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Releases: doki-theme/doki-theme-vscode

v88.5-1.6.3 - Wallpaper and Checksum fixes

21 Apr 03:17
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  • Restored the checksum fixes, so you do not see the "Your Code installation appears to be corrupt" message anymore. Restore your assets, exit VSCode and start it again for this to take effect.
  • Fixed wallpaper showing up on sticky lines. Please re-install your wallpaper (or restore assets) for this to take effect.
Before After
before after


18 Oct 09:52
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  • Wallpaper now shows up on the terminal for the 1.83.1 builds. Please re-install your wallpaper for this to take effect.
Screenshot 2023-10-15 at 2 33 00 PM


26 Feb 21:03
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  • Cleaned up build process to use correct colors.
  • Renamed stuff to reflect main branch rename.

v88.4-1.6.0 - Web Support & Better Support Message

26 Feb 17:22
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  • Extension now supported in VSCode for the web.
  • Added better checksum restoration error message.
  • Updated Sagiri's syntax highlighting color a bit.

v88.3-1.5.2 - Hide Watermark Restore

04 Feb 13:46
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  • Restored hide watermark functionality for VSCode 1.75.0. Please re-run the hide watermark command for this to take effect.
Before After
Screenshot 2023-02-04 at 7 32 19 AM Screenshot 2023-02-04 at 7 31 52 AM

v88.3-1.5.1 - Terminal Wallpaper Fix

22 Jan 18:38
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  • Fixed wallpaper rendering issue terminals of VSCode 1.74.3. Please re-install your wallpaper for this to take effect.


v88.3-1.5.0 - Semantic Highlighting

23 Dec 16:45
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Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 10 23 34 AM

Sticker Fix Revisited

10 Oct 11:13
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  • Remember what I last said? Well that was a lie, I did it correctly this time. I also am including the z-index in the doki.sticker.css setting so you can update it for your custom setup.

Sticker Z-Index Fix

08 Oct 16:10
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  • Placing the sticker at the proper z-index such that it no longer blocks the: Notifications & Status Bar Tooltips.

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 10 53 45 AM

v88.1-1.3.0 - Darling

09 Aug 22:34
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Best Girl just got better. ❤️

Best Girl

Zero Two's Not Just A Cutie. ;)

4 New Themes!

  • I decided that I didn't have enough Zero Two themes, so I fixed that. She now has a new top-tier dark hacker theme: Obsidian. I also felt like Red Zero Two doesn't get enough attention, so I added a light Sakura theme which features her as she was as a child. With all these new Zero Two themes, I thought it would be best to rename the existing dark & light themes to Rose & Lily respectively.
  • It wouldn't be the Darling release if I didn't include Hiro as well. (Dark Theme)
  • Lastly, this is the first release with a duo theme! (Nao's doesn't count, I just wanted the melon meme.) Just to pad my Zero Two theme stats, I've now got a Hiro & Zero Two couples' dark theme.

Other Stuff

  • Desaturated Itsuki's theme a bit.
  • It was brought to my attention that I cannot spell "Rimuru".
  • Zero Two's Obsidian theme is the default theme now.
__________                    ___________                  
\____    /___________  ____   \__    ___/_  _  ______      
  /     // __ \_  __ \/  _ \    |    |  \ \/ \/ /  _ \     
 /     /\  ___/|  | \(  <_> )   |    |   \     (  <_> )    
/_______ \___  >__|   \____/    |____|    \/\_/ \____/     
        \/   \/                                            
__________                 __      ________.__       .__   
\______   \ ____   _______/  |_   /  _____/|__|______|  |  
 |    |  _// __ \ /  ___/\   __\ /   \  ___|  \_  __ \  |  
 |    |   \  ___/ \___ \  |  |   \    \_\  \  ||  | \/  |__
 |______  /\___  >____  > |__|    \______  /__||__|  |____/
        \/     \/     \/                 \/                

Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 5 16 04 AM

Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 5 16 30 AM

Hiro x Zero Two
Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 5 17 21 AM


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