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A simple ESLint setup using @typescript-eslint, with Prettier and a couple TSConfig setups.


pnpm add eslint-config-dolmios


Populate .eslintrc with the following, and code away.

"extends": ["dolmios"]

Alternatively, you can use eslintConfig in package.json.

"eslintConfig": {
  "extends": ["dolmios"]

Usage with Prettier

Prettier is configured to work nicely with this config, though is an optional inclusion. If you'd like to include the config, you can add it to package.json.

"prettier": "eslint-config-dolmios/configs/prettier"

Extending Prettier

The above method does not offer a way to extend the configuration to overwrite some properties from the shared configuration. If you need to do that, import the file in a .prettierrc.js file and export the modifications.

module.exports = {
parser: "babel",

Usage with TSConfig

This config also exports two TSConfig setups, base and lib respectively. The base config is generally suitable. To include either, extend your tsconfig.json.

"extends": "eslint-config-dolmios/configs/tsconfig"


You can view the ESLint configuration in the reference notes: reference.txt.


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