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107 lines (82 loc) · 2.36 KB


File metadata and controls

107 lines (82 loc) · 2.36 KB


Status: Draft
Version: 1.0


dojo.getObject returns the property of an object from a dot-separated string such as "A.B.C"

The simplest way to use dojo.getObject is to pass a dot-separated string as shown below:

.. js ::

 // Dojo 1.7+ (AMD)
 // define an object (outside function, in global scope to demonstrate)
 var foo = {
   bar: "some value"
 require(["dojo/_base/lang"], function(lang){
   // get the "" property
   lang.getObject("");  // returns "some value"

 // Dojo < 1.7
 // define an object
 var foo = {
   bar: "some value"

 // get the "" property
 dojo.getObject("");  // returns "some value"

dojo.getObject also takes an optional boolean parameter which, if true, will create the property if it does not exist. Any other properties along the path will also be created along the way. The default value is false.

.. js ::

 // Dojo 1.7+ (AMD)
 // define an object (outside function, in global scope to demonstrate)
 var foo = {
   bar: "some value"
 require(["dojo/_base/lang"], function(lang){
    // get the "foo.baz" property, create it if it doesn't exist
    lang.getObject("foo.baz", true); // returns foo.baz - an empty object {}
      foo == {
        bar: "some value",
        baz: {}

 // Dojo < 1.7
 // define an object
 var foo = {
   bar: "some value"

 // get the "foo.baz" property, create it if it doesn't exist
 dojo.getObject("foo.baz", true); // returns foo.baz - an empty object {}
   foo == {
     bar: "some value",
     baz: {}

You can also pass an object as the third parameter. This will define the context in which to search for the property. By default, the context is :ref:` <dojo/global>`.

.. js ::

 // Dojo 1.7+ (AMD)
 require(["dojo/_base/lang"], function(lang){
    // define an object
    var foo = {
       bar: "some value"

    // get the "bar" property of the foo object
    lang.getObject("bar", false, foo); // returns "some value"

 // Dojo < 1.7
 // define an object
 var foo = {
   bar: "some value"

 // get the "bar" property of the foo object
 dojo.getObject("bar", false, foo); // returns "some value"