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Dolores Juliana Fernández edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 1 revision


When you activate the connection between Frappe and Nextcloud, the end user of the applications will be storing their attached files in the cloud, without making any effort or additional work.

To configure this connector you must have a user with administrator permissions in the Nextcloud system.


  1. Access the Nextcloud module of Frappe and select the option Nextcloud Setting
  2. Check enable. A form will be displayed to include access credentials
  3. Enter Nexcloud username and password as client id and client secret
  4. Enter the Nexcloud URL, preceded by the protocol and including the port if this is necessary (example:
  5. In the initial path, you must enter the name of the folder in which you will store the files from Frappe applications. For example, if you are going to store files from two frappe sites in the same cloud, you can put the name of the site so that the files of both sites are stored separately.
  6. Enter the path where the WebDav API of your Nexcloud is located, excluding the root part of the URL. It will usually be "/remote.php/webdav".
  7. Press the button to test access to Nextcloud. A message will inform you if the credentials are correct to establish the connection, otherwise check the data and repeat the test.

These steps are enough for the connection to work. Now you can determine some operating options of the system:

  1. Check "Share with Public URL you want any user who accesses the Fappe application transaction to access the attachments, even if that user does not have access to Nextcloud.

  2. Manage file tagging in NextCloud.

    1. Check "Enable Tagging" if you want each attached file to be tagged.

    2. Set the level of complexity of the tagging. Check "Relational Tagging" if you want the files attached to a transaction to receive tags depending on their relationship to others. For example, a purchase contract, a delivery note or an invoice will include the supplier's reference among its labels. When this feature is activated, the tags that the user includes in the Frappe transaction are included as Nextcloud tags in the attached files

  3. Exclude modules that you do not want to integrate your attachments in Nextcloud. We recommend that you exclude the "Website" and "Core" modules, whose attached files should be stored on the Frappe server. It is recommended to also exclude the "Email" module. This way you can send original files and links to Nextcloud in the emails.