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DolphinDB Py Plugin

The DolphinDB Py plugin has the branches release 200 and release130. Each plugin version corresponds to a DolphinDB server version. You're looking at the plugin documentation for release200. If you use a different DolphinDB server version, please refer to the corresponding branch of the plugin documentation.

The DolphinDB Py Plugin is implemented based on python C-API protocol, and you can call third-party Python libraries in DolphinDB. The plugin uses pybind11 library.

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Dependent Libraries


You can specify the Python version using DPYTHON:STRING when building the plugin with cmake. Currently only python3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 are supported.


1.2 Modify configurations

Please specify the absolute path of for the configuration parameter globalDynamicLib in the configuration file dolphindb.cfg:


If you are using a different Python version, please specify it as:


Note: The development requires the Python runtime environment. The runtime environment (which can be checked with sys.path) should be the same as the installation environment.

2. Install the Plugin

2.1 Compile the Plugin

Linux (with CMake)

Install CMake:

sudo apt-get install cmake

Build the project:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPYTHON:STRING=3.7 ../

Note: Please make sure the file is under the GCC search path before compilation. You can add the plugin path to the library search path LD_LIBRARY_PATH or copy it to the build directory. You can specify the Python version using -DPYTHON:STRING. Currently only python3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 are supported.

After successful compilation, the file is generated under the directory.

2.2 Load the Plugin


Note: Please install Python libraries NumPy and pandas before loading the plugin. Otherwise, it will raise an error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pybind11::error_already_set'
  what():  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'

3. Methods

3.1 py::toPy




  • obj: a DolphinDB object


Convert an object of DolphinDB data type to a Python object. For the data type conversion, see 5.1 From DolphinDB to Python.


 x = 1 2 3 4;
 pyArray = py::toPy(x);
 y = 2 3 4 5;
 d = dict(x, y);
 pyDict = py::toPy(d);

3.2 py::fromPy


py::fromPy(obj, [addIndex=false])


  • obj: a Python object
  • addIndex: this parameter is required only when obj is a pandas.DataFrame. True: the index of obj will become the first column of the result table after the conversion. False (default): the index of obj will be discarded in the conversion.


Convert a Python object into a DolphinDB object. For supported data types, see 5.2 From Python to DolphinDB. For an example of converting a pandas.DataFrame into a DolphinDB table while keeping the index, see 4.7 Convert DataFrame to Table with Index Retained.


 x = 1 2 3 4;
 l = py::toPy(x);
 re = py::fromPy(l);

3.3 py::importModule




  • moduleName: a STRING indicating the name of the module to be imported.


Import a Python module (or a submodule). The module must have been installed in your environment. Use the pip3 list command to check all the installed modules and use the pip3 install command to install modules.


np = py::importModule("numpy"); //import numpy

linear_model = py::importModule("sklearn.linear_model"); //import the linear_model submodule of sklearn 

Note: To import your own Python module, place the module file under the same directory as the DolphinDB server or under the "lib" directory (which you can check by calling the sys.path function in Python). For examples, see 4.6 Import Module and Call Static Methods.

3.4 py::cmd




  • command: a STRING indicating a python script.


Run a Python script in DolphinDB.


 sklearn = py::importModule("sklearn"); // import sklearn
 py::cmd("from sklearn import linear_model"); // import the linear_model submodule from sklearn 

3.5 py::getObj


py::getObj(module, objName)


  • module: a module which is already imported to DolphinDB, e.g., the return of py::importModule.
  • objName: a STRING indicating the name of the object you want to get.


Get all imported submodules of a module or get the attributes of an object. If a submodule is not imported to DolphinDB yet, call py::cmd to import it from the module.


np = py::importModule("numpy"); //import numpy
random = py::getObj(np, "random"); ////get the random submodule of numpy

sklearn = py::importModule("sklearn"); //import sklearn
py::cmd("from sklearn import linear_model"); //import a submodule from sklearn
linear_model = py::getObj(sklearn, "linear_model"); //get the imported submodule


  • The "random" submodule is automatically imported when numpy is imported, so you can directly get the "random" submodule with py::getObject.
  • When sklearn is imported, its submodules are not imported. Therefore, to get the submodule of sklearn, you must first import the submodule through py::cmd("from sklearn import linear_model") before calling the py::getObject method. If you only want the submodule, it's more convenient to simply use the linear_model=py::importModule("sklearn.linear_model") statement.

3.6 py::getFunc


py::getFunc(module, funcName, [convert=true])


  • module: the Python module imported previously. For example, the return value of method py::importModule or py::getObj.
  • funcName: a STRING scalar indicating the function to be obtained
  • convert: whether to convert the results of the function into DolphinDB data types automatically. The default is true.


Return a static method from a Python module. The function object can be executed directly in DolphinDB and its arguments can be of DolphinDB data types. Currently, keyword arguments are not supported.


np = py::importModule("numpy"); //import numpy
eye = py::getFunc(np, "eye"); //get function eye

np = py::importModule("numpy"); //import numpy
random = py::getObj(np, "random"); //get submodule random
randint = py::getFunc(random, "randint"); //get function randint

3.7 py::getInstanceFromObj


py::getInstanceFromObj(obj, [args])


  • obj: the Python object obtained previously. For example, the return value of method py::getObj.
  • args: the arguments to be passed to the instance. It is an optional argument.


Construct an instance based on the Python object obtained previously. You can access the attributes and methods of the instance with ".", which returns value of DolphinDB data type if it is convertible, otherwise returns a Python object.


 sklearn = py::importModule("sklearn");
 py::cmd("from sklearn import linear_model");
 linearR = py::getObj(sklearn,"linear_model.LinearRegression")
 linearInst = py::getInstanceFromObj(linearR);

3.8 py::getInstance


py::getInstance(module, objName, [args])


  • module: the Python module imported previously. For example, the return value of method py::importModule or py::getObj.
  • objName: a STRING scalar indicating the target object.
  • args: the arguments to be passed to the instance. It is an optional argument.


Get an instance from a Python module. You can access the attributes and methods of the instance with ".", which returns value of DolphinDB data type if it is convertible, otherwise returns a Python object.


linear_model = py::importModule("sklearn.linear_model"); //import submodule linear_model of sklearn
linearInst = py::getInstance(linear_model,"LinearRegression") 

Note: The method py::getFunc obtains the static methods from a module. To call an instance method, please use py::getInstanceFromObj or py::getInstance to obtain the instance and acccess the method with ".".

3.9 py::reloadModule




  • module: the Python module imported previously. For example, the return value of method py::importModule.


If a module is modified after being imported, please execute py::reloadModule instead of py::importModule to use the modified module.


model = py::importModule("fibo"); //fibo is a module implemented in Section 4.6

model = py::reloadModule(model);  //reload the module if is modified 

4. Examples

4.1 Load Plugin

use py;

4.2 Data Type Conversion to and from Python

x = 1 2 3 4;
y = 2 3 4 5;
d = dict(x, y);
pyDict = py::toPy(d);
Dict = py::fromPy(pyDict);

4.3 Print Default Module Search Path Using Built-In Python Module

sys = py::importModule("sys");
path = py::getObj(sys, "path");
dpath = py::fromPy(path);

4.4 Import NumPy and Call Static Methods

np = py::importModule("numpy"); //import numpy
eye = py::getFunc(np, "eye"); //get the eye function of numpy
re = eye(3); //create a diagonal matrix using eye

random = py::getObj(np, "random"); //get the randome submodule of numpy
randint = py::getFunc(random, "randint"); //get the randint function of random
re = randint(0,1000,[2,3]); //execute randint

4.5 Import sklearn and Call Instance Methods

//one way to get the LinearRegression method
linear_model = py::importModule("sklearn.linear_model"); //import the linear_model submodule from sklearn
linearInst = py::getInstance(linear_model,"LinearRegression") 
//the other way
sklearn = py::importModule("sklearn"); //import sklearn
py::cmd("from sklearn import linear_model"); //import the linear_model submodule from sklearn
linearR = py::getObj(sklearn,"linear_model.LinearRegression")
linearInst = py::getInstanceFromObj(linearR);

X = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,2]];
Y = [0,1,2];, Y); //call the fit function
linearInst.coef_; //output:[0.5,0.5]
linearInst.intercept_; // output: 1.110223E-16 ~ 0
Test = [[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]];
re = linearInst.predict(Test); //call the predict function
re; //output: [3.5, 5.5, 7.5]

datasets = py::importModule("sklearn.datasets");
load_iris = py::getFunc(datasets, "load_iris"); //get the static function load_iris
iris = load_iris(); //call load_iris

datasets = py::importModule("sklearn.datasets");
decomposition = py::importModule("sklearn.decomposition");
PCA = py::getInstance(decomposition, "PCA");
py_pca=PCA.fit_transform(iris['data'].row(0:3)); //train the fir three rows of irir['data']
py_pca.row(0);  //output:[0.334781147691283, -0.011991887788418, 2.926917846106032e-17]

Note: Use the row function to access the rows of a matrix in DolphinDB. As shown in the above example, iris['data'].row(0:3) retrieves the first three rows from iris['data']. To retrieve the first three columns, use iris['data'][0:3].

4.6 Import Module and Call Static Methods

In this case we have implemented the python module with two static methods: fib(n) prints the Fibonacci series from 0 to n; fib2(n) returns the Fibonacci series from 0 to n.

We save the module as and copy it to the directory where DolphinDB server is located (or to the library path printed by sys.path).

def fib(n):    # write Fibonacci series up to n
    a, b = 0, 1
    while a < n:
        print(a, end=' ')
        a, b = b, a+b

def fib2(n):   # return Fibonacci series up to n
    result = []
    a, b = 0, 1
    while a < n:
        a, b = b, a+b
    return result

Then load the plugin and use the module after importing it:

loadPlugin("/path/to/plugin/PluginPy.txt"); //load the Py plugin

fibo = py::importModule("fibo");  //import the module fibo
fib = py::getFunc(fibo,"fib");  //get the fib function
fib(10);  //call fib function, print 0 1 1 2 3 5 8
fib2 = py::getFunc(fibo,"fib2"); //get the fib2 function in the module
re = fib2(10);  //call the fib2 function
re;   //output: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8

4.7 Convert DataFrame to Table with Index Retained

When calling Python functions that return a DataFrame, you can set convert=false of the getFunc function if you want to keep the index as the first column of the converted table. Use the fromPy function to convert the result to a table (set addIndex=true).

Implement a function returned pandas.DataFrame. Save the result as and copy it to the directory where DolphinDB server is located (or to the library path printed by sys.path).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def createDF():
    return df

Load the plugin and import the module demo. Use the function to keep the index of the DataFrame as the first column of the result.

loadPlugin("/path/to/plugin/PluginPy.txt"); //load the Py plugin

model = py::importModule("demo");
func1 = py::getFunc(model, "createDF", false)
tem = func1()
re =  py::fromPy(tem, true)

5. Data Conversion

5.1 From DolphinDB to Python

Data Form Conversion

DolphinDB Form Python Form
vector NumPy.array
matrix NumPy.array
set Set
dictionary Dictionary
table pandas.DataFrame

Data Type Conversion

DolphinDB Type Python Type
BOOL bool
CHAR int64
SHORT int64
INT int64
LONG int64
DOUBLE float64
FLOAT float64
DATE datetime64[D]
MONTH datetime64[M]
TIME datetime64[ms]
MINUTE datetime64[m]
SECOND datetime64[s]
DATETIME datetime64[s]
TIMESTAMP datetime64[ms]
NANOTIME datetime64[ns]
NANOTIMESTAMP datetime64[ns]
DATEHOUR datetime64[s]
vector NumPy.array
matrix NumPy.array
set Set
dictionary Dictionary
table pandas.DataFrame
  • DolphinDB CHAR types are converted into Python int64 type.
  • As the temporal types in Python pandas are datetime64[ns], all DolphinDB temporal types [are converted into datetime64ns] type. MONTH type such as 2012.06M is converted into 2012-06-01 (the first day of the month). TIME, MINUTE, SECOND and NANOTIME types do not include information about date. 1970-01-01 is automatically added during conversion. For example, 13:30m is converted into 1970-01-01 13:30:00.
  • NULLs of logical, temporal and numeric types are converted into NaN or NaT; NULLs of string types are converted into empty strings. If a vector contains NULL values, the data type may change. For example, if a vector of Boolean type contains NULL values, NULL will be converted to NaN. As a result, the vector's data type will be converted to float64, and the TRUE and False values will be converted to 1 and 0, respectively.

5.2 From Python to DolphinDB

Data Form Conversion

Python Form DolphinDB Form
Tuple vector
List vector
Dictionary dictionary
Set set
NumPy.array vector(1d) / matrix(2d)
pandas.DataFrame table

Data Type Conversion

Python Type DolphinDB Type
bool BOOL
int8 CHAR
int16 SHORT
int32 INT
int64 LONG
float32 FLOAT
float64 DOUBLE
datetime64[M] MONTH
datetime64[D] DATE
datetime64[m] MINUTE
datetime64[s] DATETIME
datetime64[h] DATEHOUR
datetime64[ms] TIMESTAMP
datetime64[us] NANOTIMESTAMP
datetime64[ns] NANOTIMESTAMP
  • The numpy.array will be converted to DolphinDB vector (1d) or matrix (2d) based on its dimension.
  • As the only temporal data type in Python pandas is datetime64, all temporal columns of a DataFrame are converted into NANOTIMESTAMP type
  • When a pandas.DataFrame is converted to DolphinDB table, if the column name is not supported in DolphinDB, it will be adjusted based on the following rules:
    • If special characters except for letters, digits or underscores are contained in the column names, they are converted to underscores.
    • If the first character is not a letter, "c" is added as the first character of the column name.