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File metadata and controls

395 lines (268 loc) · 12.3 KB


The configurable items must be returned from the methods of the implementation class of the org.seasar.doma.jdbc.Confing interface.

Return a JDBC DataSource from the getDataSource method. If you need local transactions provided by Doma, return a LocalTransactionDataSource.

See also: :doc:`transaction`


Required item

Return a DataSource's name from the getDataSourceName method. In the environment where multiple DataSources are used, the name is important. You have to give an unique name to each DataSource.

The default value is the full qualified name of the implementation class of Config.

Return a Dialect from the getDialect method. You have to choose an appropriate dialect for the database you use.

Doma provides following dialects:

Database Dialect Name Description
DB2 Db2Dialect  
H2 Database Engine 1.2.126 H212126Dialect H2 Database Engine 1.2.126
H2 Database H2Dialect H2 Database Engine 1.3.171 and above
HSQLDB HsqldbDialect  
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Mssql2008Dialect Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server MssqlDialect Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and above
MySQL MySqlDialect  
Oracle Database 11g Oracle11Dialect Oracle Database 11g
Oracle Database OracleDialect Oracle Database 12g and above
PostgreSQL PostgresDialect  
SQLite SqliteDialect  

These dialect are located in the org.seasar.doma.jdbc.dialect package.


Required item

Return a JdbcLogger from the getJdbcLogger method.

Doma provides following JdbcLogger:

  • org.seasar.doma.jdbc.UtilLoggingJdbcLogger

The default JdbcLogger is UtilLoggingJdbcLogger which uses java.util.logging.

Return a SqlFileRepository from the getSqlFileRepository method.

Doma provides following SqlFileRepositories:

  • org.seasar.doma.jdbc.GreedyCacheSqlFileRepository
  • org.seasar.doma.jdbc.NoCacheSqlFileRepository

The default SqlFileRepository is GreedyCacheSqlFileRepository which caches the result of SQL parsing without limitation.

Return a RequiresNewController from the getRequiresNewController method. RequiresNewController may begin new transactions to makes transaction locked time shorter.

This feature is used only when you use @TableGenerator which generates identities with the table.

The default RequiresNewController does nothing.

Return a ClassHelper from the getClassHelper method.

When the application server and framework you use loads classes with their specific way, consider to create your own ClassHelper.

The default ClassHelper loads classes with Class#forName mainly.

Return a SqlLogType from the getExceptionSqlLogType. The default SqlLogType contains the formatted SQL in exception messages.

Return a UnknownColumnHandler from the getUnknownColumnHandler method. In result set mappings, if an unknown column to an entity class is found, the UnknownColumnHandler handles the situation.

The default UnknownColumnHandler throws an UnknownColumnException.

Return a Naming from the getNaming method. The naming element of @Entity have preference over this value. When you specify explicit value to the name elements of @Table and @Column, the naming convention is not applied to them.

The default Naming does nothing.

Return a MapKeyNaming from the getMapKeyNaming method. The MapKeyNaming is used when the result set is mapped to java.util.Map<String, Object>.

The default MapKeyNaming does nothing.

Return a LocalTransactionManager from the getTransactionManager method. The getTransactionManager method throws UnsupportedOperationException as default.

See also: :doc:`transaction`

Return a Commenter from the getCommenter method.

Doma provides following commenter:

  • org.seasar.doma.jdbc.CallerCommenter

The default Commenter does nothing.

Return a CommandImplementors from the getCommandImplementors method. For example, the CommandImplementors provides you a hook to execute JDBC API.

Return a QueryImplementors from the getQueryImplementors method. For example, the QueryImplementors provides you a hook to rewrite SQL statements.

Return the query timeout (second) from the getQueryTimeout method. This value is used as default in :doc:`query/index`.

Return the max rows from the getMaxRows method. This value is used as default in :doc:`query/select`.

Return the fetch size from the getFetchSize method. This value is used as default in :doc:`query/select`.

Return the batch size from the getBatchSize method. This value is used as default in :doc:`query/batch-insert`, :doc:`query/batch-update` and :doc:`query/batch-delete`.

Return a EntityListenerProvider from the getEntityListenerProvider method. When you want to get entity listeners from a dependency injection container, create your own EntityListenerProvider.

The default EntityListenerProvider get the entity listener from the accepted supplier.

All JDBC drivers are loaded automatically by the service provider mechanism.


But in the specific environment, the mechanism doesn't work appropriately. For example, when you use Apache Tomcat, you will find the case. See also: DriverManager, the service provider mechanism and memory leaks

The simple definition is appropriate in following cases:

  • The configuration instance isn't managed in the dependency injection container
  • Local transactions is used
public class AppConfig implements Config {

    private static final AppConfig CONFIG = new AppConfig();

    private final Dialect dialect;

    private final LocalTransactionDataSource dataSource;

    private final TransactionManager transactionManager;

    private AppConfig() {
        dialect = new H2Dialect();
        dataSource = new LocalTransactionDataSource(
                "jdbc:h2:mem:tutorial;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "sa", null);
        transactionManager = new LocalTransactionManager(

    public Dialect getDialect() {
        return dialect;

    public DataSource getDataSource() {
        return dataSource;

    public TransactionManager getTransactionManager() {
        return transactionManager;

    public static AppConfig singleton() {
        return CONFIG;


Remember to annotate the class with @SingletonConfig

Specify the above class to the config element of @Dao.

@Dao(config = AppConfig.class)
public interface EmployeeDao {

    Employee selectById(Integer id);

The advanced definition is appropriate in following cases:

  • The configuration instance is managed as a singleton object in the dependency injection container
  • The transaction manager is provided from the application server or framework you use

Suppose the dialect and the dataSource are injected by the dependency injection container:

public class AppConfig implements Config {

    private Dialect dialect;

    private DataSource dataSource;

    public Dialect getDialect() {
        return dialect;

    public void setDialect(Dialect dialect) {
        this.dialect = dialect;

    public DataSource getDataSource() {
        return dataSource;

    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
        this.dataSource = dataSource;

To inject the instance of the above class to your DAO implementation instance, you have to annotate your DAO interfaces with @AnnotateWith:

@AnnotateWith(annotations = {
    @Annotation(target = AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR, type = javax.inject.Inject.class),
    @Annotation(target = AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER, type = javax.inject.Named.class, elements = "\"config\"") })
public interface EmployeeDao {

    Employee selectById(Integer id);
@AnnotateWith(annotations = {
    @Annotation(target = AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR, type = javax.inject.Inject.class),
    @Annotation(target = AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER, type = javax.inject.Named.class, elements = "\"config\"") })
public interface DepartmentDao {

    Department selectById(Integer id);

To avoid annotating your DAO interfaces with @AnnotateWith repeatedly, annotate the arbitrary annotation with it only once:

@AnnotateWith(annotations = {
    @Annotation(target = AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR, type = javax.inject.Inject.class),
    @Annotation(target = AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER, type = javax.inject.Named.class, elements = "\"config\"") })
public @interface InjectConfig {

Then, you can annotate your DAO interfaces with the above @InjectConfig annotation:

public interface EmployeeDao {

    Employee selectById(Integer id);
public interface DepartmentDao {

    Department selectById(Integer id);