User Pools
          • Directories to manage the actions such as
            • Sign in
            • Sign up
            • Account recovery
            • Account confirmation
        • Sign by User Pool or IdP
        • Uses JWT to persist authentication
        • Settings
          • Allow sign in with email/phone/username
          • Choose signup requirements
          • Choose password requirements
          • Apply MFA
          • Trigger custom logs, Lambdas
      • Cognito Identity Pools (Federated identity)

        • Temporary credentials for users to access AWS Services
      • Cognito Sync

        • One line of code
        • Syncs user data and preferences across devices
        • Push synchronization to push updates and sync data
        • Uses Simple Notification services (SNS)
        • Sends Identity pools to sync data
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

    • Interact with AWS via command line

    • Important CLI flags

      • --profile : switch between AWS accounts
      • --output : changes output between json, table and text
    • AWS User must have Programmatic Access

      • Access Key ID, Secret Access Key (AWS Credentials)
      • Store credentials in user home (~/.aws/credentials)
      • Multiple credentials can be managed by profiles
  • AWS Software Development Kit (SDK)

    • Set of tools and libraries to use AWS in apps for specific language

    • AWS User must have Programmatic Access

      • Access Key ID, Secret Access Key (AWS Credentials)
      • Store credentials in user home (~/.aws/credentials)
      • Multiple credentials can be managed by profiles
  • Domain Name System (DNS)

    • Changes Domain name ( -> IP address (

    • Internet Protocol (IP)

      • Uniquely identifies each computer for communication

      • Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)

        • Address space is 32 Bits
        • Currently running out of space
      • Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

        • Address space is 128 Bits
    • Domain Levels

      • Top Level Domain

        • Last word within a domain name (.com)
        • Controlled by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
      • Second Level Domain

        • Second word within a domain name ( : .co)
    • Start of Authority (SOA)

      • Every Domain must have an SOA record
      • Information about the domain
      • Structure

        • NAME : name of zone
        • IN : zone class
        • SOA : start of authority
        • NNAME : master name server of zone
        • RNAME : admin email of zone
        • SERIAL : serial number for zone
        • REFRESH : ...
        • RETRY : ...
        • EXPIRE : ...
        • TTL : ...
    • Address Records (A Records)

      • Convert Domain name -> IP
    • Canonical Names (CNAME)

      • Convert Domain name -> Domain name
    • Name Server Records (NS Records)

      • Direct traffic to the DNS server containing DNS records
      • Multiple name servers are provided for redundancy
    • Time To Live (TTL)

      • Time that a DNS record gets cached
      • Time it takes to propagate across the internet
      • Measured in seconds under IPv4
  • Route53

    • Domain name provider in AWS

    • Functionality

      • Register Domain

      • Create Records sets on a domain

      • Implement complex traffic flow (Blue/Green, Deploy, Failovers)

      • Monitor records via heath checks

      • Resolve VPC outside AWS

    • Traffic flow

      • Visual editor for routing config
      • Supports versioning
      • 50$ per policy record / month
      • Can use geoproximity routing
    • Record Set

      • www. , api. , blog. to A, AAAA, CNAME...

      • Alias
        • Always should use Alias because resources changes IP
        • Route traffic to specific AWS Resources
      • A to Alias

        • API Gateway
        • CloudFront
        • Elastic Beanstalk
        • All Load Balancers
        • Global Accelerator
        • S3 Static website
        • VPC Endpoint
      • A (Not by Alias)

        • EC2 instance
      • AAAA to Alias

        • All Load Balancers
        • CloudFront
      • Cname (Not by Alias)

        • RDS
    • Routing Policy

      • Simple Routing

        • Default Policy
        • One(Record) to Many(IP)
        • Return all IP back to user in random order
        • User will be directed to random IP
      • Weighted Routing

        • Split traffic based on weights
        • Good for A/B testing
        • ex) 85(EC2 Stable) : 15(EC2 Test)
        • One(Routing Policy) to Many(Record Sets)
      • Geolocation Routing

        • Redirect Via Geolocation of request origin
        • ex) North America -> ALB US-NORTH-1
      • Geoproximity Routing

        • Redirect Via Geolocation but with Bias Value
        • Bias value expand or shrink size of geolocation
        • Can only be set by Traffic Flow
      • Latency Routing

        • Direct traffic based on latency
        • Based on region
        • Requires latency resource record for EC2 or ELB
        • ex) 100ms(ALB WEST-1) : 12ms(ALB EAST-1)
      • Failover Routing

        • If Primary fails Redirects to Secondary
        • Can check via Health Checks
      • Multivalue answer Routing

        • Just like Simple Routing
        • Only difference is heath check
        • Returns IPs only if healthy
    • Health Checks

      • Checks every 30s by default

      • Can be reduced to 10s

      • Can Initial a failover if unhealthy

      • CloudWatch Alarm can be created

      • Type

        • Endpoint
        • Status of other health checks
        • State of CloudWatch Alarm
      • CloudWatch

        • HealthCheck to CloudWatch alarms
        • Resolver endpoints statistics to cloudWatch
        • Public hosted zones
        • Request IP, who, when, additional details to S3
    • Route 53 Resolver

      • On premise connect with route 53

      • Regional service that route DNS between VPC and your network

      • Inbound(To VPC), Outbound(From VPC), Inbound and Outbound

      • DNS Resolution for Hybrid Environments (On Premise with Cloud)

  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

    • Choose OS, Storage, Memory, Network Throughput

    • Resizable computing capacity

    • Everything on AWS uses EC2 instance underneath

    • Networking

      • Enable Auto-assign public IP

      • Enable elastic-IP for a fixed IP

        • Elastic Network Adapter (ENA)
        • Code for Ubuntu
          modify-instance-attribute --instance-id instance_id --ena-support
    • Instance Types

      • General Purpose

        • Balance of memory, compute and network
        • Use-cases : web servers and code repositories
      • Compute Optimized

        • High performance processor
        • Use-cases : Scientific modeling, gaming servers and ad server engines
      • Memory Optimized

        • Fast performance for workloads and large data sets in memory
        • Use-cases : In-memory caches, in-memory databases, real time big data analytics
      • Accelerated Optimized

        • Hardware accelerators, co-processors
        • Use-cases : Machine learning, compute-finance, speech recognition
      • Storage Optimized

        • High sequential read and write to large data sets on local storage
        • Use-cases : NoSQL, in-memory/transactional databases, data warehousing
    • Instance Sizes

      • EC2 Instance Sizes generally double in price and attributes

    • Instance Profile

      • Instead of embedding AWS credentials in Code
      • Let's instance have permission to access AWS services
      • Attach a IAM Role to an instance via Instance Profile
      • Always avoid unnecessary AWS credentials if possible
      • Cannot be multi region

      • Cluster

        • Great performance, but has failure risk
        • Same rack, same AZ
        • Low latency, 10 Gbs bandwidth
        • If rack fails, all instance fails
        • Cannot be multi AZ
      • Spread

        • High availability, limited performance
        • Multi AZ
        • Limited to 7 instance per AZ
        • EC2 on different physical hardware
        • Reduce simultaneous failure
        • For critical applications where each instance must be isolated from failure
      • Partition

        • Up to 7 partitions per AZ
        • Up to 100s of instances
        • Instances in a partition do not share rack with instances in another partition
        • EC2 metadata includes partition information
        • For HDFS, Cassandra, Kafka
    • UserData

      • Script that automatically run when launching EC2 instance
    • MetaData

      • Access information about EC2 via special url endpoint in EC2
      • curl
      • Get information such as IPv4 address, instance type and more
      • Combind MetaData and UserData to automate AWS
    • Pricing Model

      • On-Demand

        • Default pricing
        • No up-front payment
        • No long-term payment
        • For short-term, spiky, unpredictable, experimental, first-time apps
        • Like hotels or planes, AWS offers vacant EC2
        • Save up to 90%
        • Instances can be terminated by AWS at anytime
        • If you terminate the instance you still will be charged for any hour it ran
        • Use-cases : Apps that can handle Interruptions, for non-critical background jobs
        • Pricing = Class offering X Terms X Payment options
        • Class offering
          • Standard
            • Save up to 75%
            • Cannot change Instance Attributes
          • Convertible
            • Save up to 54%
            • Can change Instance Attributes only higher or equal in value
        • Terms
          • 1 year to 3 year contract
          • The longer the cheaper
        • Payment options
          • All Upfront
          • Partial Upfront
          • No Upfront
          • The greater upfront the cheaper
        • Can re-sell Reserved Instances
      • Dedicated

        • Most expensive
        • Single Tenant instances with Isolated server
        • Offered in On-demand and Reserved(70% save)
        • Enterprises and Large Organizations may have security concerns
      • EC2 into images to copy servers

        • Holds information such as
          • Root Volume
          • Operating system
          • Application Server
          • Application
          • Launch Permissions
          • Block device mapping
      • AMI is region specific

        • You can copy to another region via Copy AMI
      • AMI ID

      • Use Systems Manager Patch Manager Automation to patch AMIs with security updates

      • Use LaunchConfigurations to update multiple instances with AMI

      • Snapshot does not save RAM data

      • Selection

        • Region
        • Operating System
        • Architecture
        • Launch Permissions
        • Root Device Type/Volume
          • Instance Store
          • EBS
      • AMI marketplace

        • Community AMI
          • Free to use
        • Vendor AMI
          • Cost per hour
          • Security harden AMI such as CIS is popular
        • My AMI
    • VM import

      • On premise VM to EC2

      • EC2 to on premise VM

      • Save RAM data to EBS
      • Reload saved Ram content
      • No OS boot time
      • Great for pre-warming instances
      • Cannot enable hibernation after launched
        • Check before
      • Cannot enable hibernation on instance store volume
    • Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)

      • Group of EC2 for auto-scaling and management

      • Launch Configuration

        • Launch settings for new EC2 from ASG
        • Cannot be edited
          • Clone the existing configuration or create a new configuration
        • Launch Templates
          • Launch Configuration with versioning
          • AMI
          • Instance Type
          • Storage
          • Security groups
          • Key pair
      • Capacity settings

        • Min
        • Max
        • Desired Capacity
          • How much EC2 you want ideally
        • EC2 Health Check
          • Based on EC2 Status Checks
            • stopping/stopped/shutting-down/terminated
          • If considered unhealthy, restarts EC2
        • ELB Health Check
          • If the load balancer reports unhealthy, restarts
          • If response not expected, restarts EC2
        • Custom Health Check
          • If not working as intended, change ec2 state as unhealthy
      • Health Check Grace Period

        • When new EC2 is created, wait this period before health check
      • Scaling policies

        • Scaling Out : Adding more Instances
        • Scaling In : Removing Instances
        • Scaling Up : Increase the EC2 Specs
        • Scheduled scaling is also possible for traffic in specific time
        • Types
          • Target Tracking Scaling Policy
            • Scale by
              • Average CPU Utilization
              • Average Network In
              • Average Network Out
              • Application Load balancer request count per target
          • Simple Scaling Policy (Deprecated 2021)
            • Scales when alarm is breached
            • Legacy, not recommended
          • Step Scaling Policy (Deprecated 2021)
            • Scales when alarm is breached
            • Escalates based on alarm
            • ex) All 2 instances if alarm value is 2
        • Can add SNS
      • Termination policies

        • Custom action to EC2 before/after termination/initialization
        • Changes the instance into a wait state
        • Wait period is 1 hour
      • Elastic Load Balancers(ELB) with ASG

        • ASG can be associated with ELB
        • If associated richer health checks are available
        • Associated indirectly via Target Groups
    • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

      • Locates in a VPC

      • Must have at least two AZs

      • Cannot go cross-region

      • SSL Certificate can be attached to any Types

      • Rules of Traffic

        • Listeners
          • Evaluate Traffic that matches the listeners port
          • Can attach SSL Certificate
        • Rules
          • Rules will decide what ports go to what target Groups
          • Only for Application Load Balancer
        • Target Groups
          • Not for Classic Load Balancer or Gateway Balancer
          • Instance
          • IP
          • Lambda
      • Types

        • Classic Load Balancer
          • Listeners and EC2 is directly registered
          • Can balance HTTP, HTTPS, TCP(Not at the same time)
          • Can use Layer 7 sticky sessions and Layer 4 TCP
          • Can perform Cross Zone Load Balancing
          • CLB does not allow you to apply rules to listeners
          • CLB -> Listeners -> Registered Targets
          • Responds 504(Timeout) error if not responding
        • Application Load Balancer
          • Listeners, Rules and Target Groups
          • Designed to balance HTTP and HTTPS traffic
          • Operate at Layer 7 (OSI Model)
          • Can use Sticky sessions
          • Request Routing
            • Add routing rules to listeners based on HTTP protocol
            • Based on
              • Host Header
              • Http header
              • Source IP
              • Http header method
              • Path
              • Query String
          • Web Application Firewall can be attached
          • Great for Web Applications!
        • Network Load Balancer
          • Listeners and Target Groups
          • Designed to balance TCP/UDP
          • Operate at Layer 4 (OSI Model)
          • Can handle millions of requests per second
          • Extremely low latency
          • Cross Zone Load Balancing
          • Great for Multiplayer Video Games or when network performance is critical
      • Sticky Sessions

        • Specific user sessions goes to a specific EC2
        • All requests from that session are sent to the same EC2
        • Cookies are used to remember which EC2
        • Can be used in
          • Classic Load Balancer
          • Application Load Balancer
        • Useful when specific information is stored in single instance
      • X-Forwarded-For (XFF) Header

        • When using Load Balancers users IPv4 addresses can be changed to Load Balancers IPv4
        • Use X-Forwarded-For header to get the IP address
      • Health Checks

        • Checks EC2 with HTTP(S)
        • Reports back as InService or OutOfService
        • ELB does not terminate(Kill) unhealthy instances (ASG does)
        • ELB just redirect traffic to healthy Instances unlike ASG
      • Cross-Zone Load Balancing

        • Distributes traffic evenly within Zones
        • Distributes traffic evenly in all Zones
        • Can not be used in Application load balancer
        • Change private subnets to public
      • Pricing

        • Time X Partial Time X Capacity Unit
        • Capacity Unit
          • Application Load Balancer(LCU)(EC2)
          • Network Load Balancer(NLCU)
          • Gateway Load Balancer(GLCU)
          • Classic Load Balancer(GB)
        • CloudWatch metrics
        • Access logs (S3)
        • Request tracing (Track HTTP requests)
        • CloudTrail logs
  • Elastic File System (EFS)

    • File storage service for EC2
    • Storage capacity grows up to petabytes
    • Storage shrinks automatically
    • Multiple EC2 in same VPC can mount a single EFS
    • EFS supports Network File System version 4 (NFSv4)
    • EC2 needs NFSv4 to use EFS
    • Provides Read After Write Consistency
    • EFS creates multiple mount targets/points in all VPC subnets
    • Settings

      • General Purpose
        • Latency sensitive
        • Web serving environments
        • Content management systems
        • Home directories, file serving
      • Max I/O
        • Higher aggregate throughput per second
    • EFS supports two forms of encryption

      • Encryption of data at rest

        • EFS Encryption at rest can only be enabled at creation
      • Encryption of data in transit

        • Mount helper
        • Not an option during or after creation
    • EFS file sharing can be across multiple AZ EC2s
    • On premise connection

      • AWS Direct connect
      • AWS VPN
    • 0.30 $ per GB / month
    • Types

      • Compute Savings Plan

        • Automatically apply to EC2/Fargate/Lambda
        • No matter of Size/AZ/Region/OS
        • Reduce up to 66%
      • EC2 Instances Savings Plan

        • Lower cost in exchange for commitment of usage
        • Specific families, region (ex) M5 usage in ap-southeast-2 )
        • Can change within EC2 families, region
        • Reduce up to 72%
      • Amazon SageMaker Savings Plan

  • Elastic Block Store (EBS)

    • Attach persistent block storage to EC2

    • Volumes are automatically replicated within their AZ

  • Knowledge

    • IOPS : Input/Output per second
    • Throughput : data transfer to and from storage
    • Bandwidth : Measurement of total possible speed of data movement along network
    • Bandwidth (Pipe), Throughput (Water)
  • Types

    • General Purpose (SSD)

      • Balanced price and performance
      • Max IOPS of 16000
      • For : General use cases (Backend)
      • gp3 has better throughput than gp2
    • Provisioned IOPS (SSD)

      • Fast Input and Output
      • Low latency and also high throughput
      • For : Large databases (MySQL,Cassandra,DB)
      • Max IOPS of 64000
      • io2 has better durability then io1
    • Throughput Optimized HDD

      • Low cost
      • Designed for frequently accessed
      • For : Data warehouses, Big data, Log processing
      • Higher basic volume size
      • Max IOPS of 500
    • Cold HDD

      • Lower cost
      • Less frequently used workloads
      • For : File storage
      • Max IOPS of 250
    • EBS Magnetic

      • For Archival Storage
      • Previous generation HDD
      • Max IOPS of 40-200
  • Moving Volumes

    • One AZ to another
      • 1 Take a Snapshot of the volume
      • 2 Create a AMI from snapshot
      • 3 Launch new EC2 instance in another AZ
    • One Region to another
      • 1 Take a Snapshot of the volume
      • 2 Create an AMI from snapshot
      • 3 Copy the AMI to another region
      • 4 Launch new EC2 instance in another Region
  • Encrypting Root Volume

    • Encrypt with AWS Key Management System (KMS)
    • You can Encrypt the volume on creation
    • If you want to Encrypt an existing volume
      • 1 Take a Snapshot of the unencrypted volume
      • 2 Create a copy of that Snapshot with Encrypt Option
      • 3 Create a new AMI from Encrypted snapshot
      • 4 Launch new EC2 instance with Encrypted AMI
  • EBS VS Instance Store Volumes

    • EBS

      • Durable
      • Block level storage device
      • Created from EBS Snapshots
      • Data will persist when reboot
      • Data can persist when stop/terminate/failures
      • Can have termination protection
      • For : Most use cases
      • How to use
      • Temporary block level storage
      • Disks physically attached to host machine
      • Created from template stored in S3
      • Data will be lost when fails/stop/hibernates/terminates
      • Data is saved only in reboot
      • For : temporary, cache, logs ...
      • Only some instance/AMI types support
  • Snapshots

    • Snapshots are a point in time copy of the disk stored in S3
    • Initial snapshot of an EC2 will take longer than subsequent snapshots
    • EC2 should be stopped before snapshot
    • But still can take Snapshot while EC2 running
    • Can create AMI/Volumes from Snapshots
    • Cannot unencrypt copy a snapshot
    • Can encrypt copy a snapshot
    • Cannot share a snapshot if encrypted
  • EBS Lifecycle Policy

    • Create snapshots/AMI according to tag, schedule
    • Can copy across multiple AWS accounts
    • Great way to create backup of EBS
  • EBS Optimized instance

    • Optimized instance types of ec2 instances
    • For I/O optimization
  • EBS Performance tips for Linux

    • Use EBS-optimized instances
    • Penalty from first access of volumes from snapshots
    • Use modern Linux kernel
    • Use RAID 0
      • When I/O performance is more important than fault tolerance
  • CloudWatch EBS Metrics (Probably not in test...)

    • VolumeRead/WriteBytes

      • Bytes from I/O
    • VolumeRead/WriteOps

      • Total number of I/O operations
    • VolumeTotalRead/WriteTime

      • Total number of seconds spent by all operations
    • VolumeIdleTime

      • Total seconds when no read or write
    • VolumeQueueLength

      • Total number of I/O operations waiting to be completed
    • VolumeThroughputPercentage

      • Percentage of I/O operations per second from total I/O capability
    • VolumeConsumedRead/WriteOps

      • Total number of consumed I/O operations
  • CloudFront

    • Content Delivery Network (CDN)

      • Delivers content to users based on geographical location
      • Serves cached content
    • Components

      • Origin

        • S3 Bucket
        • EC2 instance
        • ELB
        • Route53
      • Edge Location

        • Location where web content will be cached
        • Different from AZ
        • Edge locations are not just read-only, you can also write (PUT)
      • Distribution

        • Collection of Edge Locations
        • Defines how cached content should behave
        • WEB or RTMP
    • Cannot be used with RDS

    • Distribution Settings

      • Price Class

        • Select Edge Locations to distribute to specific countries
        • ex ) All Edge Locations, Use Only US Canada...
      • Types of Distribution

        • WEB for websites
        • RTMP for streaming media
      • Behaviours

        • Redirect to HTTPS
        • Restrict specific HTTP Methods
        • Restrict Viewer Access
        • Set Time To Live (TTL)
      • Invalidation

        • Can manually invalidate cache ignoring TTL
        • Invalidation forces cache to expire immediately
      • Error Pages

        • Create custom error pages like 404
      • Restrictions

        • Blacklist specific countries
        • Forward cached data to specific query string
        • ex) ?languages=de/en/fr/jp/kr to different cache
    • Time to Live (TTL)

      • Add Cache-Control header in application

        • Control TTL of specific objects
      • Change TTL setting

        • Control TTL of all objects
      • Use Lambda to override the behaviour of request and response

      • For : A/B Testing, Overriding response header, Bot blocking

      • 4 Available functions

        • Viewer request
        • Viewer response
        • Origin request
        • Origin response
      • Protection for video endpoints or restricted files

      • Original Access Identity (OAI)

        • Virtual user Identity to giver permission to fetch private objects
        • In order to use Signed URL/Cookies you need OAI
        • Types

          • Signed URLs
          • Signed Cookies
            • Signed Cookies are not available with RTMP
    • Payment

      • Data transfer Out to Internet / Origin is paid

      • Data transfer from Internet / Origin is not paid

      • Dedicated IP SSL is 600$ per month

  • AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    • Protect CloudFront, API Gateway, Application Load Balancer

    • Web ACL

      • Add Managed Rules

        • Marketplace rules such as bot block/ip health...
      • Add my own Rules

        • Country origination
        • Requests with specific header/body/params...
        • Rate Limit

          • Max amount of request an ip can have in five minutes
      • Set Rule Priority

    • Related services

      • Shield Advanced

        • block DDoS
      • Firewall Manager

        • Configure and manage firewall
      • Kinesis

        • Store web ACLs requests
      • CloudWatch

        • Monitoring data
    • Pricing

      • 5$ per Web ACL per month
      • 1$ per rule per month
      • 0.6$ per million requests
    • AWS infrastructure automation, management by Puppet or Chef

    • Create layer based application

    • Load balancing, EC2, RDS, Resource connection

  • Relational Database Service (RDS)

    • Managed relation database service that supports SQL engines

    • Cannot SSH into RDS VM

    • Types

      • Amazon Aurora
      • Mysql
      • MariaDB
      • PostgreSQL
      • Oracle
      • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Encryption

      • Can turn on encryption for all RDS engines
      • Encrypts automated backups, snapshots, read replicas
      • Handled by Key Management Service (KMS)
    • Backups

      • Automated Backups
        • Once a day (Default)
        • Creates a storage volume snapshot
        • Retention Period between 1 ~ 35 days
        • Store Transaction logs to S3 every 5 minutes throughout the day
        • Enabled by default
        • No additional charge
        • Define backup window (When backup occur)
        • Storage I/O may be suspended during backup
      • Manual Snapshots
        • Actions
          • Restore Snapshot
            • Creates a new RDS based on snapshot
          • Copy Snapshot
            • Move snapshot to different region
            • Can enable encryption
          • Share Snapshot
            • Share snapshot to other AWS accounts
          • Migrate Snapshot
            • Change to Aurora database
    • Restoring Backups

      • Steps taken by AWS
        • 1 AWS takes the most recent daily backup
        • 2 Apply transaction log data
        • This allows point-in-time recovery down to a second
      • Backup is never stored overtop an instance
      • Backup creates a new instance
    • Multi AZ Deployment

      • Makes exact copy and automatically syncs
      • Only a standby
      • If one AZ goes down, the standby slave will be promoted to the master
      • No url endpoint edit needed (Automatic sync)
      • DNS(Canonical Name) will change IP Address
      • Multi AZ cannot become a Read Replica
    • Read Replicas

      • Run multiple copies of database
      • Asynchronous to main database
      • Read only
      • Intended to spread workloads of primary database
      • Must have automatic backups enabled to use
      • Up to 5 read replicas
      • Can be multi AZ / Cross region
      • Can have replica of replica
      • Replica can be promoted to their own database
        • This breaks synchronization
    • Multi AZ VS Read Replicas

      • Synchronous replication / Asynchronous replication
      • Durable / Scalable
      • Only primary instance active / All read replicas active
      • Automated backups are taken / No backups by default
      • Always span two AZ within a Region / Can be multi AZ, Region
      • Database engine upgrades happen on primary / upgrades is independent from source
      • Automatic failover / Manually promotion
    • Enhanced monitoring

      • Log monitoring information to Cloudwatch
      • CPU Utilization/DB Connections/Free Storage Space/Freeable Memory/Write,Read IOPS
  • AWS Aurora

    • Fully managed Postgres/MySQL compatible database

    • Very Fast

      • Aurora MySQL 5X faster
      • Aurora Postgres 3X faster
    • Cost Effective

      • 1/10th the cost of other solutions
    • Scaling

      • Up to 128 TB
      • Computing scales up to 32vCPU, 244 GB memory
    • Availability

      • Minimum of 3 availability zones
      • Each zone contains 2 copies
      • Total of 6 copies
      • Lose up to 2 copies without affecting write
      • Lose up to 3 copies without affecting read
    • Durability

      • Backup and Failover is handled automatically
      • Storage is self-healing
        • Continuously scanned for errors
        • Repaired automatically
    • Replicas

      • Types
        • Amazon Aurora Replicas
          • Up to 15
        • MySQL Read Replicas
          • Up to 5
    • Aurora Serverless

      • Automatically
        • Start up
        • Shut down
        • Scale
      • Pay for Storage / Capacity Unit / I/O
      • Mysql needs to copy a whole table to add a column
      • Fast DDL lets you do this instantly
  • Amazon Redshift

    • Fully managed Petabyte-size data warehouse

    • Analyze and run SQL queries on massive amounts of data

    • Uses Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) to distribute Queries

    • Automatically distributes data and query to nodes

    • Easily add new nodes

    • Single AZ

    • Columnar Storage data warehouse

      • Reduces overall disk I/O requirements
      • Optimizing analytic query performance
      • Stores data together as columns instead of rows
    • Database VS Data Warehouse

      • Database

        • Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
        • Fast access
        • Short transactions (Queries)
        • Emphasis on writes
      • Data Warehouse

        • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
        • Large data quantities
        • Long, complex transactions
        • Emphasis on reads
    • Configurations

      • Single Node

        • Nodes come in 160 GB of size
      • Multi Node

        • Node with Leader and Compute Nodes
        • Leader Node
          • Manages connections and receive queries
        • Compute Node
          • Stores data and performs queries
          • Up to 128 compute nodes
      • Node Types

        • Dense Compute (dc)
          • high performance / less storage
        • Dense Storage (ds)
          • high storage
    • Backups

      • Enabled by default 1 day (like RDS)
      • Retention period up to 35 days (like RDS)
      • Attempts to maintain 3 copies
        • Original
        • Replica on compute nodes
        • S3
      • Can asynchronously replicate to different region
      • Enable Cross Region Snapshots
    • Billing

      • 1 unit per node / per hour
      • Not charged for leader node hours, only compute nodes
      • S3 Backup is billed by S3
      • Billed for transfers within a VPC, not outside it
    • Security

      • Data-in-transit : SSL
      • Data-at-rest : AES-256
      • Can be applied using
        • Key Management Service (KMS)
        • Hardware Security Module (HSM)
      • All COPY, UNLOAD traffic goes through VPC
      • If not enabled, traffic goes through the Internet
      • Connection with

        • VPC Endpoints
          • ex) Connect with S3
        • NAT Gateway
          • ex) S3 bucket in another region
        • Internet Gateway
          • ex) Connect to AWS outside VPC
    • Use Case

      • Copy data from EMR/S3/DynamoDB into redshift
      • Use redshift with java JDBC to query
      • Most common use case is Business intelligence
  • DynamoDB

    • NoSQL Key-value and Document database

    • Poll based database

    • NoQSL

      • Not relational
      • Do not use SQL query
    • Key-value store

    • Document store

    • Structure

      • Product
        • Primary Key
          • Partition Key
          • Sort Key
        • Item
        • Attribute
    • Design

    • Features

      • Specify read and write capacity per second
      • All data is stored on SSD
      • Multi-region
        • Data is spread across 3 regions
      • Multi-master?
      • Durable database
      • Built-in security
      • Backup and restore
      • In-memory caching
      • Eventual Consistent reads (Default)
      • Strongly Consistent reads
    • Read Consistency

      • Data may be inconsistent
      • Data must be copied to other regions
      • Types
        • Eventual Consistent reads

          • Reads are fast
          • May return inconsistent copy
          • Becomes consistent within a second
        • Strongly Consistent reads

          • Not return result until all copies are consistent
          • Slower reads
          • Becomes slow as a second
    • Connections to other AWS

      • SQS
      • Kinesis
      • Multi-region, multi-active database
      • No replica needed
    • Index

      • Cache dynamoDB reads!
      • Burst traffic on same key
      • Eventual consistency
      • Microsecond performance
      • Uses cluster nodes
      • Log changes made into tables
      • Saved up to 24 hours
      • Encryption at rest
      • Can be turned on within a table
  • AWS CloudFormation

    • Infrastructure as code (IaC)

      • Automating the creation of resources via code
      • Automate AWS by code
    • Format

      • JSON
      • YAML
    • Template

      • MetaData

        • Additional information about template
      • Description

        • Description of what this template does
      • Parameters

        • Values to pass to the template
      • Mappings

        • Lookup table
        • Map keys to value to change values to something else
      • Conditions

        • Like if else statements
        • Whether resources are created or properties are assigned
      • Transform

        • Applies macros (Mod)
      • Resources

        • A AWS resource you want to create (IAM,EC2,Lambda,RDS)
        • At least 1 Resource is mandatory
        • Resources attributes

          • CreationPolicy (Prevent status from reaching complete)
          • DeletionPolicy (Preserve/Backup resources(ex) RDS/S3) when deleted)
      • Outputs

        • Values returned
    • Errors return ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS

    • NestedStacks

      • Breaks CloudFormation into smaller reusable templates
    • API

      • Instance Distribution

        • OnDemandAllocationStrategy: String
          OnDemandBaseCapacity: Integer
          OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: Integer
          SpotAllocationStrategy: String
          SpotInstancePools: Integer
          SpotMaxPrice: String
        • OnDemandAllocationStrategy : How to allocate instance types
        • OnDemandBaseCapacity : How much on-demand instance will be in ASG
        • OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity : How much percentage of on-demand instances in ASG
        • SpotAllocationStrategy : lowest-price / capacity-optimized
        • SpotInstancePools : The number of spot instance pools used, only valid when lowest-price
        • SpotMaxPrice : Max price willing to pay per spot instance
  • AWS Cloudwatch

    • Collection of monitoring services

    • Tools

      • CloudWatch Logs

        • Log Group
          • Collection of logs
          • Log files must belong in a group
          • Log in a group is called Log Stream
        • Log Stream
          • Log streams never expire
        • Most AWS services integrate CloudWatch Logs
        • Some needs IAM permissions
      • CloudWatch Metrics

        • Time ordered set of data points
        • Graph
        • Predefined metrics
        • Custom metrics
          • Create / Send values by SDK/CLI
          • Can create High Resolution Metrics
            • Track under 1 minute to 1 second
            • Costs more if higher resolution
      • CloudWatch Events

        • Event based on Event Pattern / Schedule
          • Event pattern is whenever something happens in AWS
          • Schedule is like serverless Cron jobs
        • Event Source -> Target
      • CloudWatch Alarms

        • Triggers a notification based on metric
        • If threshold is breached
        • Type
          • Static / Anomaly detection
        • Condition
          • Greater(Equal) / Equal / Lower(Equal)
        • Threshold
          • ex) 1000 USD
      • CloudWatch Dashboards

        • Custom dashboard of Metrics
      • EC2 VS Other services

        • EC2 : 5 minute interval (Default)
          • Turn on Detailed Monitoring in EC2 to get higher resolution (1 minute)
        • Other services : 1 minute interval
      • CloudWatch Agent

        • Gathers additional information of EC2
        • Script can be installed via Systems Manager Run command
        • CloudWatch Default

          • CPU Usage
          • Network Usage
          • Disk Usage
          • Status Checks
        • CloudWatch Agent

          • Memory utilization
          • Disk swap utilization
          • Disk space utilization
          • Page file utilization
          • Log collection
        • Used to check Memory and Disk space

  • CloudTrail

    • Monitor API calls

    • Track user activity

    • Who to blame

    • For

      • Governance
      • Compliance
      • Operational Auditing
      • Risk Auditing
    • Events

      • Managed Events

        • Tracks management
        • Turned on by default
        • Can't be turned off
        • Types
          • Configure security
          • Registering devices
          • Configuring rules for routing data
          • Setting up logging
      • Data Events

        • Tracks specific AWS services
        • Turned off by default
        • High volume will result in payment
        • S3 / DynamoDB / Lambda
    • Log Data

      • Who : User, UserAgent, ...
      • Where : SourceIPAddress
      • When : EventTime
      • What : Region, Resource, Action
    • CloudTrail Logs by Default

      • Logs last 90 days

        • If you need more than 90 days, create custom trail
        • Custom trails are output to S3, and do not have GUI, so use Amazon Athena
    • Options

      • Trail can be set to log all regions

      • Can be set to across all accounts in organization

      • Can Encrypt Logs (SSE-KMS)

      • Can check if Trails are tampered

        • Check Log File Validation
    • CloudTrail can deliver to CloudWatch logs

  • AWS Athena

    • Use SQL to query S3

  • AWS Lambda

    • Run code without provisioning or managing server

    • No charge when code is not running

    • Cheap / Serverless / Scales automatically

    • Stateless architecture

    • Environment variables

      • Pass sensitive information
      • Can encrypt by KMS (Not automatically set up)
    • Sync/Async

      • Sync (Call and wait until finish)
      • Async (Call and respond immediately)
        • Can send invocation records
          to SQS/SNS/Lambda/EventBridge
        • Attempt to retry on errors (Two more times)
        • Dead Letter Que (DLQ)
          • SNS DLQ
          • SQS DLQ
      • Sync Invocation
        • ELB/Cognito/Alexa/API Gateway/CloudFront/KinesisFirehose/SSS
      • Async Invocation
        • S3/SNS/SES/CloudFormation/CloudWatch/CodeCommit/CodePipeline
      • Poll based Invocation
        • Kinesis
        • DynamoDB
        • SQS
    • Invoked by

      • AWS SDK
      • Other AWS Services
        • API Gateway
        • CloudFront
        • Application Load Balancer
        • CloudWatch Events
        • CloudWatch Logs
        • DynamoDB
        • S3
        • SNS
        • And more!
      • Third Party triggers
        • DataDog
    • Pricing

      • First 1 million request per month is free
      • $0.20 per additional 1 million
      • 400,000 GB per month is free
      • $ 0.0000166667 per GB second
      • Differ with memory allocation
      • Memory X number of requests X runtime
    • Networking

      • Can run in a private VPC without NAT or VPC Endpoint
    • Default

      • You can have up to 1000 Lambdas running concurrently
        • Ask AWS Support for more
      • /tmp directory can contain up to 512 MB
      • No VPC by default
        • If VPC set, Internet access is lost
      • Max timeout is 15 minutes
      • Memory can be set from 128 ~ 10240 MB
        • If max memory is used, the error shown is
          • Process exited before completing request
          • No internal error is shown in handler
    • Cold Starts

      • AWS needs to turn on servers and copy code over to run lambda
      • Cheap but may cause delays in user experience
      • Pre Warm to keep servers continuously running
    • CloudWatch Events with Lambda

      • Invoke Lambda with Event Patterns/Schedules(CRON)
      • Receive Matched event/Part of event/Constant JSON/Input Transformer (Create custom key:value pair JSON)
  • Simple Queue Service (SQS)

    • Fully managed queuing messaging service

      • Messaging System
        • Asynchronous communication and decouple processes via messages / events
        • Sender(Producer) / Receiver(Consumer)
      • Horizontal Scaling
    • Features

      • Decouple and microservices, distributed systems, serverless applications
      • Does not automatically delete message
      • Server side Encryption
        • Customer master key (CMK)
    • Queueing VS Streaming

      • Queueing

        • Simple Communication
        • Not Real-time
        • Not Reactive (Has to pull requests)
        • AWS SQS
      • Streaming

        • Event stays in the stream for long time
        • Complex communication
        • Multiple consumers can react to events
        • Real time
        • Reactive
        • AWS Kinesis
    • SQS is for Application Integration

      • Generates queue messages by application
      • Connect isolated application by passing messages
    • Use the AWS SDK to publish SQS messages and pull

    • SQS is PULL based, not PUSH based (Not reactive)

    • Sender can pull to check if the message is consumed

    • Message size

      • 1 byte ~ 256 KB
      • Poll up to 10 Queue message from Batch Size
      • SQS Extended Client Library for Java
        • Send messages over 256 KB ~ 2 GB
        • Messages stored in S3
    • Message Retention

      • How long the message will be hold
      • Default is 4 days
      • 60 Seconds ~ 14 Days
    • Queue types

      • Standard Queues

        • Send nearly unlimited transactions per second
        • Guarantees message delivery at least once
        • More than one copy can be out of order
        • Provides best-effort to keep order
      • FIFO Queues

        • First in First out
        • Limited to 300 transactions per second
        • Ensures order
    • Visibility Timeout

      • Avoid doing the same task
      • After a reader picks up a message,
        the message becomes invisible for a period of time
      • Message can be deleted before visibility timeout expires
      • If the job is not finished, the message will be visible again
      • Prevents double delivery
      • 30 Seconds (Default)
      • 0 seconds ~ 12 hours
    • Short Polling VS Long Polling

      • Short Polling

        • Default
        • Returns message immediately
        • Returns even if empty
        • Receive message wait time 0 sec
      • Long Polling

        • Waits until message arrives in queue
        • Waits until long poll timeout expires
        • Inexpensive cost because reduce empty polls
        • Most use cases
        • Lesser calls
        • Reduce cost
        • Receive message wait time max 20 sec
    • Dead Lock Que (DLQ)

      • If message is not delivered to Subs DLQ is activated

      • Used for future analysis or reprocessing

  • Simple Notification Service (SNS)

    • Send notifications via text message, email, webhooks, lambda, SQS

    • Pub/Sub

      • Publishers send messages to event bus
      • Event bus categorizes messages into groups(SNS Topics)
      • Subscribers subscribe to these groups
      • Publishers have no knowledge of subscribers
      • Subscribers do not pull messages
      • Messages are automatically pushed to subscribers
    • Message attributes

    • Application Integration

      • Decouple microservices, distributed systems, serverless applications
      • Can create application within AWS
      • Publishers push to SNS Topic
      • Subscribers subscribe to SNS Topic
    • SNS Topics

      • Allow to group multiple subscriptions
      • Topic deliver to multiple protocols at once
      • Automatically format message to subscribers protocol
      • Can encrypt Topics via KMS
    • Dead Lock Que (DLQ)

      • If message is not delivered to Subs DLQ is activated
      • Used for future analysis or reprocessing
    • SNS Message Filtering

    • SNS Subscriptions

      • Subscriptions are created on Topic
      • Subscribe to one protocol and one topic
      • Protocols
        • HTTP(S)
        • Email
          • Plain text
          • If rich text needed use SES
        • Email-JSON
        • SQS
        • Lambda
        • SMS(Text message)
        • Platform application endpoint(Mobile Push) (not that important)
          • ADM (Amazon device messaging)
          • APN (Apple push notification)
          • Baidu (Baidu cloud push)
          • FCM (Firebase Cloud messaging)
          • MPNS (Microsoft push notification)
          • WNS (Windows push notification)
          • Mobile app messages come as popups, alerts, badges, updates, sound alerts
    • All messages are stored across multiple AZ

  • ElastiCache

    • Managed caching service that runs Redis or Memcached

    • In memory storage

    • Highly volatility (Data can be lost)

    • Extremely fast access to data

    • Use in same VPC for low latency

    • Frequently identical queries are stored in cache

    • Memcached VS Redis

      • Memcached is simple Key/Value cache store for HTML fragments
      • Redis has richer data types and operations
      • Memcached is arguably faster than Redis
    • Analytics in data by clusters

    • Visualize database by

      • LOGSTASH
      • KIBANA
      • BEATS
    • Search

      • URI

      • Request body search

  • Serverless Application Repository/Model (SAM)

    • Build Serverless applications in AWS

    • Use SAM templates/SAM CLI

    • SAM is an extension of cloudformation

    • Heroku of AWS

    • Upload code and run with little worry

    • Recommended for test/development apps

    • Not recommended for Production applications

    • Sets templates such as

      • Elastic Load balancer
      • Autoscaling Groups
      • RDS Database
      • EC2 Instance
      • Health Monitoring (CloudWatch, SNS)
      • Security
      • Dockerized environments
    • Costs nothing to use Elastic Beanstalk

    • Environments

      • WebServer Environments

      • Worker Environments

        • Supports SQS
  • API Gateway

    • Features

      • Accepts up to 10,000 requests per second
      • Can be increased by request
      • Throttle requests to help prevent attacks
      • Manage multiple versions
      • Exposes by HTTPS
      • Automatically protects from DDOS attacks
    • Types

      • HTTP API (Lambda/HTTP)
      • Websocket API (Lambda/HTTP/AWS services)
      • Public REST API (Lambda/HTTP/AWS services)
      • Private REST API (Lambda/HTTP/AWS services)
    • Configuration

      • Routes

        • Resources

        • Methods

          • One(Resources) to Many(Methods)
        • Integration

          • Lambda
            • Lambda by another account by arn
          • HTTP
            • Connect with HTTP from outside AWS
          • Private resources
            • ALB, NLB, Cloud Map
            • VPC Link

              • Link to private AWS VPC
          • SQS
          • Event Bridge
          • AppConfig
      • Stages

        • Versions of API
        • Must deploy API to make changes
        • Each stages have a Invoke URL
      • API Caching

        • Caches responses of endpoint
        • Time To Live (TTL)
        • Improve latency
        • Reduce number of calls
        • Costs more by GB
        • Options
          • Cache capacity
          • Encrypt cache data
          • TTL
          • Flush entire cache
      • API Throttling

        • Token bucket algorithm
        • 429 Too Many Requests
        • Types
          • Account Throttling
            • Applied to the account by region
          • Default Route Throttling
            • Applied to route
        • Protect cost from traffic burst
          • Burst Limit
          • Rate Limit
        • Burst Limit = Token size = Max concurrent request per ms
      • OpenAPI 3 definition

        • Can set up API by OpenAPI 3
        • Export/Import
        • Can be only used in REST API Gateway (Not HTTP)
        • Uses Resource policy (JSON)
        • Allow other AWS users
        • Deny API traffic by IP
        • Allow API by source VPC, VPC Endpoint
        • Cannot use time range for Policy
    • Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

      • Allow traffic from another domain/origin
      • CORS is always enforced by the client(Frontend/Browser) level
      • Prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
      • Ignore tools such as Postman or Curl
      • Can be enabled to all or individual endpoints
    • Access control

      • API Keys

        • Alphanumeric string
        • Grant access to API
      • Usage Plans

        • How much/fast can one access one or more API
        • Set Throttling Limits
        • Set Quota Limits
        • Uses API Keys
        • Works with Rest/Websockets API
        • Types
          • Token(JWT/OAuth)
          • Request parameter(header/query)
      • Amazon Cognito user pools

      • Client side SSL certificate

        • Used to verify that HTTP requests to backend is from API Gateway
        • CloudWatch Logs
          • Access Logging
            • Who accessed API
            • How the API was called
          • Execution Logging
            • ?
  • AWS Migration Hub

    • Plan and Monitor Server,Database,instance migration

    • Get graphical interface of migrations

  • AWS Kinesis

    • Managed solution for collecting, processing, analyzing streaming data

    • Poll based service

    • Real-time !!!

      • Stock Prices
      • Game Data
      • Social Network Data
      • Geospatial Data
      • Click Stream Data
    • Types

      • Kinesis Data Streams

        • Producers -> Kinesis Data Streams(Shards) -> Consumers
        • Pay per running shard
        • Data stays 24 hours (Default) ~ 168 hours
        • Data is ordered
        • Consumers need to be manually added
      • Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream

        • Transform data served into data stores, analytics
        • Only one consumer from list (S3/Redshift/ElasticSearch/Datadog/MongoDB/Splunk/HTTP endpoint)
        • Data immediately disappears when consumed
        • Can convert incoming data (Format/compress/secure)
        • Pay per data consumed
      • Kinesis Video Streams

        • Producers (Security Cam / Web Cam / Mobile)
        • Consumers (SageMaker / Reckognition / Tenserflow / Video Processing)
        • Use Kinesis Producer Library(KPL)(Java) or AWS SDK
      • Kinesis Data Analytics

        • Uses two Streams (Bit expensive)
        • Specify Firehose or Data Stream as input or output
        • Real time analytics
        • Input Stream -> Data Analytics -> Output Stream
  • Storage Gateway

    • Connects on-premise application(machine) with cloud based storage

    • Available as virtual machine (VM) image

      • VMware ESXi
      • Microsoft Hyper-V
    • After installed use AWS console to create gateway

    • Types

      • File Gateway (Network file system NFS)

        • Store files in S3
        • NFS or SMB
        • S3 Metadata contains Ownership, Permissions, Timestamp
        • Can be managed as native S3 Object
        • Bucket Policies, Versioning, Lifecycle Management, Cross-Region Replication is applied
      • Volume Gateway (iSCSI)

        • Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) protocol
        • Store hard disk in S3 as EBS Snapshots
        • Can be backed up with point in time snapshots
        • Snapshot only capture changed blocks in volume
        • Snapshots are used to minimize cost
        • Gateway Stored Volumes

          • Primary data is stored locally while async backup in AWS
          • 1 GB ~ 16 TB
        • Gateway Cached Volumes

          • Primary data is stored on AWS
          • Frequently accessed files on cache on-premise
          • Up to 32 TB
          • Cached volumes 1 GB ~ 32 GB
      • Tape Gateway (Virtual tape library VTL)

        • Durable
        • Cost-effective
        • Uses S3 Glacier
      • All Gateways are backed by S3

      • Not for DB Migration but for Connection

  • AWS DataSync

    • Migrate data from NFS/SMB into AWS

    • Transfer into

      • S3
      • Amazon EFS
      • SnowCone
      • Amazon FSx
      • Windows File Server
    • Does not support Postgres/MYSQL/Oracle like databases

      • Use Database Migration Service
    • Verification

      • Checking if transferred data is same as on-premise
      • If data changes constantly

        • Disable initial transfer check
        • Enable final cut over check
    • Global Accelerator lets you pass through other servers

    • Provides static IP address to your app endpoints in single or multiple regions

      • Application load balancer

      • Network Load Balancers

      • EC2

    • Features

      • 60% Faster

      • Use a speed comparison tool to check

      • Easily manage endpoints

      • Routes traffic to the closest edge location via Anycast

      • Use with AWS Shield for DDos protection

      • Good for not HTTP use cases

      • Automatically finds healthy endpoint

    • Create File Systems in cloud

    • For Microsoft Windows File Server / Lustre

      • Windows File Server FSx can connect to Microsoft Active Directory
    • Connect to S3, SageMaker, EKS, VPC

  • Elastic Container Service (ECS)

    • Kubernetes for AWS

    • Create docker images to Elastic Container Registry

    • Use EKS or ECS to create Kubernetes

    • AWS Fargate

      • Serverless container service
      • Like lambda for docker images
    • Networking

      • NAT Gateway for access of containers

      • ECS supports VPC Endpoints

    • AWS ECS

      • Clusters

        • Kubernetes cluster
        • May contain more than one ec2 instance
      • Task Definitions

        • EC2 instance type and VPC cannot be defined
        • Specify the container information for task
        • Run individual tasks
        • Task Role (IAM)
        • Network Mode
        • JSON template
        • Task size (Fixed size for execution task)

          • Task memory
          • Task CPU unit
        • Container Definitions

          • Container name
          • Image
          • Memory
          • Port mapping
          • HealthCheck
          • Environment
            • CPU units
            • GPU
            • Working directory
            • Environment Files/Variables
          • Timeout
          • Network Settings
          • Logging
          • Storage/Logging(CloudWatch)
          • Security
          • Resource Limits
            • Soft/Hard limit
          • Docker Labels
          • Container commands
        • Volumes

          Volumes use by the containers within a task
        • Elastic Inference

          • Cost efficient hardware acceleration for deep learning
      • Account settings

        • Set access to specific Role/User

        • CloudWatch container Insights

          • CPU/Memory/Disk/Network logs
    • AWS EKS

      • Set kubernetes version

      • Cluster Service Role (IAM for aws resources)

      • Secrets Encryption

        • AWS KMS
      • VPC/Subnets/Security Group

      • Cluster endpoint access

        • Public
          • Cluster endpoint outside VPC
          • Worker node traffic outside VPC
        • Private
          • Cluster/Worker inside VPC
        • Public and Private
          • Cluster endpoint outside VPC
          • Worker node traffic inside VPC
      • VPC CNI

        • Enables pods to have same IP address
      • Control Plane Logging

        • API server/Audit/Authenticator/Controller manager/Scheduler
        • CloudWatch logs
        • Logs control information
    • You can install additional software by image or by instance

      • Such as logging

    • IAM Permissions are supplied to the containers by ECS container instance

    • Manage multiple accounts with IAM rules

    • One master account

    • Invitation can be sent to add accounts

    • Create organization units

      • Enable/Disable organization sharing

      • Or create a resource share

        • Can specify who
        • Can be a single member
      • Can use Resource Access Manager to share

    • Service control policies (SCP)

      • Manage permissions in organization
      • Gardrails, set of limits for permissions
      • No permissions are granted by an SCP
      • Apply to all users within organization including root
      • If a parent OU is deny, child is also denied
    • Consolidate billing

      • All billing in organization is shared
      • Can be used to share volume pricing discounts
    • To move the master to another organization

      • Remove all members from old organization
      • Delete the old organization
      • Invite the master account to new organization
    • To move member to another organization

      • Delete specific member from old organization
      • Invite the account to new organization
    • Can also use API / CLI to migrate

  • AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM)

    • Share resources with other accounts/organizations

    • No additional fee

    • Reduce operational overhead

    • Shared by me / Shared with me

    • Shares with organization, can also add external accounts

  • AWS Data Migration Service (DMS)

    • Migrate data to S3 or other AWS RDS

    • Migrate Local database to AWS

    • Migration type

      • Homogenous (same database) migration

        • Use Engine conversion tool
      • Heterogeneous (different database) migration

        • Use Schema conversion tool
    • Transformation Rules

      • Change Schema
      • ex) lowerCase, UpperCase, addPrefix...


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