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@github-actions github-actions released this 10 Aug 23:52

Merged PRs


  • 4053: Fix racey updates of NomsBlockStore putCount
    Found this issue while running tests in the new format with the -race flag enabled in ld. Harmless issue as it is only used in tests.
  • 4049: Dropping a non-pk column that is before a primary key column should be diffable.
    Fixes #4037
    The ordering of the primary key columns in returned by Schema.GetAllCols() should not determine diffability.
    If and only if the primary key tags, their ordinal ordering, and their types (in the new format) are equal, two schemas are diffable.
    Schema.GetPkCols() always returns the columns in ordinal order:
  • 4014: Add a variety of skipped bats tests

Closed Issues

  • 3645: Panic in GeometryType.SQL when trying to cast GeometryType to string
  • 4037: dolt diff --summary fails when non-pk column is dropped when it's the first column
  • 4011: As of reach dependent on view commit history