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Setup genesis

Make sure your node version is >12.0.0

Setup genesis whenever contracts get changed

1. Install dependencies and submodules

$ npm install

2. Compile contracts

#installation of npm v12.0.0 is required
$ npm run truffle:compile

3. Run Test Blockchain

$ npm run testrpc
$ npm test

4. Migrate Contracts to local chain

$ npm run truffle:migrate

5. Migrate Contracts to dojima chain

$ truffle migrate --network dojimachain

PR Submission Guidelines

  1. Fork dojima-hackathon repository
  2. Create a new folder with team-name inside hackathon/<hackathon-name> folder in main branch
  3. Copy your entire project repository and add a README file.
  4. README file should contain the following:
1. Project name and its members
2. Description
3. Tag-line (if-any)
4. Logo (optional)
5. Steps to follow for testing the project
6. Deployed contract address on top of DOJIMA blockchain
  1. Submit a Pull Request to this repository with your changes.